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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open - 8 available] Devin's PMP
    • PM me for more information about any horses here, I'd love to chat! <3
    • Most of these are special - they REALLY want their own players!
    • All horses on my list will have a 5 baby cap UNLESS they are active characters and IC babies.
    • I try really hard not to PMP recent babies so these aren't super young but these are all awesome, potential-filled, lined characters!
    Brennen x Rea
    tegteg [DEMON MIMICRY][IMMORTALITY][wings][immortality][bone-bending] - exhibits fear aura, bat wings, and horns
    Queen of Sylva (6/28/18 - 8/31/18)
    Children: Abnormal (x Modicum Mortem), Persius (x Carnage), Persiphae (x Carnage)

    Search for her under member profiles to get a relatively detailed history or read some posts.
    Returned to me when a player quit with some conditions to PMP, so PM me if you are interested in her.

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Brennen x Galilee
    Chestnut appaloosa, bronze mane/tail and hawk marking (ee/Aa/nLp)
    tegteg [BONE BENDING][IMMORTALITY][WINGS][hawk shifting]
    No children

    A Galibren baby and one of Brennen's favorites (though he will tell you he doesn't have favorites) because he was a lot like his dad. Read a little more history or some posts by searching under his member profile.
    Returned to me when a player quit with some conditions to PMP, so PM me if you are interested in him.

    Friesian Hybrid
    Despair x Kellyn
    Blue Rn (Ee/aa/Rr)
    Was very weak as a foal

    Available if someone is really interested, mostly because there is little chance I ever play both Kellyn colts well, and he's neat. Kellyn's last baby and while she would have been interested in trying to raise him because of his temporal rewind, she's a shitty mom and the very weak foal thing would have been icky to her, so while she did keep him alive she probably didn't give him a lot of emotional support. Abandoned him as a yearling when she went back to find his brother Casimir, whom she'd left with Ivar, and Ivar ate her. He knows about his siblings (Carwyn, Cassady, Cleary, Noah, Casimir), but they don't all know about him. Noah and Casimir don't for sure - Kellyn was actually kind of attached to Noah's dad and so doesn't include her in anything, and she didn't have a chance to tell Casimir. She might have introduced him to the older sisters.

    Kirin x Kellyn
    Red roan with lavender mane/tail (ee/aa/Rr)
    tegteg [TEMPORAL MANIPULATION][WINGS][iron armor generation]

    Special because she's a Kellyn baby. Raised partially by her mother, who was interested in her because they shared a trait, but mostly by her older sisters (Carwyn, Cassady) and grandfather Brennen. I posted her as a foal but never as an adult, though she has a clear childhood in my head. Would require a sample post and have breeding/activity requirements but I am actively looking for a player for her! She has a lovely Sprite pixel and some html.

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Brennen x Galilee
    Bay blanket appaloosa with purple spots, silver tail (Ee/Aa/nLp)
    tegteg [TRAIT IMMUNITY][wings][immortality][bone bending][eagle shifting]
    Children: Ketzia (x Klaudius), Kove (x Klaudius), Eifa (x Carnage)

    Another Galibren maybe looking for the perfect new player. See her member profile for information and history.
    Returned to me when a player quit with some conditions to PMP, so PM me if you are interested in her.

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Carnage x Astarael
    White, orange and green mane/tail
    Other: Twin to Persius

    Given to me to PMP when a player quit with some conditions, so PM me if you are interested in her.

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Carnage x Astarael
    Navy blue bay, will fade to gray
    tegteg [DEMON MIMICRY][IMMORTALITY][wolverine shifting]
    Defect: Day blindness
    Other: Twin to Persiphae, Expresses Telepathy, Shadow Wings, and Shadow Camouflage

    Given to me to PMP when a player quit with some conditions, so PM me if you are interested in him.

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    Brennen x Galilee
    Bay appaloosa, will fade to gray (Ee/Aa/Gg/nLp)
    tegteg [WINGS][bone spikes][immortality]

    A lovely Galibren baby I just never had the time for. She was the youngest before Khaeli, who was murdered, so a little bit of a more depressing childhood than her full siblings.

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