Before McDonald’s, I bet “don’t buy cheeseburgers from a clown” was a pretty hard and fast rule.
Satty is completely used to being ignored, which is fine, because his style of existing doesn’t exactly invite in Beqanna’s plethora of angsty sad
That’s not a complete sentence. Apparently last time this word document was open that was as far as your dear author got with writing a post, and honestly? That sums it up. Nothing else would need to be said.
(Rule of threes. I am a talented, purposeful writer. This is symbolic of something. I don’t know what, but if you look hard enough, everything is symbolic of something, isn’t it?)
(Speak of threes, I have three hundred other posts and things to do. But this is fine.)
(Rule of fours?)
Except Satty is now absolutely BURSTING with gazillion god magic and he is finally the god he so long believed himself to be. He can levitate. He can shift into a dragon. He can shift into a rock. He can shift into a bird., He can shift into a fish.
He likes shifting. It’s dope.
He can also control everything. He uses his incredible powers to make the sun super bright and the sky super blue. Also, there’s music somewhere, like angels signing, and I meant to write singing but the first rule of writing Satty posts is that no edits are allowed.
And Satire!
He has used his super exquisite powers to make himself very tall, and pale blue, and glittering like Edward the Twilight vampire™ when he’s in…Italy? Is that what happened? Where he’s going to kill himself by glittering or whatever? Was that a hallucination?
One eye is a deep purple and the other is emerald green. His hooves are also jewels. I don’t know what kind.
(Word suggests I change emerald green to emerald, green. Excuse me while I IGNORE YOU, Word.)
He walks on a rainbow path both because rainbows are dope but also because he’s bisexual (bi pride stand UP). He looks absolutely spectacular and definitely like he has the most magic. He might fight Carnage later. He shifts into a deer, who also sparkles, just because he can. He shifts back into his spectacular self.
“What’s good, Beqanna?” he says to absolutely no one, and then stands there, glittering.
You know how sometimes you’re just living your perfect little retired life, sunbathing next to your super hot wife and neither of you are aging because you’re fake imaginary ponies that one person from Washington and one person from Canada are still kind of attached to even though you don’t get posted anymore?
It’s pretty fun. As far as lives go, it's super great.
Depp doesn't really think about "Beqanna" anymore. Some of his kids have started disappearing from his memory, almost like they're being deleted from some sort of database, which just means that he frees up a little bit of space to make more with Caddy without feeling so guilty about it. He tried using this as a pick up line with her one night and it... well it still worked but she wasn't thrilled about it.
What's really weird is that even though he doesn't think about BQ, he still ends up here now and then. There's like a 90% chance he's dreaming right now, and he's pretty sure he is because even though he's shiny and gorgeous and fantastic as always, there's speech bubbles floating above his head. They might be showing what he's thinking about except it's just three dots appearing and disappearing over and over again.
Someone is crafting quite the message.
He doesn't so much walk as float over to the sparkly stranger. I mean, if you're going to talk to a stranger why not pick the prettiest one, right?
A cartoon angel appears in Depp's thought-bubble right when he asks this magnificent beast “Hey have you seen an angel around here? Kind of looks like she just walked out of a Spirit Halloween store?”
Not that he's looking for his mother in law for any particular reason. Not after what they made last time.
tomorrow he might get a real fake table but tonight he is not that special