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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    magic comes and magic goes
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    who knows if it's big or how it grows
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    but one thing you'll soon find
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    It will be in sight and not just mind

    Before your kingdom comes a tablet - appearing via magic. It's clear that its origin is with the fairies, who can trespass so easily on your sacred land? Who could do so without being seen or caught?
    The tablet reads as such -


    (ooc - basically each kingdom gets one magical entity, like the Dazzling Waterfall's healing river, or the Amazon's tattoos. Because some kingdoms have none we're opening this to each kingdom to chose their own, in case they'd like to change it. This will be permanent. Forever. You're setting the foundation for the future of your kingdom!)
    If anyone has any ideas or thoughts for what they'd like - feel free to shout them out!
    Some ideas I liked...

    -Fog that can confuse trespassers
    -A magical rock/craig that can "predict the future" (opens up ideas for origin lore, etc)
    -A stream that is always flowing and always filled with clean, fresh water that whispers secrets of the higher lands it came from
    Since Noori is kinda here, I'll give some suggestions Smile

    -the silverback wolves patrolling the border (I was a sucker for that one in Peccatrice Dea's time)
    -the arena could always come back and do its thing
    -there could be a lake in a cave underground somewhere and it could be an initiation of sorts but instead of just have a lil bath the magical valley lake could drown them. They'd have to go in willingly to prove that they'd die for the Valley, and once they have, they'd be coughed back up with some sort of marking. Permanent water droplets in the shape of whatever they'd like, perhaps.
    I really like the fog thing, also potentially the underground cave thing, but it's a little like the cave thing in Tundra?
    Idk what the arena thing was, so no opinions on that. But I like the fog thing, definitely. Reminiscent of the movie The Mist. If you haven't seen, you should!
    Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke
    I love the fog idea, and I love the stream idea. I especially love the prediction aspect.

    Wait, actually I kinda just had an idea. What if the Valley's geography shifts, and there is only one entrance that takes you through a maze of tiny, narrow crags? If you're not loyal to the Valley, or led through by someone who is, you would just end up back where you started. This could be really annoying/unfair for invaders, so maybe it only leads to the "inner" Valley?

    There is also always the tree thing. I'm kind of partial to the tree thing, because I kind of have already had a tree do a bunch of stuff for Librette. Anyway, the tree could be this huge gnarled thing in the middle of the Valley, which would be the center of its power. It could have something of a mind of its own - perhaps new recruits have to swear before it KIND OF LIKE THE NIGHT'S WATCH GUYS. We could have a Valley oath! The tree could also test them somehow before they're allowed to swear.

    Just my two cents. I am not a fan of having the Valley horses marked - I really think that tattoos are the Zons' thing, and I don't feel right snagging even a corner of that for our use. And scarring is the Tundra's thing, so I don't think we can snag that.
    Camrynn - Erebor - Wrynn
    Yeah, I think the marking thing is a little overdone with everything. But great ideas! I love the stream idea, but I'm not sure how we'd get those secrets and be able to use them in our roleplaying, The fog to protect the borders is cool, and I also love Ev's idea of the one entrance thing - that means that no strangers/raids can just show up and do their thing, since they can't get in
    I know I don't have a Valley horse but I will eventually so here are my ideas:

    An evil tree entity that could have its own personality, kind of like the sorting hat in Harry Potter but evil and a tree. It could have a face that changes or stays the same, whatever you decide but kinda like this:
    [Image: 66d6077cdd6231cf7a9d62787d285976.jpg]    or   
    [Image: evil_tree_by_antonrosovsky-d4tp54l.jpg]

    Or it can just be a really ugly tree that has a evil entity that lives inside it, like a black shadow phantom LIKE THE REALLY FREAKY SLIMEY ONE FROM FERN GULLY. 

    [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6RCrM212ni9-4m8vdvxL...-DENFbTdZw]
    magic comes and magic goes
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    who knows if it's big or how it grows
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    but one thing you'll soon find
    (bippity boppity bippity boppity)
    It will be in sight and not just in mind

    The fairies have heard your chatter and wish to clarify. The tablet has changed with a faint pop, and new words are now emerging -


    You wish to stay within your swarthy prejudice, it seems. A dark-faced tree or a grasping fog – which will it be? Something new entirely? Decide quickly, lest we chose for you.

    Whomever you have chosen as your leader will have the final decision if you do not come to a consensus in time.
    Alright guys - Final vote!
    FOG -
    TREE -
    Once we vote on it, we can hash out exactly *what* they entail and what they do for the Valley.

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