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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Keep me busy, plot with me
    It'll be fun, I promise! So far I've got two males and two females who are all very bored and need just about anything to keep them entertained.


    Current leader of Loess, can be found there or Pampas but wouldn't mind traveling.
    Classic Palomino with iridescent blue aardwolf stripes
    Longclaw x Femur
    Wings, Invisibility, fire breathing, regenerative healing

    +Likes a good laugh, enjoys a mare who knows herself and is confident, but not arrogant. If you're looking for a pony who needs someplace safe to be, or a potential home in the near future, I can send him your way. He's really up for just about anything you've got in mind.

    Currently Homeless
    Silver black with 'clown-like' facial markings
    Modicum Mortem x Wound
    Light beam emission, Immortal

    +Truly a good boy stuck in an ugly-looking shell. Tried to help a mare named Roseen and her colt during the Plague but since then hasn't really been up to much. He's open for anything at all, would probably click best with other light-type characters but I could see him getting into trouble. Up for capture, torment, romance, friendship, whatever!


    Lowest level Diplomat/Warrior in Hyaline, can be found there or silver cove
    Recently turned 3
    Buckskin Sabino
    Hod x Nyxa
    Nereid shifting, Wind exhalation

    +She's all things innocent and good! Currently she's chatting it up with Jinn <3 but she's the kind that wouldn't assume mutual attraction unless the other party was obvious about it. At this age she's interested in meeting male horses, traveling, and is curious enough to get herself into any kind of trouble. Her powers only work when she's in or around water so on land, she's pretty much a sitting duck. If you're looking for someone to capture, torture, romance, or otherwise I've always got muse for her.

    Nomad, is still lurking around Sylva
    7 years old
    Color-changing, but originally light green
    Dacia x Hurricane
    Color changing, Fangs, Teleportation

    +R E Y spells trouble. Somehow she's slowly turning into a despicable character but I'm okay with that if you are Smile Previously she was Arthas' paramour and has mainly lived in Loess/Sylva her whole life. Has one child and will drop twins (I'm undecided if I'm going to keep them both) in the Spring. Currently she's pushing Bruise's buttons and she'll be on the lookout for a new meal ticket. If your character likes a mare with more than enough spunk for two, then she's your gal. Up for literally anything.
    Apothica • Tiberios
    Briseis, Chryseis or Starsin are always up for new friends!

    Briseis is an adult, all black and no traits. She’s boring and dumb but some people like her if they can get past her being awkward.

    Chryseis is Leilan & Briseis’ 2 year old daughter. Blue roan with a metallic gold blaze and frost aura. Also has the plague. She’s suppose to be living in Nerine but she goes literally everywhere. She is very friendly and will talk to literally anyone.

    Starsin is a yearling filly, Carnage x Starlust. She is gray with dapples in the shape of constellations and has mind reading. I wouldn’t call her evil but she can be shady. Mainly she just likes messing with people, and flirting.
    Ryatah & her 800 relatives, plus Briseis
    Adria needs to come home and meet her baby sister! She could bring Aquaria back to Hyaline with her? And Idunn needs to be dropped off with them. So Adria can meet her uncle Bragi.
    @[Colby] I could honestly see Vadar having a good time with any of the three you mentioned! He needs some “fleshing out” anyways and all of your girls give me muse for him. Should I throw up an open post somewhere and let you decide who to put him with?

    @[Bruja] In my mind she’s headed that way, post-Jinn Smile so YES! She’d love to make sure her fam was okay and taking her baby sister with her would be like, BIG responsibility but of course she’d do anything to make everyone happy. Should I post her in Ischia or elsewhere??
    Apothica • Tiberios
    Zain would LOVE to capture Vadar... Js
    -Semi Active-
    Jude would LOVE Vadar. I also love Vadar.
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    Sounds good to me Cal!!! I’m excited <3
    Ryatah & her 800 relatives, plus Briseis
    @[Neo] We could make that happen >Smile PM or Discord me if you’ve got a plot in mind!

    @[phaetra] Vadar wouldn’t know WHAT to do with himself but I would love to smush them together (Jude fangirl over here) so, it’s going to happen Big Grin Since I owe more than a few starters would you mind doing one for him in the common lands? If you’re overloaded as well I can manage, it might just take me some time to get to it!
    Apothica • Tiberios

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