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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Adrenalize Me
    Well she followed, watching those cute little butt dimples of his swing side to side. Hypnotizing you could say. You pervert.

    This place was pretty, like someone sharted rainbows and glitter all over the place and topped it with a cherry. Hyro wasn't sure what to think at first, one step at a time behind this stranger who'd decided to call her 'Cupcake'. Of all things, she was far from a Cupcake.

    The place looked empty, where was everyone? Surely there were other 'Cupcakes', maybe a vanilla one, and a strawberry one..... Your getting off track now Hyro.

    Sooo, Mari, can I call you Mari? Or Juana, or cupcake? A smirk crossed her lips, and she flicked her tail casually across her haunches. Quickening the pace she jogged, catching up to his shoulder and reaching over to nip at the muscular crest. Then nuzzling her lips down towards his chest, before swinging around to face him front on.
    Tell me, are you one of these one pump chumps, or can we converse in a more general manner?
    Hyro was prodding, probing the mind of this stallion, working out just how much to give up, and just how much to hold back. Under this glass façade was an intelligent, strong 'cupcake', the bitchiness simply came with the territory, like icing. Are you trying to be funny?

    She stood there, still, gazing at this handsome hunk of horse flesh. Questioning. What's it gonna be cupcake?

    "Baby, call me whatever you like. Just don't call me late for dinner." He gives a little laugh as his pretty girl moves to be by his side. He likes the feel of her warm skin against his, the green feathered appendages lifting and extending to lay lightly across Hyro's spine. A small chuckle follows her little love tap on his chest, her lips make his breath catch in his chest as he loves nothing more than someone as playful as him.

    The large skull cocks slightly to her inquiry of him being a 'one pump chump'. Now in different circumstances, hell yes he was! Especially if he was giving it a go at a lady that wasn't his while her stallion was away. Wham bam and thank you ma'am! But in the comfort of his own home? No. They had all the time in the world. The striped male dips his head to give her a little nudge with his poll (he likes having her draped in his scent). "I never asked you name. Don't hold it against me, I just prefer to be home than in the field to talk more." There is a sincerity in his voice as they have strolled into the Echo Trails. The thick male enjoys their little walk so far and intends for it to last a tad bit longer. It was nice to be close to another body for the other mares have yet to even show up.


    She softened instantly, like warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies falling apart in a small child's hand. Hyro felt the embrace of his wing across her back, and suddenly those feathered contraptions were no longer silly, a tremor traveled along her spine, a sultry fire deep inside sprung alive with hungry flames. She pushed her body against him, reveling in the closeness of this new stranger. Closing her dark mahogany eyes in content, she strolls along for a while, oblivious to the world, drunk in the moment, high on his scent. I'm a little drunk on you.
    Hyro is brough back to reality when his tantalizing voice breaks the silence. A name he asks, of course, she has a name, if she could just summon the words to her lips, snap out of this hypnotic daze. She tilted her head I curiosity, there was a tone of sincerity in his voice, with a dash of caring sprinkled on her. The thick muscle along the top of his neck flexed with every step, and Hyro playfully nibbled along his crest, Hyroniemus, but you can call me Hyro, or Cupcake if you please, the words slipped along the breeze, like satin and lace trembling on the wind. She giggled a little to herself about the Cupcake part. Get a hold of yourself woman.
    And so they wandered, draped in his physical form, drenched in his scent. Happiness you could say? Hyro knew not of the sort, but if this was happiness and content, it was a cocktail she'd pound at the bar every night.

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