"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The people of Hyaline would be a few days with sorting themselves out, determining who would stay in Silver Cove and if any would be allowed to return alongside Solace into the unsafe boundaries of Hyaline to hold their motherland.
When their group disperses to find places to gather and bed down in the unfamiliar country Kensa goes to Litotes without hesitation. She is dusty and tired, but she is happy to see him, proud of his boldness. She presses her muzzle to his warm pale neck and then calmly moves north, away from the group, not far, she wanted to be easy to find, but apart. She skirts a blue pool of clean water--nothing to their lake-- and steps into a copse of trees forming a half circle around a nest of medium length grass gone yellow and dead as it awaits snowfall. Here she stops, turning her placid face to look for the cremello stallion.
”Lie.” She says softly in her silver tones, just his nickname and then nothing. The night is going to be cold, and her breath steams in soft clouds around her chocolate muzzle. Now that they are alone the tiredness--physical and emotional--lays claim on her muscles and she takes a step to go to him, to embrace but pauses. Her confidence wavers slightly, this sudden disaster has made her look to him for something she does not know if he wants to give her. They’ve been in innocent flirtation and stirred at embers of lust, but that’s different from this. Different from having someone to sink against when the world seems dark.
Looking away, her topaz eyes roam over the grassy plain where others are settling, the grass going orange-gold under the fading light. She isn’t defeated, her bravado from earlier still burns, but all of this change is bigger and heavier than any she has had to bear before and she isn’t sure if she has anyone to bear it with. There was a boy somewhere in Beqanna who she had held once through his hurts...but no one has ever held Kensa, or needed to. She is not one for tears and dwelling on dark fears. Except for right now, as night comes upon her in this place that is not her home.
She is going to do all she can for these people and others like them who need a safe place to land. Come what may. The plague may rip her from this earth, but she lives with a ferocity that will make it one hell of a fight.
What a child she was when she climbed into Hyaline, when she made herself almost sick on sweet plums and gave kisses to a sad boy she found in a lake.
i'm burning like a fire gone wild on saturday
guess i won't be coming to church on sunday
i'll be waiting for love to come around
The force of Beqanna cannot go ignored. All of Hyaline (now Silver Cove) quickly learns that. They gathered and discussed: each member now so critically important to keeping The Sanctuary just as it is called (a sanctuary). Litotes is heavy with thought, burden, and responsibility. His love for his herd-family shivers and shakes in his chest - oh, the things he will do to keep them safe. Peace and freedom, both so deeply carved into his chest by trauma, demand to be heard and delivered, and Lie is now their messenger boy. Willing and completely able, he stands proud.
As the crowd separates to make home the foreign land, Litotes is still statuesque in thought. Only when Kensa comes to his side, so eager and wonderfully familiar, does he come back to reality. The warmth of her muzzle of to his neck is greatly welcome - Litotes returns the affection by rubbing his cheek to hers (an exchange so quick, one would think they had been doing it for years). For the moment she is still by his side, he peers at her with the most quiet of fondness. How the two had bonded: together, free by the lake - then together again, in the ocean (in a cave, accompanied by a secret feather Lie has yet to reveal) - so many unsaid secrets and passing conversations.
It is without a thought, that the teenager made a man in his feelings follows his companion.
Beneath the trees he feels hidden, perhaps sheltered from the critical eyes of his new title. Beside Kensa, though, he forgets what doubts may come his way.
Lie. He faces her, relaxes beneath her collected gaze. The silent stallion watches her small step forward, notes her hesitation, and succumbs to his own. Uncharted territory: that is what he calls this, the comfort and care that has unknowingly intertwined itself with the flirtation and lust. Even experiencing worry for those he cares for on a surface level does not prepare him for this - this centuries old gorge just now overflowing in chest.
Protect, comfort, perhaps one day love: Lie knows now that he wants to hold Kensa, that he hates seeing her uncertainty and exhaustion.
Rather than drive him away, the loss of Kensa’s gaze furthers his need to tuck her into his side. Even as she looks away, Lie presses forward. It takes just a moment to feel her side so warm against his. Lie lays his neck across her withers, tucking his head into her neck and hopefully encouraging her to bring her head to his chest (in this moment he wants nothing more than for her to take refuge there). He stays there, quiet, then murmurs, “Kens . . .” A new nickname, one that slips out but feels right.
“I have something for you,” he rumbles, voice hovering just an octave above a whisper. Lie removes his head from their embrace and gently reveals the brilliant blue feather hiding precariously at the base of his mane. A smile, genuine and excited, lights up his face. He places it delicately into her mane, playing different strands of her hair until it feels firm in its place.
“I found it in the cave, but I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you,” he admits, pale pink blush spreading across his cheeks
i don't want your pity, i just want somebody near me guess i'm a coward, i just want to feel all right
11-05-2018, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2018, 07:26 PM by Kensa.)
for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle
Until now she had expected the cremello stallion to follow her whenever she threw a smile his way. It was a youthful confidence, knowing on a primal level that she held a sway over him because she was beautiful and fresh. Tonight she feels a thousand years old, nothing like the vivacious girl who had run wild over Hyaline.
When he comes to her, embraces her she knows it’s because he wants to. She tucks herself into him immediately, her cheek settling against his muscular chest, her head resting easy under the shelter of him. He offers safety and she surrenders into it. In the moments that they embrace she exhales raggedly, closing her gemstone eyes. “I can hardly believe this is happening. We have volunteered to dive into the flames.” She laughs then, a sound of disbelief weighed down by weariness, and also irony because was she not Hyaline’s tomb raider? Racing after trouble like a raider of secrets?
Her name, abbreviated upon his lips baptizes her in a comfort and warm happiness that soothes her into giving him a smile. As Lie draws back she raises her head to watch him produce a blue feather he’d managed to secret on his person and carry around. Her look of surprise is is warmed with laughter as he carefully places this gift. She looks at it a little while, a blue feather nested there in the flaxen tangle of her mane. ”It’s lovely! I needed a good surprise.” Smiling again she draws close to him and brushes her lips happily against his. Drawing back again to shake her mane out, just to be sure his gift is secure. It stays beautifully amongst her locks, a reminder of a simpler time...a reminder of their ever growing bond.
“We should rest, and then head back home.” Hyaline was calling to her already, but they could steal a few hours to hold each other and close their eyes as two youthful romantics...because when they left these trees and returned to their kingdom it would be as Ambassador and General in a plague ridden new world. The chestnut girl draws near and rests her head over his withers, no longer afraid to look for comfort in his embrace.
for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.
11-06-2018, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2018, 01:09 AM by litotes.)
Kensa is warm and wonderful against his skin. Relief washes slowly down his spine, one small and tingly wave unclenching each of his muscles.
Her words ring true: the two are racing headlong into an abyss they know almost nothing of. General and Ambassador of Hyaline - Kagerus’ cadence rings powerfully in his ears. He thinks, just for passing a second, that it suits them; and he cannot a imagine a better person to be accepting the position with. Excitement pulses at the thought of what he might learn, but quickly fades beneath exhaustion.
Lie closes his eyes, tucks himself into Kensa just as she tucks herself into him. He is glad to shine a little light in a world seemingly so bleak, but knows no real response is required.
Together, the two drift off: resting for the weights they are sure to carry later on.
i don't want your pity, i just want somebody near me guess i'm a coward, i just want to feel all right
@[Kensa] just a suuuuuuper quick reply to wrap this up !! <3