"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
i can feel the flames on my lips; crimson blood on my skin
At first, it looks like any other stone in Pangea. Dusty and dry, flatter on one side than the other and no larger than a horse’s head. It’s wedged in a crevice in one of the myriad canyons, non-descript and easy to notice. There’s nothing especially magical about it, and yet the two of them – Ripley and Anaxarete – will be drawn to it. Once there, they will be compelled to look closer.
Then they will see it, and then stone will see them
A crack, the splitting of stone, and suddenly an effigy of Starlace stands in front of them. Made of the same non-descript stone as the canyon around them, the statue is eerily lifelike, one front hoof raised as if she might slam it down at any moment. The only color is the crimson of her bloody shoulder markings, and they are stained with what smells suspiciously like dried blood. Keeping her markings fresh will keep the Pangeans powerful, for even if Starlace can no longer walk in the world of the living, she is determined to make it more dangerous for those who do.
OOC: this magical entity is a stone statue of Starlace. The bloody-shoulder markings on the statue are abrasive and sharp. Any horse who participates in a violent or aggressive act (ie a steal or challenge) who spills their own blood on the markings will receive non-genetic wings or a horn(s) of their choosing. In order to claim this trait, the character must post to the statue with their request (they do not need to wait for the Entity to reply as all requests are granted, but the post is required) and a link to their steal or challenge. “Those who belong to the land” is defined as any character who has the land icon next to their name. If a character completes a second steal or challenge they may request a second trait of the entity, which will be the option they did not choose the first time (ie if they chose horns they will receive wings, if if they chose wings they will receive a horn).