I turned my alabaster splashed face to witness my mother become one with the waves. The familiar form of splashed blue hide and bone magically transforming into the slick grey porpoise. She hadn't looked back, not once. Had I meant that little to her...? Maybe. Confusion overcame me as I stood silently. I didn't not run. Did not panic. I felt small against the vast seas before me. I felt alone...
Pulling my scarlet eyes from the white capped waves I looked back to where the stone mare stood, had stood. She too vanishing from my sight. With a whispered snort I stepped forward towards the sea-green landscape. Each hoof carefully placed as I steadied myself. There was no longer a crutch to hold her and falling was not an option.
Ebony fluff tail twitched upon my rump as I continued on my way, reaching the windswept grasses. The breeze forcing sea salt into my already parched lips. An instinct told me i needed water and my belly rumbled. Looking to the grasses I did not crave them. I did not know what I needed, but I was determined to figure it out...
I stopped to look across the land. The slender blades of vegetation swept across my ivory splashed belly. I raise my hind limb and kick at the irritation upon me. As I lash out a swarm of spring-legged bugs pounce from their resting places within the grass. Crimson gaze flicks predator-like at the creatures as they once again rest. Singling out one, my eyes narrowed. Something deep within my geno surfaced just then. Mouth watering. Ink ears fall back as I readied for the attack. My body morphs, fading into the landscape, only a transparent shade remains...
My prey watched with globed eyes. Unsuspecting of my planned attack. Vulnerable. Weak. Such simple creatures. It takes only a second, there then not. I pluck my prey from it's perch. It's spindly legs scramble upon my tongue as I end it's short pathetic life.
It was small but satisfying. Enough for now. My body fades back to it's ink and alabaster form once again. I move on from my location and venture farther inland. Away from the beaches. Abandoned and alone...