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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    heaven bent to take my hand...[any]
    Across the sea
    A pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home
    Oh it had been many, many years.
    Epithet stretched her crystalline wings, shaping her neck to lengthen against the horizon, flicking her fine tail and swiveling her ears around her head. With a twisted a grin upon her fine, immortal face, she walked with assurance down into the meadow. Where she had been all this time, it was entirely uncertain… but the last daughter of Charlemagne was home, and for once, it was the beautiful white girl who was able to see the greatness over the horizon.
    Why she had come back here, she was not sure. She had simply felt the calling to come back. Family, Love, Children. She had made a life here, once upon a time. She flicked her eyes upward towards the sky, remembering the one man in her life that had gotten away. They’d had a child once. A relationship, a family…
    Was he still around? She could sense something. Perhaps...

    Brushing it aside, she contorted her body and flung herself on the ground, rolling her fine back in the grass to relieve an itch, or perhaps stretch out her back. Her sleek belly was exposed with her hooves in the air. The bugs kicked up and danced between her legs, almost as if to welcome her back. The scent of flowers marked the air around Epithet as wild flowers made their bed around her, and when she was done rolling, she lay there in the grass, surveying the rest of the meadow from a high space, as to view the other inhabitants around her. The breeze picked up, obscuring her eyes and face. Smiling again, she finally knew a sense of peace after so many, many years.
    She was home.

    I shall wear no crowns and win no glory
    The black floppy eared stallion was nearing the end of his journey to the Chamber and Valley for his cause but the sun was low in the sky and although he enjoyed his home, it was bubbling over with newcomers and his mind had no space to be free. He was not gifted in the means of traits but he, so far, had been thankful enough to remain free of his thoughts and will. He decides he will wait out the night in the Meadow, some place he's never actually gone to. He has no ties to family, at least that of his own and no friendships, so his time in Beqanna was really lived for himself. Occasionally he feels a pang of guilt for being so selfish with it but his loyalty to his Kingdom and King was enough, wasn't it? Thoughts he wishes to bury, for now.

    He isn't too far into the meadow when he sees the white mare, her wings made of the earth's crystals; he watches as they gleam light and bounce it around while she makes herself at home - on the ground. He raises a brow to this behavior, though studies it because since the time of birth he has not since buried his feet beneath him to sleep or sunbathe. Vaughan was a simple creature but he had never indulged in the simple pleasures that this mare seemed to relish in - it makes him both envious and joyful, he wonders how that can be.  With cautious steps, something draws him closer to her and he lets a loud snort escape before he gets too close; unbeknownst to him, she likely knew he would approach her before he ever entered the meadow. Vaughan had been taught, engrained that magicians were bad and that if coming face to face with one - kill them or be killed. His mother had a particular hatred for the Amazon magician but Vaughan had yet to meet her or any others. Still yet, here he is. "Are you not worried that you'll be attacked? My home is far too cold to roll around in," he says, the floppy ear twitching as the other swivels to and fro to listen to her replies, "I'm Vaughan."

    He isn't certain why now of all times he feels the need to transform from his happy position in his cocoon to a proverbial social butterfly, but he does.

    V A U G H A N
    Across the sea
    A pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    What is there to attack her here? She, vulnerable as she appears, is in no danger here. She twisted her face to view the male that stood before her a bit better, but she did not get up. Instead, she smiled—as best as she could—ringing the dulcet tones of her voice in his beautifully floppy ears.  “Hello Vaughan. I am Epithet, and I assure you I have no fear of being taken unawares here. For as you see…” She paused, fluttered her crystalline wings, flashing rainbows across the meadow. Giving one great beat, a rush of wind went passed them both, as shards of those same wings directed outwards from her and around him, punching the ground with authority when they landed, before dissipating in a glittery cloud that rushed back up into the atmosphere. Looking back up at the dark man, she continued. “… It is not I who has anything to fear.”

    She had the sneaking suspicion that he guessed her magical abilities when he’d walked up to her as warily as she did—no need to read his mind, it was as clear as the anxiety written upon his handsome face—but she assumed that what had once been supposition, was now fact. She flipped her tail, and turned back to gnaw on her finely curved rump to relieve an itch, before laying her wings on her back, tucking the ends as neatly as if they were made of feather—or cloud.
    Epithet was beautiful and nobody’s fool, but for those who knew her—to be fair, there weren’t many left—they knew that had nothing to fear from her either. She glimpsed the warmth of the sunrise with a smile, and put away dark thoughts that might have once plagued her from the history of her mother. Truly, she had never really known Charlemagne, and had never met her father at all. But while there was something to fear from what she could do, there was nothing left to question what she would do.
    She would always be tasked with doing the right thing, no matter how hard it would become.
    “So, my dear Vaughan—what brings you to my company on this rather warm day? It cannot possibly be that out of everyone in this meadow, you would choose to introduce yourself to me prior to attacking me yourself? Are you as dangerous to me as the Crow is to the Dove?”


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