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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Desolation comes upon the sky // Porcia/Any


    Well, despite it all ("it all" being the fact that she had a kingdom to call her family filled with women who were the embodiment of everything she stood for, a gift she literally could not have dreamed of after being welcomed back to life), Scorch couldn't help but sort of hate it here. No, obviously she didn't hate it here - but it would never be home the same way the Jungle had been.

    She stood under some trees today, trying her best to stay out of the sunlight. Back home, she'd never needed to worry about sunburns, as the thick jungle forest protected her delicate skin at all times; here, if she forgot to shield herself with some shadows, she'd literally end up burnt and crispy. Even now, some blood trails down from where her skin cracks and rips open, most noticeably from her withers.

    Damn this place and its autumn sun... she grumbled to herself, fighting the urge to scratch her sunburn against the bark of a dead birch tree nearby. That seriously wouldn't help - and god forbid she go for a dip in the ocean. Not only would the salt water make her cuts sting, it would shrivel and dry up her skin all the more. Seriously not pleasant.

    Snapping her teeth moodily in the direction of the tempting birch tree, Scorch turned around to go in search of a pond she knew to be nearby. It was a shaded little body of water, so hopefully cool enough to ease the searing sensation of her body. Or maybe she'd be interrupted by some interesting company along the way, to distract her from her meaningless agony.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]
    As odd as it was Porcia has grown to call Nerine her home. She was much the opposite of most of the Nerinian members, optimistic with life. But that was not always a bad thing, she had much to learn, and she was able to learn much from her fellow kingdom members.Her heart yearned to grow a bond with them as she has spent much of her time alone with Rome or occasionally with Hestia.

    She devoted herself to the kingdom as a diplomat and even offered to be a spy for the kingdom. Although she has neglected her duties with all the time she spent with Rome. To show for it her bulging stomach as she was growing a life (unkown to her twins!) It must be fate because out of the corner of her eye she caught Scorch moving in the shadows of Nerine.

    She remembers the hairless mare from her first Kingdom, she was Hestia's Advisor. She was in charge of the diplomats and even though she did not know Scorch personally she admired her. If she cared for Hestia as much as Porcia did, she wanted nothing more than to prove herself to the mare.

    She quickly shifts directions and bounds over towards Scorch, a low whinny escapes her maw making her presence known. Scorch! she yells out, slowing once she was a few steps away. Watcha doin? she acquires hopeful to be able to join her. But as she looked to find the mares gaze she could not help but notice the blood that slowly trailed on her withers. Scorch you are bleeding! Her eyes grew wide and she began to panick, did she not feel it?!

    Tell Me Your Fate



    Ah, motherhood. The duty was not unfamiliar to Scorch, in fact it was one of the most cherished journeys she had ever been on. Since they’re own first children (twins, just like Porcia), Scorch and her husband Hestoni had fallen in love more than just with each other, but with the lives that they created and the infinite potential for more. (Or at least, they thought it infinite). Breeding season still reigned over Beqanna, and indeed the long-wed fire couple were not immune to its charms; in fact, Scorch had been on her way to their little lagoon just not for some more romps through the water... and each other, after a little frisky foreplay. Though they’d never needed to try quite this hard for children in the past, they wanted to be sure this time - Hestoni had, after all, just returned from the world of the dead. That was worth celebrating.

    A low whinny and some accompanying hoofbeats alerted Scorch of a distraction before her planned frolick. Turning with an inquisitive perk of her ears, she returned the low call, identifying the approaching mars as Porcia; they’d never met before, but she knew of her through kingdom meetings. Going over the winged unicorn with a keen red-yellow eye, the Advisor offered a smile, and decided that Hestoni could wait an hour or two before getting his carnal reward for returning from death.

    “Hello Porcia,” she offered in her brusque, charred voice. She inhaled to respond to the appaloosa’s next, rather informal inquiry, when the woman bursted out with a question that left Scorch chuckling. Ah, the naiveity of young women; she missed it. Stepping in time with the new diplomat, Scorch reached across the distance between them to reassuringly press her nose to Procia’s neck. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

    Straightening, she turned with a pleasant smile to watch the scenery unfold before them as they walked. When you’re getting laid as much as Scorch, it’s hard to stay grumpy for long. “I’m on my way to a cool fresh water lagoon on the west side of the kingdom, to soothe that which so panics you.” She cocker a brow, gently teasing her new companion. “Being hairless due to fire makes one quite susceptible to sunburns - but don’t worry, the bleeding is superficial.”

    Rolling her shoulders, Scorch glanced to Porcia with another smile. “So, what brings you here today, Porcia? Has the autumn been treating you well?” It could be an innocent question, but... well, we shall have to wait and see for Porcia’s answer!


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]
    Porcias panic quickly subsides when the hairless mare laughed, she touches her nose to her neck assuring her it was okay. A sigh of relief escapes her maw and the fear she felt approaching the intimidating mare has left her body. Scorch was surprisingly gentle, for now at least.

    They walked, well Porcia followed, wherever it was that Scorch was originally journeying too. The lagoon as she announces, and she is almost embarassed that she had never been to the lagoon. She was so fascinated by the beach that she never even stumbled upon the pool of water. She grows eager to lay her eyes upon the new scenery. Scorch notes that the lagoon will soothe the pain that Porcia was initially so worried about. A smile grew on her maw, she was relieved to hear that the mares pain would be eased by the water. She then proceeds to tell Porcia that she was hairless due to a fire, and because of that she was prone to sunburns. It all made sense and she was pleased to know the truth as to why the mare had no hair. It had to be a pretty common question she came across, and Porcia had no thought to ask the question herself, luckily it was answered.

    I am sorry that you have to bare such a nuisance, I have to admit I have never been to the lagoon so I am eager to see it myself. They continued on there walk, Scorch glances over asking Porcia what brought her to Scorch' side, as well as how the season was going. Was it obvious? Was she no longer able to deny the fact that she was with a foal? She shakes the thoughts from her heads, she almost forgot why she originally sought out the mare.

    Truthfully, I have been looking for you. Scorch was probably not as hard to find as she made it sound, but Porcia was much to distracted by Rome. I have been meaning to talk to you about diplomatic duties. the fear settled back in, what if Scorch did not think she was worthy of her new position? With a gulp she musters up the courage to speak once again I would like to travel with you on the next diplomatic visit, I also want to be more involved. Is there anything I can do for you? She hopes that the mare will not view her as a child, and will give her the responsibilities she so eagerly desires. As for the topic of autumn she could not refrain a smile from her maw autumn has been well, seems like Nerine will be having its share of foals this year. She did not deny her own pregnancy, but she also pointed out the fact that she was not the only one. She hoped to find Hestia and notify her first of her pregnancy, the mother figure she was. Hestia was hard to come by now a days, the ebony mare did not even know about Rome, it may come as a surprise to her. What about you? How has autumn been? she offers the same question to Scorch.

    Tell Me Your Fate

    @[Scorch] OOC: hey! her profile was a little wonky, shes just a plain pony no wings or horn, I updated her profile.


    "It's no fault of yours," Scorch interjected upon hearing Porcia's apology, but she listened on to what the mare had to say about the lagoon. She smiled, happy to be the one introducing others to new things for once in her life...

    After all, for Scorch, it had been the opposite. Until the adoption of her daughter, Philomena, she'd never graced the sands of Nerine's beaches, instead drawn to what little forests there were dotting the inland. She would always look for some semblance of the Jungle in her new cliff-side home; but when her daughter had shown her the beauty of the cliffs and of the sea, Scorch couldn't help but to admit that yes, there was beauty here, too. And by all means, the constant crashing of the waves reminded her of the Jungle's eternal cacophony.

    But the conversation flowed past this trivial thing, and Scorch's expression changed from gentle lagoon-lounger to that closer to her true position here: head of peace, second to the Queen, amazon Legend. The curve of her smile settled into a hard line, and the red-yellow of her dragon eyes sparked like kindling. Looking for me, hey? She thought to herself. As of yet, none of the diplomats had approached her like this - but perhaps, she ought to have approached them. Still, she's thankful to Porcia - and if anything, she only proved her willingness more by seeking out Scorch herself.

    "When I am next needed to visit another kingdom, I shall be glad to have you accompanying me, Ambassador." The other's new title rang true in Scorch's mouth; Porcia deserved the promotion Hestia had granted her. "As for further duties, those of the diplomat rarely change - the difference between an ambassador and a trainee is the intensity with which they attack their prescribed duty. What I mean to say is, if you feel called to steal, steal with an intention, and as often as possible. If you feel called to recruit, do so upon every available opportunity." After a moment, she added a final thought. "And frankly, if you're interested in being well rounded, challenge someone. Perhaps an Ischian brother, if not a Nerinian sister - I wouldn't recommend going in for the kill on one's first try, though I mean that in the nicest way."

    Exhaling, Scorch was glad for the other mare to being speaking again, giving her a chance to shut her gob for more than half a breath. When she realized what Porcia meant, a knowing and foxy grin split Scorch's lips - ah, so she wasn't the only one getting laid these days. And no, it was too early in the season for Porcia to be showing; but that's doesn't mean that Scorch didn't have a feeling, anyway.

    "Congratulations are in order then," Scorch allowed - and just as those words left her, the pair came upon the lagoon. It was a wide body of water nested in birch and pine trees that offered plenty of shade from the overhead sun. Without much warning, Scorch surged into the shallows and then some, until she stood with the cool water up to her withers. A sigh of relief escaped her noisily, and as the silence continued between them, she bent her head to take a deep drink. That's better now.

    Straightening, she made her way back to the topic at hand. "As for me - well, my husband and I are trying for number eleven." She smiled to say it, feeling her stomach clench in response. Then, a chuckle rumbled from her broad chest, disturbing the stilled water. Her brow cocked in Porcia's direction. "A little different than number one, hey?" For as far as she knew, the mare before her had yet to foal.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

    At first glance she was intimidated by the hairless mare, she had a barrier up from the others. But once you get to know her, Scorch is a genuinely caring mare. This only assures Porcia even more that Nerine was the correct kingdom for her. Hestia was her mother figure in life since she had been misplaced from her own mother; although she can see Scorch in a motherly figure as well. She quickly grew fond of the mare in there conversation together.

    Scorch notes that she will find Porcia when she makes a visit to another kingdom and she dips her head thankful for the opportunity. She is excited to really put her diplomatic duties to the test, she is ready to guide the newest diplomat members of the kingdom. Before she can speak again Scorch tells her of the difference in her new rank from her last. How they are genuinely similar, the duties do not change, but the hesitation is now removed. If a steal should be accomplished she will need to strike with no second thoughts. If a recruitment is needed she will need to worm her way into the conversation.

    I understand she smiles in response, her mind is running a thousands miles a minute. So much to think about, so much to have planned. Lastly Scorch mentions to be the best she should try out a battle or two, even a friendly one amongst the kingdom members or an Ischian member. She nods, it was a smart idea, Porcia was not much of a fighter and the higher rank she climbs the more vulnerable she is to attacks and steals. She will need to become proficient in fighting, to be able to protect herself, and her kingdom members.

    Her eyes grew wide when the conversation shifts, Congratulations are in order then. Did she just give away her own secret? She exhales a breath of relief and dips her head gently thank you she mumbles. Butterflies swarm in her stomach, the thought of having a foal this season, she will have a life to care for. A life that will depend on her and Rome to live, and one that will look to them for constant assurance and love, but she was ready.

    She gazes as Scorch enters the lagoon and she is pleased to see some relief is provided to her burnt body. She follows in behind her, allowing the water to rise to her knees. It was cool, but it still felt nice, it was much calmer from the roaring ocean water. Her eyes flick back to Scorch as she notes she is trying for her ELEVENTH child. She could not even imagine! Such an accomplishment Best of luck Scorch! Her voice was filled with excitement. She is barely the mother of her first, and Scorch has already birthed and raised eleven children. An admiral task from the mare I would love to meet one of your children. That is if she still spoke to them, it was not uncommon for children to travel off onto there own adventure.

    Tell Me Your Fate



    The mare opposite Scorch said she understood, and so she took her at her word for it. Though her eyes seemed rather clouded over as her brain processed all that had been said to her, Scorch trusted that Porcia would be able to ask follow up questions later on should the need arise. Especially on the note of battling would Scorch encourage the ambassador - for speaking from experience, though she'd been brought up in the war caste, her true calling had been and continued to be peace, no matter what the scars on her body seemed to say.

    Before long however, they came to the lagoon and settled into it. Scorch was pleasantly surprised to see Porcia joining her in the waters, for quite a few of the Nerinians did not enjoy the water like she did. She figured that she herself enjoyed it because it reminded her of the humidity of her true home, the Amazon Jungle - and she hoped that this young mare would find some comfort in its waters, too.

    These reverent thoughts were interrupted by the blatant surprise on the appaloosa's face at the announcement of Scorch's practical harem. Another deep chuckle reverberated in Scorch's chest at the other's expression, feeling all too much like a wizened mentor around such a young fresh little thing. It was a good feeling to be sure, but weird nonetheless; she'd been mother to many, many creatures, but it never made that sensation of pseudo adoption any less foreign and surreal.

    "Thank you," She replied throatily, still chuckling to herself. "As for my children, there are many you could meet, even here in Nerine. Vi has come just recently, Sarkis may be around somewhere, and Reshi is my granddaughter. Then there's Leilan in Ischia, and Shahrizai in the meadow, though he's holed up with his wife too often to be of any use as one to chat with." In her mind, she went over the rest of the list, wondering if she could suggest them to her new friend; Noori, Kaida, Simeon, Wrynn, Volcan. Ea of course had passed away, as had Rain in childbirth. More than half her children lost to the Beyond - but still, she held ferociously onto the hope that they might one day resurface from that strange land, to return to her arms with the embrace only a mother and her child can share.

    Shaking off the weighted thought, Scorch looked once more to Porcia. "So, the father - is he in the picture?" Invasive, but Scorch always had been anyway.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]
    It was a lot to take in, she was eager to be the best Ambassador for Nerine and she truly would take Scorch's advice but it would have to wait. Once she birthed her foal she could test out the waters in a battle, she could go back to stealing, for now she felt safer isolated in the kingdom. It was less likely she would be stolen, and less likely to cause harm to her unborn child. Beside her time alone with Rome was quickly coming to an end and she wanted to soak up every moment with him before they grew into a family of three.

    Scorch and Porcia both enjoyed the warmth of the lagoon, it was interesting and much warmer than the oceans cool water. It was certainly a nice hidden token that she did not know layed in the kingdom! Her gaze flicks back to Scorch as she speaks, she notes that there are many of her children that she could meet, even a few in Nerine. Her interest peaks, was she so oblivious to the fact that Scorch had children still living in the kingdom they all shared? She lists off a few names, although none are familiar to her I look forward to meeting some of them in the future. A genuine smile is on her face, she could only hope they were as great a company as Scorch.

    For a few moments Scorch seemed lost in her own thoughts, reliving her history with each child. But she quickly snapped back to reality, the father, is he in the picture? Scorch asks Porcia and she could feel her body growing warm with embarrassment. Porcia liked to pretend that no one else could tell she was pregnant, and if she did not say the word aloud no one would know, but her stomach was rounded now and she could not keep it a secret.

    Her nerves calm and a smile tugs are her maw, she nods her head Yes, his name is Rome. She pauses picturing her spotted lover, he lives in Nerine, but we have pretty much always been together. She was not sure what he did when they were not together, but she doubts he had run into very many kingdom residents, like Porcia had not. None the less, she asks Scorch, perhaps they knew each other in travels? Have you ever met him? her eyes glow, just speaking of him made her heart flutter.

    Tell Me Your Fate

    @[Scorch] sorry it took forever to get up a response!


    Porcia allowed that she would be happy to meet her children, and Scorch smiled silently in response. Many of her children were rather fiery as it were, and Porcia might be in for quite a shock. In truth, the babes resembled Scorch as she had been in her younger years. Though immortal now, there was no denying Scorch's wisened years and wizened body. But back when spritely and spitfire had been two adjectives easily ascribed to the mare, she'd been a lot like her children are now. She wished Porcia the fun of those encounters.

    Upon hearing the name Rome, Scorch attempted to picture a face, but no one appeared to match the name. Still, she was glad to hear that long term couples still existed out there in the vastness of Beqanna; sometimes, in the melodrama of it all, she felt as if it were her and Hestoni against a world of loose-legged child producers. It felt better to know that there was at least one other couple.

    "I'm afraid I have not, but I certainly will." Heaving herself from the lagoon's warmth, Scorch clambered drippingly on to the shore. It didn't take long for her to dry however, as she hadn't any fur for the droplets to cling to. With a smile, she lowered her hammerhead to Porcia, and excused herself with a friendly politeness. "It was lovely getting to know you, Porcia, and I won't forget about our kingdom visit together, whenever that might come about. I must away however - the husband calls." Giving a foxy little wink, Scorch turned on her heels and made her way towards the said stallion, some naughty things on her mind.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    @[Porcia] loved having this thread with you <3
    [Image: scorch2.png]

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