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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i've got some secrets i forgot to mention
    Marianas nudged his sister's shoulder as she plunged into the water beside him. The broad wings she carried stabilised at the surface by her sides like pontoon floats, feathery rafts that he secretly wished for. Without them though, he was far more nimble in the water. 

    With wide eyes, the boy watched the big man dive beneath them, the undulating ribbons of blue and gold fins catching the light beautifully in the clear water. Ma's fins danced like that too beneath the waves. He and Kaimana's were still just short mohawks of keratin and membrane, but he hoped he'd be that beautiful one day. One hoof pawed at the tail of the man as he passed beneath them, curious about their feel. 

    When the kelpie's head popped back over the surface, he grinned at his twin, forgetting the bickering they'd nearly gotten into moments before. "North! There's no way you find it first, I'm going to find it first!" He crowed, paddling in the direction indicated. There were islands in the North, they belonged to Ischia but were mostly left to do their own business. Ma hadn't taken them to visit yet, but the sandy coated boy had an idea that the seal pup would be there, on one of them. 

    It was a long way to swim though, and even he would be tired by the end of it. Still, it was the beaches and the coves where a lost pup would wash up, and he knew they'd have an easier time reaching those by water. He beamed reassuringly at Kai, the excitement of their quest not yet faded with exhaustion and fear.

    @[Ivar] @[Kaimana]

    Oh, the albatross crash lands

    Kaimana smiles big and wide at her brother, bobbing beside him for a moment. Her wings are quite useful, even in the water -- she doesn't have all the fins and stuff that Marianas has, but she does have one thing to help her out in swimming. The little filly's feathers are completely waterproof, coated in an oil she secretes at the base of the feathers. She's found if she's careful, she can preen the oil into her feathers and use her wings to swim like the diving seabirds that fish offshore! They are also useful for floating, of course. 

    Suddenly, the dark chocolate girl wants nothing to do with the beach that is behind her. She giggles and dives after Marianas, gills opening at her throatlatch to allow the salty water to run over them. This stranger, he's allright, isn't he? She feels safe with him. 

    She wants to stay with him.


    @[Ivar] @[Marianas] SORRY FOR THE DELAY

    I V A R
    i'll use you as a makeshift gauge
    of how much to give and how much to take
    The brown filly grows braver by the second, and Ivar’s smile grows satisfied. Though he is certain that the hypnosis has worked, he does not allow himself to relax until the three of them have made it out of the protection of Aquaria’s cove. The waters are deeper here, and the currents stronger. The colt seems elated, swimming north eagerly, and his sister follows. Aided by the warm spring waves, the three of them soon arrive at the northernmost island, the one Ivar has called his for nearly a decade. It looks no different than any other in the Ischia archipelago: brilliant white sands and lush greenery. A handful of treeless grassy areas are hidden within the depths of the jungle, and a single freshwater spring is at the heart of the largest meadow.

    That meadow is where he intends to keep the children. He has a few nursing mares who will keep them fed while he best decides how to use them against Aquaria. This will take some planning, he knows. The nereid is wily, and sure to be on alert now that her children are missing. It would be easiest if she came here to look for them, Ivar thinks. He could lure her away from the water somehow (lest she use it against him), accidentally brush up against her as they move through the trees, perhaps. Then, by the time they find the meadow and her children in it, she will be so complacent under hypnosis that she will not remember why she came, let alone think she might wish to leave.

    This scenario brings a smile to the kelpie’s face. As they have swum, Ivar has done his best to convince the children to stay, silent commands to forget their home and want his instead conveyed through the gentlest brush of his fins against theirs. He hopes they have forgotten the seal entirely, but he has decided that the effort of a trip to Island Resort to catch one would be a price he was willing to pay for revenge on their mother.

    He doesn’t mention it as he reaches the shallows of Kelpie, instead shifting wordlessly to his four-legged form.

    “I have two daughters you might like to play with,” he says instead, “They are about your age.” Ivar thinks of Claudia and Izmir, the acceptably aquatic children of this season. Isobell was once more without a child, and he thinks again that she might enjoy taking one of these under her wing.

    @[Marianas] @[Kaimana]

    and i'll use you as a warning sign
    that if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

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