"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
this house is rust and wreckage, holding on by just a hope but I believe in dust and magic and every word you ever wrote
The praise makes her smile, some part of it satisfying her own inner self. She almost, almost lets the flow of colors ripple their way across her coat, but stops herself before she does. “Thank you.” She says, ducking her head just a little, almost shyly. But she wasn’t one to let any of her emotions slow her down too long. She settles back into her own space, tucking her wings up against her sides after shuffling them a little. She tilts her head and flickers her ears as he talked about the Taiga.
She has not been there before. And is curious, almost instantly about what it looks like. “Oh, what’s it like there? Is there sand and black rocks like at Silver Cove? Or mountains like in Hyaline? Does it have lots of places to play in?” The questions rolling out of her mouth like water from a waterfall, crashing and smashing it’s way loudly down the rocks.
She is quiet when he asks his next questions, her eyes blinking at him as she processes this question. It gives her a tricksy feeling, a slight churning of her stomach. She decides to smile and brush off the very adult feeling of the question. “Oh I can’t. I have to go back home with my mommy and my baby siblings. Little Crynn still isn’t quite as confident as he ought to be.” She beams, turning to look briefly around them. “But perhaps I could come visit some day. Maybe I can get momma to take me there. That could be fun.” She turns back to look at him with a smile.
There is something slippery about her that drives him just a little mad, the edges of his temper beginning to flare as the flames begin to claim his legs, small fires that fan against his fetlocks and rise along his cannon bones. He ignores her questions about Taiga and instead turns his red eyes toward her, studying her intently, letting the rage simmer in the back of his mind, turning hotter and hotter as moments pass.
“You want to leave me,” he says, suddenly sullen. The fire at his feet go out immediately, leaving the boy of heat cold, and his face cools, hardens, the rare glimpses of emotion locked away. He doesn’t move although there are parts of him that want to turn and run—ashamed of his sudden need for her to affirm that she would like to live with him instead—and other parts of him that want to rage against her.
Instead he draws all of that within him like a black star, his insides churning but his outside impassive.
“Fine,” he spits out, less collected than he would have liked, but the edges harsh enough that he accepts the sudden lack of emotion. “Come visit me with your mother,” the word comes out like poison as he thinks of his own mother who had ushered him to a land of trees with his siblings and then promptly abandoned him. “Whenever you feel like gifting me with your presence. How honored I will be.”
His onyx lips turn into a scowl and then he angles his head away to look purposefully to the horizon.
“You should go. You have a family and people you care about to be with. Just go.”
this house is rust and wreckage, holding on by just a hope but I believe in dust and magic and every word you ever wrote
He hides it, but not before she sees the anger, maybe even the smallest smidge of hurt in his eyes. The fire along his legs had distracted her, so by the time she looks back him she wonders if maybe she didn’t imagine it. “Only to go home. I can come back tomorrow.” She says matter-of-factly, her body wanting to stray closer to comfort but she cannot. His face says not too. The way his body is held stiffly, the way his eyes don’t quite meet her own any more.
She sighs, daring to reach forwards anyways and press her lips against his cheek. “Just because I have to go home doesn’t mean I’ll stop being your friend, Cleave. It doesn’t mean that I will forget about you.” She draws back into herself, the colors of her coat fading back into the white and orange dappled coat she was born with.
She is quiet, contemplative with eyes that study his profile. She releases a breath of air, softer than a sigh. “You’re right. But I also care about you. So I will find you again Cleave.” And with that she turns, letting him sulk. After all, she knew where he lived now, even if she wasn’t sure where in the Forest he roamed. Determination lights her eyes as she leaves him, but only for a while.
@[cleave] hahaha it's okay. Maybe a good time to start a new one? I can throw one up in Taiga soon