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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    new trait suggestion?
    Name: Equus Sirenum 

    Trait spaces: 3 (4?)

    Description: The melding of equine and siren. Equus sirenums can look like any equine, but have the ability to shift their lower bodies into a fish or shark tail when in water. These creatures are only mares, and their powers only work on male horses. Sirens have normal horse hair (no scales or fins) and are just as subject to wounds/hypnosis/magic etc as normal horses. Sirens are almost always mischievous and malicious. They are distantly related to equus kelpus. Abilities include the ability to breathe under water, siren song, supernatural attractiveness, and medium hypnosis at a medium distance (player consent required, no touch required, can be broken by powerful will, does not work on females), and fish tail shifting. 

    I tried super hard to make this different from kelpies! BUT it may be too close... thoughts?
    Are you specifically looking to get this for a character? We are always open to new traits, but would rather only work out the details of them when they are potentially about to go to a character.

    --Kyra, who is too lazy to switch accounts.
    Well, yes! I'd like to quest for this trait for Hexen

    ... edit

    This was supposed to be my Nautilus account sorry lmao
    Yes, with some slight modifications below. It would be a 4 space trait.

    Name: Equus Sirenum

    Trait spaces: 4

    Description: The melding of equine and siren. Equus sirenums can look like any equine, but have the ability to shift their lower bodies into a fish or shark tail when in water. Their powers only work on the opposite sex. Sirens have normal horse hair (no scales or fins) and are just as subject to wounds/hypnosis/magic etc as normal horses. Sirens are almost always mischievous and malicious. They are distantly related to equus kelpus. Abilities include the ability to breathe under water, siren song, supernatural attractiveness, and medium hypnosis at a medium distance (player consent required, no touch required, can be broken by powerful will, does not work on females), and fish tail shifting (may not have more than 4 spaces worth of abilities).

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