"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
03-27-2020, 05:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2020, 01:05 PM by Ruinam.)
winter wonderland
Ischia, a million wild souls entangled together in a rich atmosphere full of warmth and richness, completely free and untroubled. The idea he arrives with should only help with that very freeness that he desires all lands to enjoy.
The deep jungle assaults all of his senses at once as he enters, the humid air and heat presses against his skin as he walks, and even though his body starts to sweat, it is a pleasant welcome after visiting the freezing climates of the icicle isle which made his skin freeze even in his draconic form. The insects that buzz around him and birds that fly just above him create an orchestra of sound, calling him into the jungle. The flora around him creates a pleasant atmosphere for both his nose and eyes, the virescent hues jump out at him at every glance, booming with colour and scent. He smiles as he walks on, smaller flowers and plants catching his hooves in an attempt to trip him over, though they snap quite easily and allow him through.
Finally, the male comes to a halt as he reaches the northernmost lake, calling out to Eva with the hope of discussing what they would do next, especially after what had happened the last time he had tried. The male stands quietly and waits patiently, appreciating all that the jungle has to offer. Now he waits patiently on the border, watching his companion as he settles down and shakes himself, trying to get rid of any remaining water.
03-27-2020, 03:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2020, 01:33 PM by Eva.)
your waves are pulling me under i'm caught in your riptide
The warm spring days washed in like the familiar tide on the shores of Ischia. It was a comforting embrace; she welcomed the return of warmer days to come as summer drifted in on the spring winds. The harsh tropical storms came and went, and the days passed just as rain fell every few weeks. She waited for the wakening of the warmth, basking in the richness and humid days she often enjoys.
Even in the late spring, her body remained an incubation for new life to come. Her belly swelled like a large beachball, obviously indicating she was going to be a mother to twins once again. It had been a great surprise to Eva that she was going to be a mother to twins again, but knowing Velkan, she knew now to always expect to have more than one. It seemed his own nature was keen on ensuring a successful lineage without asking her thoughts on it at all.
She doesn’t argue with such things now. Eva only wishes for the twins to come soon, but she knows any minute and day her two new bundles of joy will be here. For now, she enjoys the quite moments of isolation that remain before summer comes and invites all to visit the tropical Island.
Although, it seems her time for some peace and quiet do not exist today. An old, yet familiar call reaches her purple years. Curiously, her golden eyes peer out from the shade of the jungle canopy near the northern lake with the waterfall. In the distance, she spots the familiar white colored stallion—Ruinam.
Her lips curve up into a warm smile naturally. She lifts herself up from her the quiet place of rest and makes her way towards him. With every step she waddles like a duck, it’s a comical sight to see. Eva wouldn’t be surprised if Ruinam burst out laughing at seeing her move the way she does now.
Reaching Ruinam sometime later—it certainly had felt like hours to her. The sea mare warm expression grows bigger. “Hello Ruinam,” she greets with a musical sound. “It’s good to see you. I hope you have been well.” She found the white stallion to be a sight for sore eyes, regardless if he had come here for personal or political reasons. Eva knew that the warmer seasons brought many visitors to check in on the faring of Ischia.
03-31-2020, 05:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2020, 05:29 PM by Aquaria.)
The pale sea mare did her best to return to the rhythm her life had flowed with pre-Loess. The patterns of swimming and sunning, island and ocean. It was all a bit strange now that the world at large had touched her. Still, the magic of sun and saltwater began to work on her, to ease the edge of regret that had been dogging her heart.
That morning left her treading water to the north, the island on one side and the endless blue sea on the other. She floated there between land and water like a pearl between shells. Safe. Home. Was it so very terrible to want those things, even while her friend had neither? That was the question that weighed on her most as she paddled.
Deep in her own thoughts as she was, the nereid couldn't help but notice the vibrant presence of Eva and as she came about the northern tip of the isle. The violet mare seemed to be in company of another, and Aquaria welcomed the distraction. A helpful current tugged her onward, until her hooves dug into heavy sand instead of water.
"Eva!" She cried as she emerged onto the golden shore, then took note of their guest. A face she'd seen only once before, and that encounter had not gone particularly well. Her tail whipped thoughtfully behind her as she approached the pair. "Ruinam, isn't it?" She greeted the leader of the central isle. "What brings you here today?" A wary note crept into her tone, but her smile was warm enough. As ill fated as their first meeting had gone, she hoped today held fewer surprises.
She sidled besides Eva, nudging the roundness of the woman's barrel with her muzzle in silent comment on the purple mare's girth. She'd be due any time now, if Aquaria had to guess. More cheerful little faces to run amok on their shores.
A warm smile grows on the stallion's face as Eva makes her way toward him, his head softly dipped in greeting.
It had been quite a while since the stallion had seen Eva or even been to Ischia, but the sight of the mare's pregnancy is heartwarming to any, especially to see the mare so seemingly happy and at peace.
"Eva. Thank you, I have never been better" he replies blithely.
"It is good to see you too, I hope you and Ischia are doing well," Ruinam says cheerfully, though it is hard to imagine Ischia ever being an unhappy place, with all of the cheerful bird chatter and song, the tropical islands always seem alive and gleeful.
Ruinam's attention swiftly turns toward the sudden voice of another, highlighted above all the bird chatter as they call to Eva. Ruinam has seen her a few times before, most memorably when he was challenged on Ischia's beach by Vulgaris. Now quite thankfully, they were both meeting on better circumstances, especially without the naivety that Ruinam had brought to the table beforehand
The white male lowers his head once more as he greets the lightly coloured mare, quickly nodding in reply to her question.
"I would like to discuss the possibility of continuing what I had tried, and failed to do before," he says on a more serious note.
"Though this time I hope we won't be invaded by a certain Tephran" he laughs, hoping that maybe this time, with a little more luck his idea would succeed.
your waves are pulling me under i'm caught in your riptide
Her golden eyes gleam with delight when hearing that the white stallion has been doing well. “I’m glad to hear things are well for you.” It made her feel glad and more at peace knowing that their neighboring islanders were faring well. The sea mare wanted nothing more for a continuous peace. “Ischia is faring quite well. We are just enjoying typical things an island life has to offer.” A harmonious laugh follows her words.
The bird chatter and island noises had become much more of background noise for the sea mare now. Her purple tipped ears quickly swivel as she hears her name being called by a familiar voice. Turning her golden gaze towards the shoreline, the familiar pearl mare emerges from the water. Aquaria, always a welcome addition, uplifts her smile even more. She loved having her starfish-fighting pal around.
Eva hears the wary note in Aquaria’s question as she addresses the white stallion. It was evident that there would possibly be a cautious feeling from Aquaria regarding Ruinam’s presence. Eva remembers all too well the encounter that had happened shortly after she had taken the lead position of Ischia. However, she has high hopes that this time there is no trouble. Their troubling times are far behind them—at least she hopes so.
When Aquaria makes herself comfortable at her side and nuzzles on her round belly silently, Eva nudges her back playfully. There definitely would be more little ones running around. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be waddling like a duck after very long. She had a feeling these two little ones might be a slight handful.
Turning her attention curiously back to Ruinam, she also wonders what brings their neighboring islander to their home today. Intrigued by his statement, the purple nereid nodes her head silently. She had spent a fair amount recently thinking about the white stallion’s idea before. It might had been a troubling idea before, but now it seemed more or so promising.
She laughs softly at his comical display at the end. No, this time there wouldn’t be a Tephran at their door like before. However, she wonders what the current queen of Tephra would think of their plan now. Eva hasn’t spoken to the mare since she first came to introduce herself and see the island for herself.
“I have thought about your idea recently,” she says thoughtfully as she gathers her thoughts together. “I would like to give it a try. However, the circumstances of things have changed since Vulgaris is no longer the king. Isilya has given me the impression that she is a kind-hearted person and wishes for the same things we all want. I do not know how hard it will be to persuade her to allow us to break away.” She pauses to consider what else would need to be done. “What of Icicle Isle? I have not heard from them sometime in years. Have you spoken to them recently?”
04-20-2020, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 09:45 PM by Aquaria.)
Thus far their meeting was already going better than the last one had. Aquaria settled in for the chat, smiling in turn to hear that their sister isle was prospering. What was good for one often meant good for the other, and she found she preferred it that way.
At Eva's side she listened carefully, reservation born of recent experience fluttering in her chest. So Ruinam had returned with the same idea in hand. Holding her tongue for the time being, the pale mare let Eva speak, eyes focused on her violet counterpart as the weighty subject settled on the trio. Her own thoughts on the matter were less exuberant than the Dame's, but she let them settle to the base of her mind.
Icicle Isle was, of course, another player that would have to be taken into account. Tail sweeping uncertainly, she lifted her head and breathed a light exhale. "I have two problems with this idea, Ruinam." She began, voice soft on the island breeze. "With Isilya in command of Tephra, it seems the stakes have lowered. What do we have to gain by pulling away? And secondly... It does not sit right with me that Icicle Isle is not represented in these talks." She shuffled in the sand with an anxious energy, letting the heat of the beach burn it away.
Her gaze slipped sideways to land on Eva by her side, the corners of her mouth taught with gravity. These were large things they discussed, life changing things. They must be examined from every angle, and she hoped that by questioning them she was answering Eva's task of advisor.
"Are you seeking leadership of us all, Ruinam? And if not you, then who?" She asked, cutting to the center of her concerns. Was this white stallion seeking to unite them all under his own banner? Was this why he sought them each individually, to negotiate his own ideas to each party with minimal conflict? Aquaria recognized the suspicion in her own heart, and hated to find it there. At the same time, it seemed necessary, to keep her home safe from unwitting harm. She only hoped Eva saw it the same way.