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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She's an actress; (Herds & Amazons)

    New Romantics

    She is a temptress, a seductress at it's best. Yet too young for the thrill of sex, she could easily wrap a man around her finger in a matter of seconds. She liked the feeling how they touched her, they were gentle towards her. She was merely a little flower, tossed into the world to rot like the rest but, some how she kept in bloom throughout every season. She wasn't perhaps ready for sex but, that doesn't mean she can't act like she wants it. The actress.

    The ebony lady, gracefully strode into the frosted field. She enjoyed the cold rush of winter that tossed her glossy silver mane in different directions. Strands seemed to dance a secret ballet for those who dared to lay eyes on her. Her silver glossed hips sway, her first move of seduction.

    Her body is tense at first, but soon relaxes towards the constant motion. She had not perfected her tempting nor practiced, it was a scene. Like a classic romantic love story movie, she was that girl. Inky black lobes, gently proceed to listening to what near conversations she could, she couldn't hear too much but the soft vocals of song birds that decided to stay for the bitter season.

    Frost began to become freckles upon her silvered coat, as she trudged through a petite patch of deep snow. Taking a sharp turn around a large willow, she stayed in solitude for a moment, allowing herself to gather it together. Returning out of the coverage of the willow, she heard an imaginary voice:

    1.......2......3....... Rolling!

    Heartbreak Is The National Anthem

    OCC: Sorry for the short post, still figuring her out

    His raven wings were of course still slightly sore from the last mock that he had completed. The lady having proved to be a worthy practice mate, and one that he was proud to have said that he had done battle with. Still his activity, and skills needed great improvement. It had after all been quite some time since his youth and the Deserts experience. His training was rusty, but he had the patience to learn.

    So instead of flying as he normally did. The stallion made his way through the trees on all fours, crisp breathes puffing into small clouds in front of him. Blue flame like hairs whipping against his toned neck and ankles. Dark chocolate eyes peering out from under the dark blue locks. Wings extended drooping so that the tips kissed the ground; allowing the cold breeze to flutter against his hide. Closing them would require the tensing of bruised muscle, something he wasn't quite ready for.

    He spotted her peeking from a willow, a glint of silver and then it disappears. Well he could be grateful for the disuse of his wings this once. After all from the skies he would have never caught her under the leaves of this tree. Crisp white crunched beneath his hooves. The strength of his body resounds in the solid form of every step. Military through and through, he would never be anything but the representative of all those ready to die in the protection of what they held dear.

    Slowly he approached. Nodding to her from his position in her periphial vision. I'm Phaedrus, As always short and simple. He glanced over her, taking note of her youth. I'm building a herd he pauses for a moment I dont confine, you are welcome to more then simply choosing my home. Its simply a safe place you would be welcome to call home. Ok he had talked way to much. With a shift of his hips his gruff voice settled, hanging in the crisp air. He didn't owe anyone anything, why was he spilling the beans right away anyways.

    Her silver body, twisted into his view. Darkened points along her slender body, allowed her bright coat to glisten in the warming sunlight of spring. Allowing her charcoal tipped lobes to swivel in his direction, as she quietly listened to his introduction, that seemed to ramble on for quite a while. Before he simply noticed that he had spoken a tad too much. A slight giggle releases from her lips, it was so childish yet her vocals allowed a graceful rebound to form, "Hello Phaedrus." Her words were sweet like nectar as they smoothly flowed out of her ebony tinted lips.

    She allows a smile to curl around her lips, as she quickly notice he had ten note to her youth. The card of seduction would not be in play, for the moment. But that didn't mean temptation was off the table. "I'm New Romantics but, some call me Roma." She paused politely eyeing him, charcoal cat eye marking allowing her eyes to become more distinct, to allow temptation to play it's card. "Yet, you may call me as you please." New Romantics fluttered her white glossed eye lashes.

    Standing almost completely still, she lashed her silver, and ebony streaked tail at the multiple flies crawling upon her hocks, and along her cornet band. "Where is this herd of yours?" She knew of many places within Beqanna, nearly half of the herd lands within it's bounds she knew by name. Others she knew by appearance.

    New Romantics

    Heartbreak Is The National Anthem


    OCC: You might notice, she is no longer black with silver points. Since Silver black is not an actual color... She'll be taking on the coat of Gra (Silver white with charcoal points)

    His quirks a bit confused as to what it is she is trying to do. It muddles his poor head, and in response he shakes the cobalt mane from his eyes. His wings unfurl and he nods with little to no enthusiasm. Nice to meet you. He ignores the rambling, and chooses instead to stand still, Well that you can help me choose. Maybe she didn't understand the first time?

    Even as patient as he is, he still has no time for games. So he begins to walk once more, this time his teeth reaching gently for her whithers. He pushes his weight into her smaller frame sheilding her body with his wing. None of this anyone could say was rough. If anything it was gentle, and almost you could say suductive? well as suductive as a soldier can be. he carresses her body with his heated breath. his barrel pressed against her hip. He begins to lead her out of the feild, that is, of course, if she did not fight him. If she did try to fight him, then it would be simple enough to just leave and find another more willing creature to lead away.

    It is never the particular horses that hold his interest. its more of what they can offer. this one had potential but if she was going to fight, well then the potential was lacking a great deal. Releasing his carress he begins to walk away, out of the feild into the shadows of the forest paths that would lead him back to where he belonged.


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