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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I Make the Circumstances

    I led the mad to my land, I tried to make the journey pleasant, but i wonder if she is ever truly comfortable with my pace. The short legs of mine are rarely pacing well for the tall ones.  I talk about notable features as we go, but I allow her to take in everything there is to see for the most part. I am comfortable in the silences, as I am an observer at heart.

    When I finally reach the outskirts of the Dales I pause. I turn to the tall flaxen mare, happy to show her the boarder line of my, maybe even our, kingdom. "This is the boundary of the Dale. My herd lands exist within this Kingdom. I am a member of these lands as well as my own herd. I am sure they would offer you sanctuary as well- if you ever needed it. It is a lovely kingdom." Satisfied with my description I moved on further through the dale until I reached the wooded area with the grassy clearings that was my herd land. 

    I continued through the lightly wooded lands until I reached the stream. There was a nice clearing a long it and it was more or less the middle of my lands. I stopped here and took a long drink, allowing Silki to do the same. After a moment  I spoke again, this time hoping to get her agreement to join the herd. " So what do you think? There aren't many here yet, as I just acquired these lands. But I am working to fill it with many members."
    As Silki walked behind Fynn, she gaped at what was before her. The kingdom was even more beautiful then she had previously thought. I wouldn't mind living here, it's amazing. She thought. "Woah." She responded, her gold-flecked eyes going wide. Beautiful...........
    I chuckled slightly as the flaxen mare struggled with words to describe the lands. I am happy to see others take to this place as I had. I let her just observe for a while longer, I know how overwhelming it could be to try and decide what was best for one to do. Once she seemed a little more calm, I asked her the question that would officially make her a part of this herd. "So, would you like to be a part of my herd?"
    Silki's ears pricked in excitement. Her beautiful eyes went wide. "I..... I...... O.. of course!!" The words clambered their way out of her mouth. "I'd love to!"
    I turn and smile at her, always looking up to the flaxen mare's mane. She will be a fine edition, in time I hope to have a group that will become like family. "Very well! I will have to introduce you to the others. Soon, I will hold a meeting for all to meet."

    There is much I still don't know about many of the new recruits. Since I have some time I figured I would look for ways to unite all my members. "So what brought you to Beqanna? Is there anything I can do to help you settle in here?"
    The flaxen mare tensed every muscle in her lithe frame as Fynn asked the question. Silki did not want to talk about her past. "I...... ummmm... It's a long story." She winced, thinking about the long years spent in near-dark and freezing weather. "I'm good here, thanks."

    OOC: That question was great for character development, thanks!

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