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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Some Smells Remind Me Of Childhood||Any||
    Kanamae had laid low since arriving to Hyaline as a runaway, a runaway from the demons who murdered his mother the moment he and his brother were born. Not a day goes by that he doesn't think about his brother, but he was not sure he was ready to face Sylva again, and all the monsters inside.

    Instead he quietly strolled through Hyaline, he had met a great deal of members and there has been a great deal added since his last encounter. He gazed at the ground that was now covered in orange and brown leaves as the last of them fall in preparation for winter. A small sigh escaped his maw, perhaps he was too quiet, maybe he should have been more involved with the Kingdom. 

    His mind was filled with different thoughts but instead of dealing with them he allowed a whinny to escape his maw. He hoped to find someone to talk to, whether it be familiar or new, anything to distract him from his wandering mind.
    Started From The Bottom

    we are stars wrapped in skin

    The little warrior-filly had never seen Hyaline through the eyes of a yearling in winter; strange to think about, she thought. She would fly around the borders - it had not escaped her that her mother had been in some squabbles with some diplomat from Loess, of course, but she hadn't bothered to interfere. No one had been physically harmed after all.

    She was quiet as a raven at night more often than not; slowly greying, she fell back against the dark grey rocks of the mountain slopes easily now that there was no foliage, too. But she would practise her battle skills against trees, rocks and bushes, diving in to them to kick, testing her teeth against the bark of trees. And of course, simply expanding her flying stamina by doing it daily and keep on battling against the wind whenever.

    Today was no exception, except that a bay appaloosa colt who was physically her age, was now somewhere down below, and as soon as she had started her descent, he also called out. Well if that wasn't an invitation, there never would be, and she whinnied gleefully as she dove over his back - close to scare, not close enough to hit - then turned and landed forcefully. Shaking her mane and wings back to where they aligned with her back, she grinned at him with an excited gleam in her eyes. "What's up? Except me of course." she joked.

    the light you are searching
    has always been within
    ©Vanilla Custard

    @[Kanamae] Well it's winter now but I'm replying anyway

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