"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
i suddenly feel like a different person from the roots of my soul comes a gentle coercion
The small Falls' princess wanders from the safety of her home to the playground. She is not scared to be without her mother or her father. Often the young child enjoys running off and playing by herself. The Falls does not have many children, in fact Marlyn is possibly one of two. Her sister Raene spent a lot of time with their dad as he taught her to be a warrior and so it left the little girl without a playmate often.
Thin limbs move the spotted form to the enclave of the playground. The scents and sounds of other foals at play made her small heart leap with excitement but also nervousness. The bay and white coat shivers briefly before she steps inside the barrier. Ygritte would be angry with her for slipping away but that was the furthest thing on the little girl's mind. With small excited squeal announcing her entrance, the little girl tears off into the heart of the playground to thrash in the tall grasses and chase insects.
Taria's mother died when giving birth to her and her twin sister Kosaka, they were born into Chemdogs herd where they currently lived. She and her sister were adopted by a mare named Sabe, who had a foal of her own so it was pretty easy to run off from the mare. She had her hands full with three foals, and though she would surely be mad when she finds Taria had run off it would be well worth it. She heard from Sabes eldest daughter of the playground, a place to go and make friends. Surely there had to be a life outside of the dusty volcanic village.
She was filled with joy when she peered through the playground, foals were all around. There was one foal in particular who caught her eye, a pretty appaloosa running in the grass. She smiled and joined her, bolting as fast as her legs could carry. She playfully thrashed her head moving faster until she was side by side with the filly Hi!! she said in a joyous voice My name is Taria, whats yours? perhaps running wasn't the best way to converse but it was nice to play with someone who she wasn't related to. She was so curious to life outside of the village, were there endless foals to play with? Would the others be mean, or carry a friendship in mature adulthood.
i suddenly feel like a different person from the roots of my soul comes a gentle coercion
Even wither her thin limbs carrying her over the terrain like a mad man (filly?) the delightful squeal of another catches her attention then a blur reddish brown and gray is racing along with her. The spotted girl squeals happily and her little hind end limbs and kicks out away from the other girl in excitement that she just can not seem to contain. When the other thrashes her head, Mar does the same and finds it super fun! Her growing mane waves stiffly in the wind as she laughs and laughs and laughs.
"Hi Taira! I'm Marlyn!" The appaloosa child speaks breathlessly as she slows her pace and dials back from break-neck speak to a leisurely lope, hoping the other girl would do the same. "You're pretty, do you live here?" Oh foal logic and their jumbled sentences. At least they we're getting along.The amber pools are absolutely shining with excitement and curiosity as she looked at her new friend (give it 5 minutes and they'll be best friends). Already Marlyn was brimming with questions and her brain buzzing away at finding new games to play.
Taria laughed from the overjoy she was experiencing, it was so much fun to play with another equine. She wished that Kosaka was here to enjoy the fun with her! The bay appaloosa filly kicked her hind legs out, skipping as she did and Tarias lips curled into a smile. Taria really only had Kosaka and her adoptive mothers son Zepar to play with. Did this foal have brothers and sister? Did she play with other foals in her herd? She had questions that popped in her head with every stride she made, but as she opened her mouth to speak so did her new found friend.
She introduced herself as Marlyn, what a pretty name, she thought to herself. She slowed her pace into a lope and Taria did the same, she imagined this was when they would grow to know each other. Each full of questions, this was the time to ask. Marlyn went first, a question paired with a compliment thank you! You are pretty too! she giggled before responding. I live in the volcanic village, where do you live? she asked as she glanced at the filly, she slid to a halt taking in deep breaths with every heart beat. She was curious if this filly had her mother, what was it like to your birth mother still alive. She had no blood family around her(besides kosaka) and the urge to find out who they were grew every day. She was young in age but already had a hard time connecting with others, what if the fillies grew up and never spoke to each other again. Is that how life worked? Taria was not ready to lose another friend.
i suddenly feel like a different person from the roots of my soul comes a gentle coercion
Small lobes are trained to the darker girl as they slow down. Amber eyes watch carelessly as she listens to the inquiry but just as she is about to speak, Marlyn catches sight of another form seemingly to float near them.
Her small crown tilts slightly as a wiry smile is crossing the velvet of her eyes. Eyes flick to Taira then back to the ebony skinned filly. The spotted child is ever so curious and the world has yet to make her bitter and hardened to the ways of others. May the innocence of childhood consume her as long as possible.
Fear is a poison the young girl has yet to consume. Her absorption in others and their lives and homes are consuming and so she must feed the hunger of curiosity. Long lashes fall over the glassy pools and the small points are trained to the somber features of heavily blackened filly. "Of course!" Her voice quips highly and a smile broadens over her small features. "I'm Marlyn. I'm from the Falls." She speaks matter-of-factly to both the girls. "That is Taira and shes from Volcanic Village." Mar introduces her new friend gaily. "What's your name?" A knobby leg moves the appaloosa child towards without so much as a worry or care. There is no such thing as hurt or pain in her world. There are faces and names and friends and family.
((it's so short, forgive me. looking forward to traveling with Caw though!))
Taria's gaze moved from the appaloosa filly scanning the horizon, the others chattered and the trees danced in the wind that passed every now and than. Before Marlyn could spit out a response another approached, a darker filly.
She asked if she could join and Tarias lips curled into a gentle smile, and a small dip of her head in greeting. Marlyn did the speaking for them both, introducing herself and Taria she even asked the filly what her name was, which would be Tarias next question. She was still learning the kingdoms scent but couldn't pick one out from the ebony filly. Regardless of her home it was nice to be out and meeting everyone, it was nice to meet foals that were not from her home.