Wanna Play a Game?
Ooc: FYI don't do starter threads when your tired XD
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
GAME OVER [Any who dare play, Jinju]
The summer sun is dimmed by the trees overhead, but there is still plenty of light by which to navigate the woods.
Djinni is alone this afternoon, having sent Ivar off to play in the water, and she wanders the familiar path with no real destination in mind. Is it rare for her to have time alone - a consequence of parenthood - and she is almost relaxed when she hears the sound of hoofsteps. The source is farther into the woods, and Djinni muffles a sigh as she alters her direction to move closer. She is in her natural form, so the mousy grey and white mare that steps from behind a beech tree to stand in front of the black stranger is far from intimidating. She is barely more than a pony, with her mother's delicate build. Yet the way that she stands between the stranger and the rest of the land of Sylva is full of confidence, and her voice is friendly as she greets him. "Welcome to Sylva." She tells the stranger. "What brings you to our woods?" D J I N N I
genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
04-09-2017, 09:18 PM
Raxa was a loyal warrior for the kingdom. She performed her duties with the utmost effort she could, watching over the others who lived here, going out on mock battles, and patrolling the borders to make sure there were no threats present that could harm any members of the kingdom.
Which is why she was one of the first to pick up on something wrong. Raxa just seemed to know when there was trouble somewhere on the border line, perhaps an innate sense she developed because her desire to protect Sylva was that strong. She didn't know why she could sense it, and didn't complain; it helped her have a grasp on things around here, confront the trouble before the threat got any bigger. Raxa had been with Anahi a while ago, learning about some speaking tactics. Raxa wasn't usually one to watch her mouth, much like Zhenga, and that got her in trouble. As a seasoned warrior and kingdom members, she knew she also had to learn how to show respect if she wished for Sylva's best fortune. So, she'd taken to asking Anahi for lessons on how to present oneself. Anahi had been teaching her for a few weeks now, and Raxa was making some progress. After their work that morning ended, Raxa left Anahi in the herd's main grazing meadow, going out to look over the borders. When she felt something was wrong, she picked up the pace, and then spotted him easily near the trees. A stallion, a tall being, but tall didn't mean strong. Raxa began galloping toward him, picking up speed when Djinni also appeared. Not wanting to appear threatening, Raxa slowed down her gait as she got closer and closer, her pace a calm walk as she got up next to her leader. "Djinni, is everything all right?" she asked in the calmest voice she could muster despite her unease around the stallion, "I was out checking the border when I sensed something was wrong. Has this stranger done something?" |
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