02-28-2021, 04:41 PM

The guilt had crept in seemingly without his noticing it over the long months Casimira had remained in Tephra.
But he feels it like a phantom limb now, a thorn stuck in the center of his chest now. He had not meant for her to have to stay here so long, but it had made sense for them to stay together as the darkness crippled Beqanna. He knows that he cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like for her to be trapped here, that the thorn stuck in his chest does not compare to whatever discomfort she must be feeling.
He has tried to give her space as often as he can, aware that his company can be stifling, his unyielding optimism exhausting. He has shown the children as much as Tephra as he could manage in the darkness, looking for any sign of shifting in either of them so that they might be able to travel to Hyaline with their mother. Worship has told him of dreams he’s had of great draconic creatures but nothing else and Rare’s only magic seems to come in the form of troubled sleep.
And now there are murmurs. Murmurs from the East of Breach’s passing and he finds Casimira, tucking himself easing against her side. He wonders if this will change things in Hyaline, if this means that Casimira will be able to take the children home and live where she is comfortable. If it means that he will be able to join them when the sun returns and he knows that Tephra is safe.
He reaches for her shoulder, touches her gently, consolingly. They have not spoken much about Hyaline’s queen. He exhales a warm huff of breath. “I am sorry to hear about Breach,” he murmurs, careful, the very last thing he wants to do is upset her. “Do you think this will change things in Hyaline?”
But he feels it like a phantom limb now, a thorn stuck in the center of his chest now. He had not meant for her to have to stay here so long, but it had made sense for them to stay together as the darkness crippled Beqanna. He knows that he cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like for her to be trapped here, that the thorn stuck in his chest does not compare to whatever discomfort she must be feeling.
He has tried to give her space as often as he can, aware that his company can be stifling, his unyielding optimism exhausting. He has shown the children as much as Tephra as he could manage in the darkness, looking for any sign of shifting in either of them so that they might be able to travel to Hyaline with their mother. Worship has told him of dreams he’s had of great draconic creatures but nothing else and Rare’s only magic seems to come in the form of troubled sleep.
And now there are murmurs. Murmurs from the East of Breach’s passing and he finds Casimira, tucking himself easing against her side. He wonders if this will change things in Hyaline, if this means that Casimira will be able to take the children home and live where she is comfortable. If it means that he will be able to join them when the sun returns and he knows that Tephra is safe.
He reaches for her shoulder, touches her gently, consolingly. They have not spoken much about Hyaline’s queen. He exhales a warm huff of breath. “I am sorry to hear about Breach,” he murmurs, careful, the very last thing he wants to do is upset her. “Do you think this will change things in Hyaline?”