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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    I'm putting a lot of my eggs into that basket, the MTV basket. -x
    Name: Torryn
    Gender: stallion
    Breed: mustang hybrid
    Traits/defects: bodach
    Color: born blue roan, is now black
    Color Genetic Code (if known): --
    Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [BODACH][shadow camouflage]

    Name: Despoina
    Gender: mare
    Breed: Arabian hybrid
    Traits/defects: Hellhound
    Color: iridescent blue with black points
    Color Genetic Code (if known): --
    Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [HELLHOUND][sound mimicry][immortality][self healing][tiger shifting][color changing]

    We are requesting twins <3

    Laura would like a colt named Caelum (she is recycling this name), and no other requests.

    Colby would like a filly named Racine, iridescent blue roan in color.

    THANK YOU <3
    Ryatah & her 800 relatives, plus Briseis
    42, 75, 76, 72

    Name: Caelum
    Breed: Abstang Hybrid
    Gender: Male
    Color: Iridescent blue roan
    Traits/Defects: tegteg [SHADOW CREATURE][IMMORTALITY][TIGER SHIFTING][hellhound][shadow camouflage][sound mimicry][self healing][color changing]
    Parents: Torryn x Despoina
    Played by: Laura
    Due date: March
    Breedable by: July

    31, 89, 76, 38

    Name: Racine
    Breed: Abstang Hybrid
    Gender: Female
    Color: Iridescent blue roan
    Traits/Defects: tegteg [SHADOW CREATURE][IMMORTALITY][hellhound][self healing][tiger shifting][color changing]
    Parents: Torryn x Despoina
    Played by: Colby
    Due date: March
    Breedable by: September

    i'm in my own lane, you ain't in my category

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