"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
04-19-2021, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2021, 12:07 PM by Katarina.)
your soul is able, death is all you cradle sleeping on the nails, there's nowhere left to fall
Her skin seems painted as it clings to every inch of her body. The darkness, a reflection of her mother's love, reflects an opacity that seems to dull and swallow all other colors that stand as a meager back drop against the curve of her jaw. Long hair of equal onyx falls in a cascade of waves so it reaches a luxurious length near her shoulder while her preened tail follows along the ground like expensive, disregarded silks.
One smooth leg drifts from the other, a rhythmic drift, as though the lightly feathered limb dances elegantly. The dark mare had spent some time in the warmth of Tephra for a wedge of time before she faded to the evergreens, mingling in the depths of the land. Relief from a humid summer fades to autumn and so rainfall. Fat droplets emerge from above to gather and fall over the land and across the black mare. Glass green eyes drift upward disapprovingly before one rudely swats her across her pretty nose. Kat is appalled and winkles her muzzle in return before huffing her frustration and picking up a clean trot towards the cover of more densely collected tree tops.
A fit of irritation leaves her twisting her body to shake away the rain but it is to no avail that her mane sticks to her skin in fine threads of splintered tributaries. "Seriously?" The low tone of her voice mutters hollowly and to no one in particular. Katarina wonders if Vulgaris was still the leader of Tephra but there isn't much doubt. In the brief interaction they had, he seemed to be a clear minded man with direction. A corner of her lips curl slightly in response to the thought of the male.
Sizzling static bristles and cracks a bolt of lightning not far off that jars a spasm from her. It had been some time since she had weathered a storm alone but it never failed to unnerve the stoic features. A slice of embarrassment stings her pride that she hopes none other than the few deer witnessed. Kat tended to her abrasiveness like a well kept garden, guarded and coveted. It would do no good to employ her mask of solidarity if one saw the mare flinch beneath a storm's rage.
you have admired what every man desires everyone is king when there's no one left to pawn
"Seriously?," the single word draws the attention of the siren and before she even realizes it she's headed towards the source. The rain goes unnoticed, mainly because all it does is increase the sharpness of her features. "Seriously," the word drops from between her lips in an almost teasing manner. She knows nothing of the history of this land, of what this mare may or may not know. Though that doesn't mean she necessarily cares to. It's as the lightning cracks across the sky that she emerges from the bushes of varying shades and comes into sight of the black mare. The differences between them, at least physically, are instantly notable.
Standing in the open the young mares golden coat and beauty cause her to nearly glow in the low light of the ongoing storm. With delicate features and almond shaped green eyes, Gossip observes the other momentarily before sighing. "Did you come to see the volcano?" If so this weather certainly wasn't the best for sightseeing. At least that was her opinion. Though never would she so much as dare to admit that was exactly why she had found herself in Tephra.
Thunder rolled eagerly across the sky and the trees shivered in response as Gossip glanced towards the sky. Her brother would have been thrilled to be here. His favorite weather had always been storms such as these. Though unlike him she didn't share the love for really any weather. Instead she preferred exploration and discovery. "Weather can be such a bother. I have a brother who would instigate this storm the moment he was allowed," she muses quietly. Glancing towards the mare, she finally pretends to take a complete interest. "Who are you?"
thanks for the html savage!
ooc: hi, hello! this is my first time posting gossip and she's currently going through a personality molding so please bare with me <3
your soul is able, death is all you cradle sleeping on the nails, there's nowhere left to fall
A voice echoes her complaint and it causes the dark mare to purse her lips involuntarily. She had not been expecting to see another out in this weather. The sea green eyes narrow beneath the throaty cracks of thunder as the rain fell in sheets.
There is nothing but rainfall for a moment when the lightning illuminated a golden bodied, fair haired mare not far from where Kat stood. She is delicately bathed in the clip of electricity as she approached with a sarcastically dipped tongue. Kat found herself beginning to smirk despite how her hair traced along the tributaries carved in the rain. She enjoys the way the droplets patter against her skin, thrumming gleefully.
"A volcano?" She breathes, tasting the clean rainwater on her lips, its sweet and wild. "Well perhaps you can show me when the weather clears." The words roll off like a shrug. "I am actually here to just see if I remembered anyone since I have been gone a bit." The words murmur slowly as she dips her head nearer to the other. The black velvet mare shifts her weight from one rounded hip to the other whilst never taking her eyes from the smaller woman. "Katarina, darling." The name tip toes from her dark lips, rolling slightly at the end, as she watches with a soften demeanor yet her eyes still remain sharp and engulfing of the younger equine. "And pray tell, might you be, pretty one?" Kat inquires with an almost snake-like precision, watching and reading for anything that may betray the younger mare and her potential intentions.
you have admired what every man desires everyone is king when there's no one left to pawn
The rain growing heavier does not go unnoticed. Though that being said the golden mare is hardly phased. Water droplets drip off her eyelashes as a matching smirk spreads across her own features. "Perhaps I can. Though I'd have to find my way to it first," her voice is smooth as it cuts through the rain and fills the empty space between them. "I can't guarantee you'll find anyone. This place seems pretty empty." Temporarily a note of displeasure dances across her tone and soon after the thunder rolls across the sky angrily. It's almost as if the weather agrees with her that the silence is nothing to be enjoyed.
The rain wraps around her soon has her feeling as though she is a hundred pounds heavier. It's almost soothing this feeling. The tension in her muscles are beginning to relax and for a moment she even feels as though she might be happy. "Are they important? The ones you're looking for?" Does she really care? It's hard to say honestly. Though if she didn't continue the conversation she was sure to lose interest and simply leave the other standing there without a word of explanation as she disappeared back towards the ocean.
With a slight step to the side she distances herself from the mare as her head dips what she would consider almost too close and with narrowed eyes her ears twist as she observes the other. "Katarina," the name is elegant and different. It draws command while her name is nothing more than a whisper. "I'm Gossip," her introduction is bland and to the point and for a a moment she lets her own name sit on her tongue like a bad taste. It's not as though she disapproved, simply that she never understood her mother's humor concerning her name.
your soul is able, death is all you cradle sleeping on the nails, there's nowhere left to fall
"Gossip." She tastes the name, rolling it over tongue and palate to taste the hidden notes. With lids falling over her glittering green eyes, she pauses, "pretty." Her eye snap open to look upon the smaller mare with a pleased expression. She does not sense a challenge or threat from the honey gold girl. "I do hope this rain lightens up." And as if by magic, it begins to taper off. Katarina is not magic mare. She can not weave spells nor manipulate and control. She is a presence, an essence. She commands by existence.
"Would you like to walk, Gossip? Perhaps there is a place I may grab a drink while we talk." A slick smirk slides over her dark mare-ish lips with green, green eyes peering from the tangle of her wet hair like a kelpie of yore. She does not wish to intimidate but after being absent for some time, she wishes to explore her last known home. "So tell me of yourself. Can you do any tricks? I know Beqanna had begun to bloom with magic when I last stood on this very soil." The older mare wants to see if the other had the ability to control or charm her, all the while the face remains soft with her easy smirk and half lidded eye.
Katarina hungers for something. She desires a disturbance of sorts but believes it is best to get her hooves wet in the proverbial pool to see what ins and out of the new Beqanna and perhaps young Gossip will be her guide. If anything, a little light conversation was in order to soothe her purring throat. It seemed as if Beqanna had slipped into a soft slumber and there was not better time for the velvet black mare to return like the slinking hell-cat she is.
you have admired what every man desires everyone is king when there's no one left to pawn
(this post blows and I AM SORRY! maybe they can go harass someone lol)