"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
take my head & kick it in break some bread for all my sins
He follows in Karaugh's wake, disappearing into the trees.
He isn't too far behind the dark bay woman, but Dahmer trots to catch up to her, all the same. Slowing as he reaches her, the black beast settles in at her flank, his nostrils flaring to appreciate the scent of his new acquaintance. He chuckles quietly, letting his shoulder bump into her side as they weave through the golden trees.
"Show me your favorite places," he whispers as he moves up to her ear.
Dahmer is certainly not as interested in getting used to Sylva's climate as he is to getting to know Sylva's welcome wagon, and the shiver that rocks his dark frame makes that apparent. He refrains from grumbling, and instead turns his head so that he can sniff at Karaugh's mane. She smells of leaves, of fresh air, and a little bit of the stallion whose scent permeates Sylva.
"You're going to get me in trouble, aren't you, Karaugh?"
Barely reaching the darkness she heard quick steps behind her. He followed. She snickered softely, of course he did. They all did. As he settled at her hindquarters ebony whips danced upon his flesh. Eyeing him with little head movement. Smirk of satisfaction grew upon her lips. As he advanced upon her quickly with each long stride. Lobe flickered to him as he spoke.
My favorite places huh... She laughed slightly. Turning her crown to view him better. Her thoughts twisting of her favorite places within Sylva. Caves being one such place. She lead him towards the west ridgeline. Her usual path was well known to her so she weaved thru the brush with ease. Her scent was strong here so no one would noticed her being out of place. Flying under the radar of sorts. His though would stand out regardless. Stillwater was probably entertaining his own company anyhow.
Pace quickened as she guided her company thru the trees. Seemingly neverending. Observing him as he followed her. His blue gaze enticing her to not behave so diplomatically. His dislike for the chill apparent. She tossed her crown playfully as he lingered about her nape. Her maw reaching for him as she lunged forward.
Trouble?! Me?! Never! Devilish tone to her sarcasm as she continued at a smooth canter. Grin coaxing him to follow her at a more playful pace as she changed direction slightly. There were few breaks in the Sylva forests but the creek near her cave broke just enough to allow light to reach the land. It wasn't a short distance but at this gait they would reach it in no time...
take my head & kick it in break some bread for all my sins
She plays his game and he plays hers, the pair of them pretending to alternate between cat and mouse, but both well aware that the other would never give up being the proverbial cat. He smirks that lopsided smirk as Karaugh laughs and follows contently at her hip as she turns and begins to head west. They're silent occasionally, but it's never uncomfortable.
Dahmer hums quietly until Karaugh turns and lashes at him with her teeth and, while he lowers his ears instinctively, the stallion chuckles in amusement. There's a playfulness in his eyes as he bumps into the mare, hoping to goad more fire out of her. His blue eyes move away from the bay mare and to their surroundings, the golden leaves shimmering overhead like a dancing blanket. "Are you going to murder me out here, angel?" His lips twitch as he quiets another bout of laughter.
He nips lightly at her shoulder, falling silent to pay better attention to where they were within Sylva. It would be smart to know the lay of the land.
+ tag karaugh + notes i'm really sorry for how shitty this one is ♥
The summers heat didn't bake the residents of Sylva. It's thick canopy shielded them from the direct rays. Casting almost a fall climate upon them. She hardly noticed the difference anymore. But to a newcomer or traveler the air had a definite chill. Taking note of the black stallions distaste for it she moved them along to where the sun kissed the lands.
In little time they had reached the western edge of the kingdom. His playfulness matched hers as they jousted back and forth. A demonic snicker raised from the depth of her breast as he made a joke. Angel... HA! She tossed a smirk his way as she slowed. Her reply sarcastic with a mysterious hint of seriousness. "Be no sense in killing ya... Yet" Nudging her shoulder into him playfully.
He nips at her and she retaliates. Hunches buckle as hooves slide upon the leaf litter terrain. Forelimbs turn her into him. Abruptly cutting him off as she raised up slightly. Crown tucked tightly to her breast. Her lobes though were not pinned back in anger but thrusted forward in challenge. "Come'on Dahmer... Let's see what ya got!" Smirk curled across her lips awaiting his move...
take my head & kick it in break some bread for all my sins
They find a more sunlit path and the rays dance on the pine needle covered ground before them. They warm Dahmer's dark, sleek coat and he sighs quietly as the warmth relaxes him. The thoroughbred's gait becomes more casual and leisurely, his ears fluttering periodically at the unfamiliar sounds of Sylva's autumn forest.
Karaugh laughs at the faux pet name and slows slightly so that she can nudge his shoulder, the black stallion taking advantage of the opportunity to bump his sleek barrel into hers once more. "Just let me know when I should get ready, beautiful Karaugh," soft and sweet.
He can't help but to reach out and nip at her, despite the scent of Stillwater on her flesh. She responds playfully and the black beast is pleased, that trademark predatory grin finding his handsome face. The challenge is evident as Karaugh pivots her lithe frame and cuts off his path, forcing Dahmer to cut his stride short.
Dahmer uses his broad shoulder to push passed the mare with laughter on his lips, his own muzzle curled down to touch his chest protectively. The muscles in his neck gleam and flex as he pulls a tight semi-circle so that she is facing east and he is facing west, his barrel pressed closely to Karaugh's. Ears fluttering forward, the Dahmer snakes his neck out and nips at her flank this time before he sidesteps and flares his nostrils at her scent.
Watching his slightest movements she expects more then what she gets. His large frame slides up close beside hers. The warmth of their separate bodies colliding. His scent radiating off him and intertining with hers. Nostrils flared as she breathed him in deeply just before he lands a nip to her flank. She snakes her teeth to his hock before he is out of reach. He side steps quickly but she doesn't give so easily. Twisting to face him head on they are at a stand off. His words coax a demonic snicker from her. Lunch huh... The temptress steps forward meeting neck to neck. Soft velvet reaches for his flesh and barely make contact as she grazes over his toned nape. Soft words whispered into him, "Who says you're not lunch?" She halts movement but not position as grin twists her features. Waiting...
A low chuckle slips from his maw and Dahmer inhales the bay's scent deeply as she moves closer. The distance between the pair has been reduced to nonexistence and the black stallion whispers back into Karaugh's ear, his voice husky, "I was hoping that I would be."
Dahmer pivots suddenly, away from the temptress, and allows his long legs to carry his sleek black frame in a circle around her. "What is it, exactly, that you'd like to see from me?" he inquires mischievously as he weaves behind a tree with golden leaves. When the large trunk no longer obscures the black beast's view of Karaugh, he clicks his teeth together in a mock snarl.
"I can't go leaving any scratches, I'd hate to land in hot water," he laughs again and shrugs his shoulders with mock innocence, "at least, I'd hate for Magnus to land in hot water because of me."
It probably wouldn't be beneficial to his promotion.
ooc / IM SO SORRY for your wait, and also for how poopy this is -_- please forgive me