Name: Ivar
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Mustang hybrid
Traits/defects: Equus kelpus
Color: Sapphire blue tobiano, with gold edges to white markings and golden dun markings
Color Genetic Code (if known): (EE/aa/Dd/nCr/nT)
Trait Genetic Code (if known): TEGteg [-EQUUS KELPUS-][KELPIE SHIFTING][immortality]
Name: Jenova
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Wings, horn, immortality
Color: Cornflower blue tobiano
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [WINGS][HORN][IMMORTALITY][color changing][disease acceleration]
List of name choices: Meraki (f) or Vicious (m) and in case of multiples please us Scourge (u)
Player: Jassal
My only request is that the baby be blue and gold in some way. Go wild. Thank you sososo much!!
Name: Ivar
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Mustang hybrid
Traits/defects: Equus kelpus
Color: Sapphire blue tobiano, with gold edges to white markings and golden dun markings
Color Genetic Code (if known): (EE/aa/Dd/nCr/nT)
Trait Genetic Code (if known): TEGteg [-EQUUS KELPUS-][KELPIE SHIFTING][immortality]
Name: Jenova
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Wings, horn, immortality
Color: Cornflower blue tobiano
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [WINGS][HORN][IMMORTALITY][color changing][disease acceleration]
List of name choices: Meraki (f) or Vicious (m) and in case of multiples please us Scourge (u)
Player: Jassal
My only request is that the baby be blue and gold in some way. Go wild. Thank you sososo much!!