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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  like a tidal wave, i'll make a mess; any
    They are an odd pair in every form but one, in every shape but the matching skeletons they become at night when the sun dips beneath the horizon, spilling like melted gold across the distance of the ocean. They are almost impossible to tell apart, except that his bones are longer and larger, and his antlers remain like a ghastly crown atop his skull. Her head is bare, her bones delicate.

    But it is day, and the morning finds them on the beach where the sun warms their merle bodies, and the ocean water laps at Splendora’s legs. Sorren stays higher on the beach, close enough to get to his sister, but very carefully out of reach of the waves that come crashing irregularly against the shore. He has never been a fan of the water, too wet. But Splendora is enchanted by it as she is with most things, and her little blind face lifts first to the warmth of the sun, and then drops to the motion of the water beneath her. Sorren can tell she is listening to it again by the way those delicate red ears flick silently back and forth. Then she turns her face in his direction - she’s off by a few feet but it doesn’t make a difference. “What does the ocean look like?” She wonders, and he sighs so quietly because it is a conversation they have almost daily.

    “It’s wet, and you would hate it if you could see it.” He’s only half-serious, but the frown in his voice makes her smile and then laugh. “Sorren!” Her gentleness softens him, and the sound of her laughing voice tugs the frowning corners of his mouth so subtly upwards. He sighs again, but he’s smiling now too, quiet and crooked and in an expression he reserves only for her, for the match to his soul who knows him so well. Ironic, since she is the only one who can’t see it.

    She wades towards the shore, heading in the direction his voice had come from, and he moves to meet her at the edge of the water. He stops her with a gentle touch to her neck and she returns the gesture, stilling beside him to wait for the words she already knows he’s working on in his head. “Well, it’s really big.” And she doesn’t laugh or interrupt him, because she understands how special his words are when he does finally decide to share them. “If you’re facing it, it’s all you can see until it meets the sky, and then that’s all you can see. It’s dark and creepy, and you can’t see whatever is out there hiding,” a shiver grips him as he blinks and frowns, “but somehow it’s bright too. And maybe it’s pretty I guess. But only because the sun lights it up.”

    He’s quiet again, and she leans into the smell of flowers that comes from his hair, a scent that is so completely familiar and so endlessly comforting. It is the trait she most wishes she shared with the rest of their family. “What does the sky look like today?” He frowns again, looking down at his twin and wondering at the unfairness of why someone so curious had been born without one of her senses. “It’s bright blue today, the same blue as the flowers in my mane. And I can’t see a single cloud anywhere.” She smiles and sighs, and the sound is so unlike the resigned way he does it. On her lips it is wistful and dreamy, a sound as soft as the shade of green that spills like molten emeralds over her irises. “We could go explore the mountain caves again if you want?” He knows it is her favorite, the damp smells and echoing sounds, the way the wind breathes secrets through the stone. But she is quiet still when she shakes her head at him, and he wonders at the new sadness he sees in those beautiful, unseeing eyes.

    sorren & splendora

    i'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat


    It is not often that the stargazer finds herself in Tephra. She tends to keep to the north, where the stars are seen the clearest from the highest mountain peaks, but there are times when she feels as if the west calls to her. Almost as if the sun itself (a star in its own way) begs for her reprieve, to watch it set most beautifully across the western sea, where the outcroppings of Islandres and Ischia just barely lay on the horizon.

    Starlight, though she would never admit it, finds it hard to walk leisurely through the volcanic land. Her father, if he even knew of her existence, was an enigma; a shadow that she had only heard about and rarely seen, her indigo colored eyes never resting upon him for more than a few minutes at a time. She is not hidden by any means by her mother, but there is a resonance within her that lets her know she had not been planned - by them at least.

    The girl looks to the stars though they hide in the brightness of the daytime sun - they had a plan for her, and that was enough for the auburn girl that is laced with the soft blue glow of starlight on her legs and in her mane and tail, and along with the tips of her deep navy wings. Had she known her grandfather, she would realize she is nearly the spitting image of the once King, decades ago.

    But how she is only a stranger, a wanderer born of a now-King, nameless amongst the many that find Tephra their home.

    When Starlight maneuvers her way through the thick jungle and towards the openness of the sea, she cannot help but find that her eyes are drawn nearly immediately to the two that stand along the shoreline. One dabbles in the sea, while the other seems to look dutifully upon her, reserved and stoic just out of reach of the sea’s playful waves.

    A nomad she may be, but she had yet to find it in her to simply avoid meeting others.

    The glowing girl (barely noticeable in the brightness of the morning sun) makes her way closer to the duo, careful not to intrude on their private conversation but also turning her dark eyes towards them hopefully. Starlight has just caught the last part of his sentence, her navy-tipped ears flicking forward gently. There is silence then and a soft wrinkling of the subtle glowing blue of her muzzle. “I’d like to go,” she murmurs softly into the sea wind when she realizes that the other might not answer right away.

    “If you don’t mind a third,” she smiles at them both, a bit sheepishly, feeling a bit nervous without the steady light of her companion beneath her mane, who resides somewhere in the sky above them, invisible but watching. At least at night, she felt more at peace; less naked and more at ease, with the silver light of the stars to wrap around her and the gentle warmth of her star. But she was determined to meet others, so she inhales deeply so that she may wear the same brave face she does during the night. “I’m Starlight.”


    @[sorren and splendora]

    Although Lyali is aware that there are other foals in Tephra, ones that she is not related to, she has not made a habit of seeking them out. She has her sisters, her family, and they keep her plenty busy. There’s always something to do, someone to talk to, something to explore. Meeting Barley had been fun, though, and that little memory encourages her to approach the group that she spots on the beach.

    She’s standing in the treeline, wondering about whether or not she should join the pair - the mention of mountain caves perks her interest and she misses the way the girl shakes her head at this suggestion. Another filly joins them and she’s still debating whether her additional presence would be too much when she spots the blue flowers in the mane of one of the merle twins.

    She wonders briefly if this is a relative she hasn’t met yet. Certainly not a sibling - she’s sure she would have known that - but the familiarity of that feature helps draw out some bravery in her and encourages her to move forward onto the beach and interupt the just-forming party. She’s grateful for the recent arrival of the other girl, Lyali isn’t sure she would have known what to say if she hadn’t had something to piggyback off of. Coming up with the right words around her family was always easy - and she knows it would not be the end of the world if none of these other youths liked her…

    But still. It would be nice if they did, wouldn’t it?

    Her marigold and rose eyes crinkle with a smile - unknowingly feeling the same shy and awkwardness as Starlight. Her leaf wings are folded gently at her side, the coreopsis blooms bright amidst her pale hair as she takes them all in. It's incredible to think that there could be so many others close to her age living in this kingdom at the same time as her, and she has not seen any of them before. “Or a fourth? Four is a lucky number.” She’s sure she’s heard one of her parents say that before, or maybe it’s just a fact of life she’s accepted. Four is perfect, four is sacred. Four seasons, four directions, four kingdoms.

    Four companions.

    “I’m Lyali.”


    @[sorren and splendora]

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