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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    watch earth b u r n >> keeva

    this isn't mischief

        He nearly smirks (it is so hard not to; it is so hard to fight against that personality trait; it is so hard to bury himself underneath a layer of niceness) when she aborts the presence of the others in favor of his. He keeps his faux image over her eyes (shielding his true identity from her) even when she isn’t looking at him. They head out of the field toward Echo Trails, him leading and her following.

        The journey between Echo Trails and the field isn’t incredibly long or daunting – it is a walk filled with pleasant sights and the sounds of summer. He interrupts it, at one point, to gesture toward the two other locations of Beqanna they passed (first the adoption den, with the faeries keeping the orphans alive; second to the playground, with more faeries to make sure no young children were injured or killed). However, aside from that, he leaves their journey in a comfortable silence. There is opportunity for the mare to speak up, if she decides, but the trickster leaves the walk open for quiet as well.

        When they finally reach the outer border of their new home, the poser gestures with his (in her eyes) handsome head. “Welcome to Echo Trails, Miss Keeva,” he introduces. The sound of his voice is barely swept away among the melody of the territory (a singing creek settles not far off, winding through the territory; the pine trees sway gently and add their tune from the summery breeze; birds and woodland creature alike add to the music).

        He waits a moment, letting the sight of the herd-land soak into her mind, before taking a step closer inside. “Would you like a tour of your new home, miss?”


    this is mayhem


    Show me the world as you know it

    The journey was long but as they made their way to their home Kii pointed out the different places of Beqanna. This land was so lovely, so diverse it made a small pleasant smile come across the small mares lips. Her lilac blue eyes wondered the land before her as they got close to the place called "Echo Falls" her soon to be new home. She glanced over at her new companion and she spoke "So Kii how long have you dwelled in these lands?" she said cocking her head slightly as she watched the stallion before her move. Yes he was drop dead gorgeous, and polite and slightly humorous. But there was something about Kii that seemed fake. It seemed like the stallion was putting on a show for her and he really wasn't what he seems. The small mare decides to shrug it off and wait and see if he is who he truly says he is .

    They keep walking for a good while and they stayed silent for most of the walk. When they finally reach the borders to their home, he welcomes her politely and she smiles and takes in her new home. It was beautiful, the creek is what caught her attention first as it sung a sweet melody that was pleasant to her ears, then it was the send of the musky pine trees swaying every which way the warm breezed pushed them, then it was the songs of the woodland birds that made a soft smile come to her lips "It's perfect" she said softly her unique eyes glowing with happiness. "Yes Kii, I would like a tour of our home" she said flicking her long tail as the breeze warmed her body and she closed her eyes taking in all the new scents that made her heart giddy with excitement


    Art by
    Hoku - Skullu - Riordan - Ryn - Keeva - Galzar - Hidatsa - Felise

    Her question startles him away from deep thought. The silence between them is gentle and soothing (but once it breaks, he revels in the chaos of words and sound that ensues), but her voice is likewise when she speaks. Her question almost causes a sinister chuckle from his mouth, but he transforms it into a deep, rumbling, light laugh instead. The trickster has been in Beqanna his entire life (although he has been past Beqanna a few times as well) and to count the years of his life is a tricky thing. He prefers to go by events in his life rather than seasons.

    His left ear (the one that is defective, who’s sounds are empty and silent) twitches as he thinks, a habit he has adopted over his lifetime. “I’ve known Beqanna my whole life – born and raised.” He smiles and his tricks soften the edges of the turn of his lips. “Echo Trails, however, I have only ever passed by until recently.” He shrugs, expecting her to possibly ask why he might decide to call it home now. “The territory seemed empty and I decided to solve that problem,” he says, gaze turning toward the edges of the land.

    The trickster smiles as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The scents of Echo Trails are comforting and simple (the sharpness of pine trees, the clarity of a nearby brook, the musk of growing and dying wood vegetation, the warmth of forest creatures, the briskness of a breeze blowing through the trees) and as he fills his lungs, he finds his heart beating softer to match the beat of the earth under his feet.

    Gesturing closer inside, the trickster begins the tour. It isn’t an incredibly long one – the majority of the land is populated by generous woodland with weaving, adventurous trails. A few bubbly streams wind between the trails and the forest is dotted with a decent number of sunny clearings full of tall grass. All in all, it is a safe-feeling place that offers no allegiance toward darkness or pure lightness. When they come to the end of their tour, he turns toward her. “I certainly hope you’ll like it here, Miss Keeva. Do you have any questions?”
    The small mare smiled as the man beside her stared talking about how long he has been in this beautiful place. "Beqanna is beautiful so diverse" she said softly as her right ear twitched as they walked side by side in their new home. "So what are your plans for me in this place?" she asked her voice curious and polite as she kept her eyes on the horizon a head of them. Once again silence falls between them and she relishes it, she took this time to observe their home, it was beautiful and the place deserves not to be empty.

    Home. The word was so unfamiliar to the mare she almost forgot what it meant, but when she looked over Echo Falls she felt safe she felt at home. "It is wondrous Kii, Thank you for taking me to your home. It is lovely" she said standing over the hill side the setting sun hitting her coat just right making it look like a pale orange and a auburn mixed together and her mane flowing around her face making her eyes look bright and alive as the sun hits them. Yes she was very much alive and for once actually happy
    The trickster smiles at her content behavior. Echo Trails certainly gave off an atmosphere of peace and calm, something that he noted when he first saw it. It's partially what drew him to this land - a very real tranquility to hide the reality of his mischief. It has worked, so far, and he finds his metaphorical fingers slenderly petting his tricks to encourage them a job well done.

    Her question causes him to pause in his steps (almost as if the idea were new to him). Then he noses his way toward shelter, settling beneath the comforting embrace of a pair of trees with their branches tangled together. "Miss, I must be honest with you. This place is intended to be a safe haven for you. But I don't want to see you tangling tails with any other stallions, if you get what I mean." The stern look in his coffee brown gaze suggests she would not receive good mercy if he caught her pregnant by someone other than him. "I won't, however, make you produce my offspring without your permission. Everything can be on your time, so long as you follow my rules and don't find yourself with another man."

    Rape is not outside his boundaries as Lokii, but Kii might have to be more tender-hearted.

    "As long as you follow my rules, you're free to do whatever you wish. Call for me whenever you desire. If you ever want to leave, you must - " he stresses the word must " - ask me for permission first."

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