Miles and miles of netherworlds I roam
The plan had been to go to the Falls, establish himself and carry on. The plan had been to meet the ruler, Texas and proceed to help the kingdom grow but somewhere along those lines something had distracted him.
Perhaps the summer winds had drawn him in with their tantalizing embraces and soft caresses of warm promises that had lead him astray. Large , dark pools blink against the sun when he finally emerged from the thicket of thorns and brush to find the mouth of the meadow. Salmon lined nostrils flare at the overwhelming scents of equine beings. They moved and mingled heavily in a pulse like a heartbeat -nay, the ebb and flow of the ocean's tide. Heavy and populated with the wake of the sun and dispersing as Luna rises high in her glowing light. With a quick pfft, forelock goes flying out of his visage to only be caught by the deep dark antlers that now are solidifying in the summer months. Dark threads manage to waft and fall just about the place they had originally been and he frowns slightly at their annoyance before looking back over the grounds. How they itched so! Only a few more months till they would harden and the fuzz would shed and he would rub, rub, rub!
The meadow seemed bustling with the usual crowd. Some still sleepy-eyed from their slumber while others chattered relentlessly. The forest prince would be sure to avoid them.
Long limbs bring the tawny male towards the pulsating core, dark eyes drifting over the faces casually till they come across a mare. She is inky black velvet but also very nonchalant and unbothered but her surroundings. Perhaps she would provide good company in this wallow of equus. Appendages draw the handsome creature towards where she stood. "Hello." Vocals rasp slightly, husky and deep. He knows she will sense him so there is no need to excuse himself (not that he really would) for his disturbance but she has an intelligent look in her eye unlike some others he has encountered in his time in Beqanna. Proud crown is held skyward as a small (almost coy) smile curves slightly on the whiskered maw of the buckskin stallion. "Come here often?" The antlered stag tries to break the ice between them but he knows he's failed miserably so he laughs slightly in an attempt to make this conversation a little less awkward. It was so hard to meet good horses these days.
Dark eyes lower a moment from the face of the fetching woman before he straightens himself up and offers a fuller smile to her, lobes flickering to catch the velveteen woman's words.