I need you to be a monster
which is to say, I am trying not to love you
which is to say, I am still dreaming of kissing your claws
whats up i've forgotten how to write
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
[open] there is a dream in the space between the hammer and the nail; any
09-25-2022, 05:54 PM
rapt rapt. I need you to be a monster which is to say, I am still dreaming of kissing your claws whats up i've forgotten how to write You know how to balance, but I don't... Dharma is not entirely sure how she's gotten here. Not specifically here, but in this new world. Her bright orange eyes are nearly popping from her head. As her tanned frame slithers from place to place, Dharma finds herself wondering how she has ever stumbled into such an oddly, beautiful place. Her hooves, though she tries to keep them soft and subtle, are abusing the ground trying only to live beneath them. She spots him then. Fluorescent in the light. There is no mistake that he may be older, but that does not deter her. She watches patiently, lurking trying to find any excuse to understand others. Anyone. Just trying to make the right approach. With the shake of her withers, she realizes he is already walking away. "Excuse me, Her words come out, soft, hushed. Almost terrified. She hopes for an answer from the stranger. She prays for answers as to where she is. But most of all, she prays for someone or something, She cannot be left alone. "I'm Dharma." I wish I could finally just find home. @rapt so sorry I'm new again and rusty and my html is doing me no favors lol
10-04-2022, 08:46 AM
I wish I could finally just find home
When the strangers turns to acknowledge her, Dharma feels her shoulders and the tension occupying them loosen. The stallion moves closer, not in a way that makes her feel threatened. She craves the closeness of others. The smile playing upon his misted muzzles causes her lips to tug upward, a genuine smile. The mare normally has a smile plastered to her face, like a permanent grin that others tend to find unsettling. In general, she finds that life is quite lovely, and those around her just haven’t taken the time to marvel in it. But strange new lands often mean even stranger new faces. Though Dharma believes all beings are inherently good, her mother always cautioned her that she was naive, and could not trust every practiced word that fell from another’s lips. Rapt. The name rolls around in her brain, and she decides she quite likes the way the consonants surround the vowel. It’s simple, yet sounds powerful. With a small dip of her crown, she extends her left leg and giggles as she bows dramatically. ”A pleasure to meet you, Rapt.” Golden orbs flicker to meet his, glowing with childlike wonder. Life is but a game to her, and not everyone finds it to be as funny. ”Are you alone?” Her head subconsciously snaps back towards her now arched neck. Her right brow drew up, a miniscule amount that she hoped he wouldn’t notice. With the rise and fall of her chest, she reminded herself to be polite. Her smile never faltered, and she allowed her coiled neck to loosen, nodding her head as she did so. Perhaps the question was just small talk, she reminded herself not to take things so personally. ”Well I’ve met you, so I suppose I’m not completely alone.” Her left eye closes, in what she means to appear as a wink. Dharma has never been great with charming others, although she would die trying. ”And you, Rapt? Are you alone?” Vocals come out a little stronger now, though still smooth and sweet as honey. Her onyx tails flickers back and forth, lightly tapping her golden flank. With both ears perked in his direction, it is clear he has her full attention. @rapt |
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