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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Drops Of Sunshine {Any}

    Today she wakes just as the sea birds begin to rise for their morning meal.  Her Emerald form returns to an upright position as she stretches out each rear limb.  A yawn leaves her jaws gapping open for a brief minute and then she shakes away the sleep from her mind.  It was a beautiful day in Nerine and she wasn't going to waste a second.

    Sunlit eyes find her mother grazing within the swaying sea grasses but she has no intentions of joining the cream mare.  There were caverns to explore just along the coastline, with promises of carefree adventure.  It was slightly too bad she was alone.  A friend would be sooo great to have, she thinks.  She had always wanted a friend.

    As her hooves clip along the rocky flats, she sings herself a little tune.  It was happy and bouncy and just put you in a great mood.  The ever present smile on her face grew bigger as she switched to humming.  The peridot hue of her coat shimmered in the brightening day.  Not much on the island was as green as she was.  Even the grass was more blueish.  In fact everything was kind of a tad dull...

    She hopped along the plates of rocks that made up the cliffs.  Careful not to step on a crack(cause those will break your mother's back).  One leap, two leap, three... "Aaagghhhh," she wailed. Her front left limb slipped on the slick surface as she made her third leap.  Luckily she was able to regain balance without tumbling over the cliff ledge, "Pheww, that was close." 

    Escaping the clutches of sure death, she continues on.  Curling around one bend and seeking a narrow passage hidden from the untrained eye.  With her muzzle she brushes aside the flora that masked it.  Not realizing something, someone had been watching her...


    The ebony winged filly wasn't at all stupid.

    She'd overheard her mother and Solace talking; she knew there was a strong possibility that she would be spending her next year in Nerine if he mother came around. The dark-coloured filly had already been exploring Hyaline's kingdom and a part of the riverlands - to her, it was just another step to cross the border into an actual other kingdom. She wanted to know what the horses here were like, and if possible, perhaps she could find out who was to be her mentor here. Little did she know this detail had not yet been discussed; but she could only hope to find out about the land.

    She took the long route today, hoping to not be found by Solace while doing it - hiding by the shoreline, there was a chance that the cerulean-winged female would overlook the little shadow of a girl, by hiding under the rocks from time to time. Every now and then, Tähti would use her wings to glide short distances where the rocks were too slippery - and suddenly with a change of the wind, she felt more than smelled that she must now be past the scent border.

    She continued her 'stealthy' approach of the Great And Powerful And Mysterious Nerine, hopping rocks and sometimes flying up a small piece. But she came to a sudden halt when she saw something moving. Something bright, looking like another horse, and coming her way! In a small moment of panic, the winged filly hid herself behind a rock - peeking out, she was relieved to see that the other was a brightly coloured filly, and did not at all look threatening. Now her instincts all told her to go play with her, and without thinking of it much, she glided towards the other (flying was a bit tiresome honestly) to meet with her. "Hello! I'm Tähti! Who are you?" she wished to know.
    She was just about smart enough not to add in that she was actually from Hyaline here and also without supervision.

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
    ©HTML Tiny

    @[Kiwi] Intruder alert! lol

    Just when she was peeling back the curtain of vines, her ears flicked back at the sound of a voice.  Startled, she jumps straight up with a bit of a twist.  Bringing her sideways to the creeper and blocking the mysterious path. In her surprised she squeals, "Ahhhh..." Sunset eyes wide, look to the blackish filly.  "You scared me!  Y...you shouldn't sneak up on ponies like that," she comments with a winded breath.  The quickening beat of her heart was slowly being to level out.

    Finding her courage once again, she looks to the winged girl who had introduced herself as Tahti.  "My name's Kiwi... I've never seen you around here before.  You new or somethin'?" Her curiousity is only because she has been the only one her age for as long as she can remember.  It has been rather boring with all these adults around.  

    Suddenly her excitement grows at the possibility that she could have a friend finally.  So without consideration of the fillies answer, if it had been one of mystery or refusal, she perks up, "You wanna explore some caves with me?!  Look here," her body turns towards the viney curtain again to sweep it aside with her muzzle.  "This secret path leads down a cliff side and there are a few caves along the way.  I like to shout into them and hear my BIG voice!" Rather proud of herself she puffs her chest out to seem bigger.  Sunset eyes look to the dark girl for an answer to her proposal...



    The raven filly settles down, fiddling with her wings a little to make them align properly. "I wasn't!" she pouts. Not really at least. "You're just too occupied to notice." she sticks out her tongue, but her tone has been way too cheerful that it is obvious that she is not angry or anything. She's far too interested in what she has to say.

    The ebony girl blinks at the brightness of Kiwi's coat, then smiles at her. Her own mother is also bright in the sun, though not green and yellow. "I'm visiting! I hope you don't mind?" she asks just to be sure.
    But the seriousness of Tähti's little invasion is soon forgotten, by both the girls. They're too excited to meet someone their age. "Oh! That looks fun!" It doesn't even come to her mind that other creatures or anything could live down that cave that they might disturb, to be honest, she hasn't done a lot of cave-exploring before in Hyaline either. Only walked down crevices and the caves near the lake, but on her own, she is in fact less daring than she cares to admit to anyone else. But together? Heck, yes!

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
    ©HTML Tiny


    Life has been good to the peridot girl.  She had found her mother quite quickly in the mossy forests that the fairies watched over.  Sometimes she thinks of the tiny creatures and misses their sparkly kisses.  Her new home though was fun and mother let her explore.  She knew her mother worried of the troubles the young child may get into but never allowed worries to hinder the girls bright spirit.  So when she set off that morning, she was determined to enjoy life to the fullest and now she had a friend! She was beaming inside.

    She was too excited to take offense to the dark girls denial of sneaking about.  Happy to here the filly was visiting and she asked to further questions to from where and who with.  It didn't matter at the moment.  With the vined curtain peeled away and invitation given, she hops a little when the girl seems to agree to an adventure. She squeals happily, "YAY! Ok, you go first... This is gonna be super duper fun!" Allowing the winged filly to enter the hidden passage before she follows behind her.  Sunset eyes adjusting quickly to the dimmer lighting through the trail of cliffs and scarce vegetation.  

    She settles into a bouncy skip and comes up beside her new friend.  Her sides brush along the girls wings and she states, "My momma has wings just like you... They aren't dark though."  Another few bounds forwards and she questions the filly, "Do you like flying?  I like skipping... Wanna see?!"  Without hesitation she leaps forward.  Hard hooves clip clop on the hard rocks below as she demonstrations her skipping abilities.  It wasn't as great as flying but it was pretty fun.

    Another few skipping strides and the rocky trail abruptly ends and bends around a corner to reveal the ocean below and towering cliffs above.  Looking back to Tahti briefly, she was not paying attention to the path ahead of her.  When she looks back before her, her hunches buckle to stop herself from tumbling over the edge, hooves skidding on the smooth terrain with a screech, "Ooohhhhh Noooooo...."   Her fore hooves stiffen and hold firm, trying to stop herself from plummeting off the cliff ledge... 


    I give up on trying to get your tag to work XD

    Tähti gleams as well - having a friend in Nerine was going to be so much fun! She hopes that she will be able to come here more often, and wonders if she will have to do that quietly like today or perhaps if Solace goes with her she will be allowed to go. She does not think it possible that her mother will leave Hyaline for a visit to another kingdom, honestly - she's occupied with... stuff. Whatever.

    She jumps a bit, excited when her new friend pulls the curtains away and Tähti presses her summer-black body through. She waits for her new vibrant-coloured friend to join her, and Kiwi is soon talking next to the ebony filly. She asks about the wings although she does not really expect or await an answer; so the Hyalinian girl is also quick to forget and instead tries to mimic the skipping. She chuckles. "I can't fly in here anyway." The cave is only just about wide enough to expand her wings, but if she were to try and lift off, she'd hit the ceiling way too fast. She grins at her friend. "Maybe the adults don't even fit!"

    That is until Kiwi reaches the end of the tunnel, which turns out to be a ridge near the sea, and slips on the wet ground. The only thing Tähti thinks of, is - unfortunately for the green girl - to grab a tail and pull her back. She has little hold on the wet stone floor as well, and has to use her wings to propel them both a few steps back.

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
    ©HTML Tiny

    I put automatic subscription on because I think you're not going to be the only one.

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