Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Come, my sweets (Solara, any)
11-01-2015, 03:00 AM
I look back to see if Solara is following me. The journey was hard, for me at least. Maybe I should stay home until the baby comes and is big enough to leave. I hope I didn't loose her on the way. Last I checked, she followed me. I call her name out. Wait, my ears and head shoot up, Kii doesn't know I brought a foal home. My head swivels round and I call his name. Then I wonder if he made it back home yet. He's been gone a long time, I just hope he's back in time to see his foal get born. I shiver. That time was too soon. I haven't gotten a mare to help me. Hey, if he isn't home soon, I may birth in the meadow! Solara still hasn't caught up, so I call her more earnestly.
11-02-2015, 07:32 PM
![]() Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he would die every night to let her breathe. Solara bounded after the mare, a big smile on her face as they arrived at the place she had been told about through her many questions along the way. She was tired from traveling so far at such a young age but the excitement coursing through her kept her awake and energetic. Once she catches up to her mother, she presses her face into her shoulder, nuzzling her in a way as if she was saying, 'it's okay mama, i'm here, don't worry!' She pulled her face away after a moment of enjoying her mother's presence and warmth. "Is this home?" She had asked curiously but in no way could her voice be less approving of this area. Maybe it was just the idea of a home with her new mother in general and she did not care where that might be, maybe it is simply the fact that the land was beautiful even in the winter, maybe it was a glorious combination of both. Her dark eyes were filled with curiosity and a unique type of hopefulness that only a foal could carry. She waited patiently for her mother's response, not wanting to be overwhelmed with happiness prematurely if they were still to travel further. All sorts of ideas of playing and exploring filled her mind as she looked around at the land, wanting to explore already but knew to stick by her new mother's side. It was if she was totally and utterly consumed by excitement, whether that be to explore and play as mentioned, or even meeting her father and the sibling that will soon arrive. It was a new world to Solara and something deep inside her knew, even then, that it was something wonderful and special. OOC |
11-02-2015, 08:57 PM
![]() Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he would die every night to let her breathe. Solara pressed close to her new mother as a new mare approached. It took her a moment but she finally stepped away slightly and took one step towards the other mare. "hello." She had answered with her shyness chased away with a small smile upon her young face. Her ears were pushed forward with curiosity. So far she had only known her mother and the mare who had left her under the tree so she wasn't sure how to act in front of this one. Her words were kind and because of that, she intrigued the young, dark-colored filly, her eyes lighting up at the idea of a new horse to know. In her uneasiness of what to do, she asked a simple question, or one that is supposed to be simple. "Who are you?" Her voice was laced with pure curiosity unlike when some say that phrase with accusation and annoyance. She had temporarily forgotten the question she had asked her mother moments ago and was now focused upon this new stranger with wide, curious eye that might remind one of a deep, dark chocolaty color. OOC | okay so I feel kinda bad for considering this for Solara but if she wasn't accepted by Kii, it would make her story a tad bit more interesting but it would also be interesting to have her grow up in this small herd, no?
11-02-2015, 09:12 PM
(OOC: My HTML is acting up so I'm not going to use it until I know that it is better)
She watched as the little foal, whom she figured out is a filly, peaked around the mares shoulder at her and Keeva smiled at the young filly "Hello little one" she said softly a warm smile on her face as the filly stepped closer to her, a hint of shyness in her expression and posture. "I am Keeva, I live here with your, mother," She said looking over at the other mare with a questioning expression as if asking "Who are you?" 'Who might you be little one?" she chestnut mare asked her head lowing to the foals height so she didn't seem so scary and intimidating. "How old are you child?" she asked trying to get the filly out of her shell or at least getting her ready to meet Kii he can either accept this filly as his own or not. This fillies fate lies under his hooves. The whole thought made the chestnut rabicano mare uneasy. He brought her head up to the look the other mare in the eye and then she said "Did you think about Kii, what if he doesn't accept this foal?" she said her voice slightly stern with the younger mare but her tone was still vaguely polite. Did the mare even think of the consequences of bringing the foal here and the Alpha stallion not accepting her? She sighed softly and looked back at the dark colored filly and smiled softly,
11-02-2015, 09:12 PM
(ooc: True, but I think Lokii(who Nadyah knows by Kii) will accept her. If not, we could all plot this out. ?)
I look down at Solara, like she is my own. Then I look at the mare. "Hello. I don't believe we've met. I'm Nadyah. This is my adopted foal, Solara." I say, smiling. My guts are flipping, but I can't tell if that's just my foal or the tension here.
He finds them easily. In the peaceful sway of his territory's quiet atmosphere, the three of them cause a stir. He's been lingering (busy with the bustle and training of life outside Echo Trails) outside his territory, but always returning to make sure his mares know he is here - always here.
Today is no different when the faux stallion heads toward their gathering. His tricks move to shield their eyes from the truth (also manipulating the filly's eyes; causing her to see a buff, strong stallion with fine bones and warm coffee brown eyes) as they normally do when he approaches the women. Sliding closer, his voice rings out deep and sincere. "What is going on here?" His gaze is pointed yet soft. He expects answers, however many excuses they can come up with, although inside his mind is already hissing at the thought of a child not of his bloodline being in his home. [ooc: Neptune, if you do not like your character having to see Lokii as "Kii," I'm afraid you're going to have to leave the territory; it's part of the plot happening here. However, if you're fine with it, by all means stay!] ![]() ![]() Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he would die every night to let her breathe. Solara glanced back at her mother who had introduced them and the quickly looked back at the other mare who had asked her about her name and age, answering even if her mother had already done so. " My name is Solara! and I'm-I'm..." She thought for a second before replying " Almost three days old! " It was almost amusing to hear how proud she was of that number as the smile on her lips grew a bit. After she had told the mare her answer, she watched her mother and Keeva speak, mentioning a name that her mother said would be her father. She caught the idea of not being accepted and her ears flopped back slightly and her smile vanished, her doe-eyed gaze resting upon her mother, to see what she would say to this... she... she wouldn't leave her like the other one left... right? She didn't want to be left under a tree again! She didn't want to have the needles dig into her skin or the cold sting her! She didn't want to go back! OOC | okay, yeah and for some reason I see her being changed by him if she were to be accepted... I was reading a bit on his profile and he doesn't exactly seem like someone who stays isolated, never affecting anyone, he seems more like someone who if he accepted her, she would take on some of his rather 'charming' characteristics but hey idk ^-^ oh and how long did it take for them to travel from one place to another because I could say that when Nadyah found her she was about a day and a half old, and then they traveled here sooo... ![]() Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he would die every night to let her breathe. OOC | I didn't know that there was a plot going on but I would be happy to join in if you guys are okay with it! (I would just like to know what it is first ^-^ )
11-03-2015, 02:44 AM
Since this whole post is going to be in ooc, I just decided to post in it.
Either she'll take them on, or Nadyah's loving ones will out weigh them. Also, Keeva's feathers seem to be ruffled cuz apparently she was supposed to breed with lokii and Nadyah beat her to it. Also, I don't know how long it took them to get here. I'm guessing about a day and a half. So three days is a good guesstimate. Lets just go with that. ^^ I'm pretty easy going. So, I'll just play it out as it goes. I just hope Lokii lets Nadyah keep Solara! They are so cute together. Also, I just realized Solara hasn't nursed yet! Should we have her do that or not? Nadyah has plenty of milk with Kiano on the way. |
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