She twists her whiskery lips into a frown. No Magnus was turning out to be a little to easy of a catch for her entertainment. He would bow and bend with all the grace of a diplomat on his kingdoms puppet strings. No she decided he would always conform to fit who ever had a whim. With her crazy flights of whims he would tire of her quickly within his kingdoms borders. She would be of no help and no assistance to a kingdom that had this persona of a representative. It appeared weak to her. At the mention of bloodshed, the mare flinches away from him, no bloodshed was never her thing. That didn't mean that she didn't have her way of working around others.
So as quickly as she had adapted herself to these two her mind is made up. Liquid gold dancing with sly amusment at lagertha's comment. Possibly, but maybe not so different. She shrills over her shoulder taking off at a trot. Swaying haunches and whiplash tail, one last gift to the Diplomat, as she turns her path towards the jungle an old memory hazing the path before her.
Yes she was a wickedly smart one, the old flirt, she knew that Lagertha would never come to regret taking her in. She was returning home, to the trees and jungle that had claimed her heart so many years ago. 15 years old and still a spectical Teak takes in the trip with all but a smile. The heat acclimating to her skin, no she was not from a cold climate, nor did she ever want to be anywhere but in heat. This would be quite the picture, a Zebra in the Jungle. Wasn't she supposed to be on the plains of africa or somewhere?
Turning to her companion at the border, their brisk pace had kept her blood pumping and her gaze light with mischeif. So where do I start She wasn't immortal and didn't have time to waste, nor did this woman appearintly. All she cared about was work and she was ready to begin that moment. She needed some excitement, and she knew whily was of getting the information she desired. Though some could be so stubborn, that wouldn't stop her from working her charms on Lagertha. She liked the mare, and though she would never bother her in more than friendly flirting a lady had to get her fun in somehow.
She didn't much care if anyone liked her antics or not, it always worked to get what she wanted, and even as the Queen stood her ground it was all Teak needed to know that this would be the best place for her. A place solid, and decisive to reign her flighty behavior in on a leash of useful purpose.
The world is not all black and white