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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  you never can tell, any

         Somewhere in the long meadow grass there’s a disturbance. A peaceful autumnal breeze blows through the swaying blades and seed-pods, black eyed susans and bright poppies dancing about the greenery. Somewhere in the dreamy scenery lies a predator, her sharp teeth crunching bone and ripping meat. Fresh blood taints the wind, bringing circling vultures and ravens flock to the branches of nearby oak trees.

         A horse feeding on a deer, freshly killed, both bodies laying in a bedded down circle of softened meadow grass. The mare’s legs are folded lazily beneath her as she crunches contentedly, splashing blood and bits of sinew across her knees and chest. For any normal prey animal moving by it would be a rather grotesque and confusing scene  ̶  but this is Beqanna. Normal might just be a kelpie-girl feeding on a deer, happily wearing her horse-form as she fills her belly. She was used to many other equids fearing her, as they should, she isn’t beyond grabbing one of them and making them a snack. She has never done it before, but she’s never promised not to, either.

         After a few hours she moves away from her kill and off to take a nap; letting the ravens and vultures fight over the remaining carcass. Her golden eyes sweep the landscape for a sunny south facing hillside and a soft place to bed. She finds just that and lays like a carcass, licking her bloodied lips and fading off to sleep. Her ears swivel and twirl, staying alert even as she drifts off. Any vibrations in the ground can be felt and would wake her easily. Unless someone drops kicks her from the sky with lightning speed, she guesses that she’s pretty safe. Claudia is fat and sleepy, and an attack would be so inconvenient.

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    C L A U D I A
    ivar x wrena

    it's a little bit lame but pretty much her whole personality is being a savage meat eating hunter weirdo girl, so, it makes sense
    open to anyone

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