"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Since befriending Adria last year Wrena had not left. She’s not sure where the mare had gone off to, or if she might still be around – it seemed as though she was no longer leading the pack, so to speak. The dragoness has not offered her services and skills to the next in line behind the last Queen. Only loafing around, really, raising her son and baking in the sun on the bright beaches of Ivar’s isle. She moves between the mainland and Ivar’s claimed space, rudely traipsing wherever she wishes, sleuthing about in order to avoid getting barked at for trespassing.
When and if Ivar comes strolling about to scold her for crossing his borders she easily offers her body for him to feast on. He may not eat her, no, not in the real sense, but of course sexually. Both of them are always game for pleasures of the flesh and it seems to always satiate the kelpie enough for her to slip away as she always does.
The heat of a fading summer touches the lush jungles of the islands and it makes the woman seek the refuge of cool waters. The crystalline fresh waters of Ischia’s northern waterfalls offer a perfect spot for respite. The flight from Ivar’s shores isn’t long and she touches down to the rocks jutting up from the gushing waters. Rippling pools gather in pockets along the falls, and of course the lake below. She chooses a pool to the edge, close enough to the edge of some flat rocks so she may climb out if she needs to, but secluded enough to be undisturbed (or so she assumes).
She climbs in with an exhale. She can feel the smell of Ivar leaving her skin, letting him seep out of her, shedding him once again. She always enjoys being devoured by him, and she always loves leaving him too. A delightful game she’s played with him for years, or that he has played with her, however you want to look at it.
basically she's fresh off of gettin laid, washing the sex off of herself haha
but yeah, feel free to approach her! she's been lingering here for years.
05-05-2020, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2020, 04:49 PM by Aquaria.)
Her regular path around the island was a well worn memory by now. The pearl seamare had traveled it twice a day, every day since she'd returned from Loess. The hardened track of clay and sand beneath her hooves brought her past familiar groves and pools, the comforting landmarks of home.
Scales glittering in the sunlight she made her way along the igneous rockfalls that characterized the northern shores. Spills of black glass and basalt that met with white sands and crystal water. Beautiful, especially where the waterfalls spilled over the stone. The pounding water created a dozen smaller pools before it reached the sea. It wasn't often she came across horses here, and that was a pity. The view was worth the climb.
Today was different though, and Aquaria found herself smiling as she reached one of the lower pools. A darkly cloaked mare soaked in the cool water, long tendrils of black hair floating on the surface. The finned seamare admired the elegant picture she made against the idyllic backdrop as she came to a halt at the edge of the pool.
With a nicker of greeting, she drew herself into a neat pose and grinned. "Hello there, stranger. I don't think we've met. I'm Aquaria." She burbled. Sleek as a fish her pale body slipped into water so that she could look the unknown mare at eye level.
05-08-2020, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 02:49 PM by wrena.)
Wrena had been left in peace for hours, just soaking, doing nothing at all to earn her spot among the fronds and water of Ischia’s islands. She had turned the waters hot with the fire she can invoke with her magic, how handy. The power lets her chest turn ember orange and red, creeping up her throat until she can emit roars of scorching flame. After having the fun little trick since birth, she’s got all sorts of uses for it ̶ making one’s own perfect ‘thermal pool ’is just one of many. The heat helps her muscles relax, and best of all, washes the grit and kelpie from under fur.
Aquaria’s presence doesn’t draw a frown from the dragongirl, even though she has disturbed her peace after all. She rises just a little from the water, un-slouching her lithe body and adjusting her leathery black wings. “Aquaria,” she repeats with a warm purr, “Wrena.” she nods with something resembling a smile curving her dark lips. Her eyes, the color pumpkins roasted under a flame, keep with Aqaria’s as she slips into the water before her and the slithering smooth motion brings an actual smile to her face. The Nereid Queen, Adria, did the same when they met… as they met the same way, even. Turns out Wrena has always loved having a good soak at the waterfalls. “Pleasure to meet you, Aquaria.” she says her name again and this time it sounds more familiar in her mouth, as if she’s said it many times before. “I’ve lived here for many years, but I have to admit, I never seek the company of the other Ischians, or do much to serve the crown.” she feigns a scoff, closing her eyes as if letting herself drift back into meditative peace.
“And are you the new Lady of Ischia, Aquaria?” she asks the question with eyes still closed, sinking down into the warm waters a little more, steam rising slowly around the mares as they talk.
The warmth of the water was a pleasant surprise, reminding the white mare forcefully of the mineral pools in Loess. She'd spent long hours in those hot springs, letting the heat sooth her ruffled thoughts. With a flick of her ears, she looked closer at the darkly colored mare she'd come to, noted that great wings floated on the surface of the water by her sides. Strange, leathery wings.
A courteous nod bowed the nereid's neck in acceptance of the stranger's name. Their eyes were opposites, saturated tones of violet and orange where they met. "I hope I haven't disturbed you, Wrena. It's a pleasure to meet you too." She laughed lightly at the woman's assertion that she had no business with the big island. That was why they had their beachmaster's arrangement, she supposed, and made a mental note that she needed to go around and visit with the masculine islanders. Later, though.
For now she shrugged and smiled at the woman who's breast glowed faintly beneath the waterline. "It's a pity. We'd have met sooner, I think, if you had." She sighed, rolling her shoulders against the hot water. Humid condensation began to form on her pearly scales, mixing with sweat and dried salt. Almost too warm for comfort, but she let it flow around her anyway. If need be, there was rushing water much cooler than this only paces away. She wouldn't be making fish stew.
The question that followed Wrena's sedate drowsing drew a wry smile from her lips. "Word travels," she commented, the thin webbing of her tail fanned behind her. She watched the water ripple between them for a moment. "But yes, I'm the new Dame. I don't know if you knew Eva, but she held the title before me. And my sister Adria before her." A lot to live up to, with their lengthy records of peace and kindness.