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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Updates to Traits

    Traits Added to the Database

    Love Manipulation (3) - The user can sense and manipulate all the aspects of love, of themselves and others, including the ability to increase, decrease, and create love. This power is strongest with those that the users knows well, and weaker with those who the user is not as familiar.

    Carnivore (1) - user has sharp teeth and the need to feed on meat, rather than grass, to satiate it's hunger.

    Marten Mimicry (1) - User can use the abilities of a marten including: physical appearance (fur, bushy tail, rounded ears), sharp teeth, and the ability to feed on fruit or carrion if desired. Character may have up to 3 characteristics. If there is a fitting characteristic not listed, feel free to contact an owner or officer.

    Moonglow Blood (0) - user's blood glows under the light of the moon. A soft glow from a user's veins may be faintly visable through the skin, though blood glows much brights when spilt.

    Fox Fire (0) - User is surrounded by tiny, floating balls of fire. This fire is purely aesthetic.

    Shadow Shifting (2) - Ability to shift into a shadow form. Character is stronger in dark areas with more shadows but weak against light.

    Traits Updates

    "Baby Shifting" was renamed to "Baby Animal Shifting"

    Mental Trait Update

    We are updating our mental traits to make sure they are consistent, clear, and don’t significantly overlap with one another. Below you will find some updates to various definitions and what to do if a significant definition change impacts you.

    Additionally, we want to remind everyone that ALL mental traits require player permission. Because these traits are powerplaying by nature, you must make sure you obtain the other player(s) permission before using them (even though the definition does not say this for each trait).

    --Divination (1): Ability to see possible futures through a specific medium. Subset of Precognition. Predictions are not always accurate.
    Change: combining all the variation of Divination into one definition; does not impact anyone with a divination trait

    Precognition (2): Users can foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action.
    Change: Updated definition though no change in functionality of the trait

    Empathic Echoes (2): The ability to pick up emotional residue from events, places, and other individuals. The user is able to feel and experience these lingering emotions as if happening in the moment, but is not able to see the exact imagery of what caused the emotion. In cases of particularly strong events, such as a war, the user is able to pick up weak images if they are near the location. Some users may have trouble controlling what they tap into and may be overwhelmed.
    Change: Updated definition and removed the ability to see imagery (because empathy is an emotion based and not image based trait), except in the case of significant events, such as war. For players who currently have this trait, you may swap this for a similar mental trait that is 2 spaces or less if you choose.

    Clairvoyance has been changed to Limited Clairvoyance (2): Ability to gain information about an object, character, location, or physical event that is currently taking place using sight outside of the normal range of detection. User cannot affect these events or see into the future and are limited to sight only (cannot hear, feel, or experience these events with any other senses).
    Change: Updated definition and limited this trait to sight (so no other senses are included). Anyone with Clairvoyance will automatically be changed to Limited Clairvoyance. For players who currently have this trait, you may swap this for a similar mental trait that is 2 spaces or less if you choose.

    Added Clairvoyance (3): Ability to gain information about an object, character, location, or physical event using sight outside of the normal range of detection. Users are able to detect ghosts/spiritual beings. Additionally, they can perceive sights and visual sensations from past events, future events, or locations that are currently outside the range of normal vision.

    Enthrallment (1): A form of weak hypnosis. User must maintain direct eye contact, and commands may not always be obeyed,  especially if they violate the subject's desires. Use may result in short-term dizziness and/or confusion.
    Change: Updated definition, no change to trait functionality

    Memory Manipulation (3): Ability to alter others memories, including making them think things happened that didnt, making them forget things that did happen, and changing details of memories. Also includes the ability to send and receive memories, but unable to send or receive emotions or thoughts attached to the memory. Memories are limited to the perception of the character to whom the memory belongs.


    Also adding the below two traits, and tweaked Memory Manipulation above (again).

    Memory Sharing (1): Ability to send memories to another character, but unable to send emotions or thoughts attached to the memory. The memory is limited to that individuals perception. Does not include receiving memories from others.

    Memory Reading (2): Ability to view someones memories, but unable to pick up the emotions or thoughts attached to the memory. The memory is limited to that individuals perception. Does not include sending their own memories.

    Baltian Traits Update

    A few small tweaks to the traits included with Baltians - the traits that are automatically included with this breed are now Baltian Gills, Baltian Eyes, and Scales and are all 0 space traits. Definitions for this new type of gills and the eyes are now in the trait database and can be seen below.

    Baltian Gills (0) - 2-4 gills located where the nostrils would normally be that enable the user to breathe underwater. These gills can function out of water as regular nostrils and can only be expressed by someone with Baltian in their lineage.

    Baltian Eyes (0) - Eyes have black sclera and iris with a silver cat-like pupil. They enable the user to see very well under water and in darkness and can only be expressed by someone with Baltian in their lineage.

    Dragon Shifting Update

    We've adjusted the dragon shifting definition to allow for regional variations as well as the already previously allowed elemental ones, and to group all dragon varieties under the same definition while allowing customization as desired:

    The ability to shift into a dragon, including shifting parts of the body (eyes, tail, coat patterns, etc.). The default dragon type is the Western dragon and while in this dragon form the user is impervious to regular heat but not other dragons, is able to breathe fire, and can have wings. Other elemental and regional varieties are allowed and their dragon forms may have designs and abilities appropriate (i.e. a plant dragon may have leaf wings, a water dragon may breathe boiling water, etc.). Variations on the default dragon should be noted in profile of user. The natural form is equid. Their dragon form can be no larger than a bus/truck.

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