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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Legit question for you BQ lifers- Brotherhood?
    So I wasn't here before the reckoning so I don't know the old kingdoms at all.  And I know IC I am questioning the brotherhood but maybe someone can explain exactly what the idea behind it is...? Thus preventing a drawn out IC conversation.  I'm assuming it's like the sisterhood of Nerine(Amazons)?  Does that mean only stallions are allowed?  Is there a code they live by? I just have no idea lol

    I'm legitimately curious as I don't care what happens to Ischia either way.  Obviously the plot we were working up to is screwed anyhow XD
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Basically you have the right idea. Nerine is mostly women but under Hestia accepting some men. If the Brotherhood takes Ischia, it will be 90% men; historically the role of women has been determined mostly by the King at the time. Under Brennen, a few women who have proven themselves through some mechanism and approved by a certain number of brothers will be able to hold rank. How hard that is will be decided by the brothers themselves. They live by a code, also generally determined by the king but usually mostly utmost loyalty to each other. The code might be set out IC this time around.
    Oh ok... So basically my entire family has to move.  I was hoping maybe it was more family oriented since most seem to be Brennens' family as Nerine seems to be Scorches.
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    I mean they value family very highly, because obviously Brennen values his, but it is a Brotherhood primarily so it will be way easier for boys to advance. /shrugs/ in the past the zons&tundra have been very closely linked so as long as Brennen continues to get along with Hestia I imagine that Nerine and Ischia will be closely linked as well. He’ll be sending some of his own daughters there. Overall it’s malleable but Brennen values those who align with his values more than some hard to define ideal so it will all depend on how the brothers want to structure it.
    I took it as that family/girls can stay but that they’d have to know they are getting into a more rough environment (because put lots of boys together and that’s what you get) and that if they want ranks specifically THEN they have to prove themselves.

    But honestly I would vote to have every Brother prove themselves in a similar way. Let the test be challenging for men but not restricted to men, just less likely for women to succeed (you know maybe like marines/navy seals etc)
    Scorch actually sent her sons to Ischia as well as her grandsons Smile It's less about ooc rules and more about the IC political climate etc. Ultimately what I understand from what Devin said is that, if you have a mare who is dying IC to be a part of the brotherhood, then we'll make it work! Just like how Mirage's Walter is a part of Nerine despite being the only stallion there (although Hestoni will be joining the ranks soon too). For the most part, it's kinda just natural that men wouldn't want to serve a sisterhood, and women wouldn't want to serve a brotherhood. But that's a generalization, and from what I understand, the anomalies who feel differently won't be classified with the generalized group Smile
    Is it strange I'm picturing boarding schools XD and a big tree fort sign that says "no girls allowed" lmao
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    And perhaps one of the boys will have added ‘(except pretty ones)’ on that sign bwahaha

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