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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Family Ties
    i'm way too
    good at goodbyes

    Once again she found herself upon a sandy shore. Her children loved the beach. The shoreline that wrapped around their island home never failed to entertain her daughters. Kove's natural zest for curiosity and Eifa's youthful and innocent demeanor made the world in which they lived a plethora of activity. Every shell and unsuspecting mullosk became victim to their inspection with Kove leading her sister in every discovery. It was comforting to watch them, though Mosrael couldnt help but count all that was missing. Ketzia...Klaudius...even Krone's twins. They were all family, tied together by an unbreakable bond. Although Eifa offered some companionship to the lingering half of Mosrael's own set of twins, she knew she was no true replacement for all that had been lost. Still, the little black frosted filly, did try.

    Standing upon a dune, the motherly figure kept a protective eye on the two fillies. Kove would soon be two, come spring, and Eifa was quickly growing into a leggy yearling. Still, the beach had lost its marvel for her. Strands of her past mistakes littered themselves amongst the seagulls and seafoam. She had been home for nearly a year and slowly she began to feel herself grow whole again. There were, however, a few lingering pieces that refused to release their grip upon her.

    Her mind slipped back to a night long before the birth of the twins. Newly pregnant she had found herself studying the reflection of the stars upon the glassy water. He had appeared like mist there and as she had prepared to meet him another had intercepted him. The lavender and white mare, another Ischian, haunted every still moment. Since returning, Mosrael had worried that the stranger would be lurking around every corner. Rumor said that she spent the majority of her time in some solitary spot, in the company of one named Ivar. Supposedly, the two had a foal together of the same age as Eifa. It seemed even she had been able to move on when Mosrael had been unable to. Perhaps she had misjudged the seemingly fragile mare.

    Let's have some fun! @[Kove] | @[Eifa] | @[Kylin] | @[Kyveli] | @[Kyperia]

    The product of the union Mosrael remembers has nothing to do with her father whatsover. She remembers some silvery eyes on a lavender background and maybe he had wings, but, if someone had told her that it was lavender fish fins like her mother, she would not be able to object.

    The amethyst filly spends her time dancing on the waves between and around the islands, having way too much fun looking through the see-through surface to see little fish and crabs and other creatures swim and crawls beneath her, or race the dancing waves to the shore. She’d already gone around the island and discovered another cove where one other distant family lives, also tied to the sea and islands but not to the stallions on the big island. Actually, she never met the big herd of testosterone, because they did not all come to the beach or the westernmost island.

    But today at the beach was a mare with purple spots, and two fillies, one of her own age who was also marked with purple, and one distinctly different, younger and black and white, but they moved around like she and Pria often did. Like sisters.

    From her position on the waves, she spotted them, and without hesitation followed the waves towards the beach with a bright smile. ”Hello! I’m Kyvi, who are you?! Can I play? Can I fetch ny sister too?” she asks the older filly - obviously she is the one to ask since she is the older sister, and obviously their mother should be totally okay with them playing, so of course - she is the one to ask. There’s no doubt in her mind. Besides, she is pretty sure that if Kypria hasn’t followed her like she sometimes does, she would never forgive her glittery half-sister if she did not invite her today to meet these fillies.
    I only wanted to one time see you laughing
    in the purple rain

    @[Kypria] @[Mosrael]
    Figured the rest has already been tagged ^^
    Take Me to the Waters Edge

    When light stretched along the tropical paradise and began to bring life to those who called it come, I was already awaiting it's presence.  Lavender eyes turned to the horizon, face outstretch to draw in it's warming embrace, I warp the the faint rays of sunlight to concentrate in a halo about me.  

    It was a morning routine I much enjoyed.  Eifa would soon awake, as would mother, and they would be off.  Roaming the main lands, where interactions with others their age were scarce.  I grew bored of the grown ups chatter and often stole my sister away for an adventure.  Eifa wasn't Ketzia, but she was all I had.

    These days, her mother seemed happier.  More at ease.  I often wonder what had become of our family on the mainland and vowed one day I would go find them.  Today though, mother had big plans. "Where we going Mother," I ask inquisitively. It was a secret and how I loved surprises.  So I bounded alongside her with anticipation.

    We did not visit the western shore.  Unknowing why but I had always found enough to so on the alter side, so I never wandered this far.  It was very similar to the east, white shorelines of sand wrapping around tropical flora.  My curious mind contemplated all the reasons for traveling here today.  In my excitement I gather tendrils of sunlight into a sphere, bouncing it about in a game of "catch it if you can" with Eifa.  I giggle at the girls antics as they prance upon the malleable sands.  "Get it Eifa, you can do it!" I encourage the monotone filly, suspending the sphere slightly to let the filly stretch her wings...

    A twinkling of lights catches my attention coming from the waters, and for a moment I believe it is just the sun dancing atop the hyaline waters.  To my surprise a voice calls across the waves, bright as my sun I gather.  I am pleased to see a young face behind the playful words and so I smile happily.  "Hello!  This is Eifa," I look to the child at my side, "and I'm Kove."  The sunlit ball rests at my side now as I introduce ourselves, "Of course!  We are playing ball.  The more the merrier," I respond to her question, giving the sphere a quick bounce.  "Where is she?" I inquire, I am more than happy to help locate the others sibling...

    My lavender eyes look to the shimmering filly of my age with curiousity.  She was hued similar colors to my locks, with unusal fins fluttering at her sides.  I wonder if she can fly as Eifa can, "Can you fly with those?"  My curiousity getting the better of my manners...  

    @[Kyveli] plus others.  Phone post as work so sorry for errors!
    Kypria is playing tag with a dolphin calf when she catches a flash of something purple across the water. The white filly freezes above the waves, ignoring the whistles and clicks of her playmate as it tries to tempt her back into their game. There, on the water between their island and the Big Island, is Kyveli.

    Her older sister is always Kyp's first choice of playmate, and she gallops across the water as quickly as her young legs will take her. "Kyvi!" She calls, but her sister is too far ahead of her, already conversing with a group of strangers.

    The blue eared filly is not concerned by them; they are purple, and purple is family. Mother has always talked about her family, but Kypria cannot remember a story about an appaloosa mare and her children. Cousins, maybe? Kypria likes the idea of more family. The western island can get boring after a while, even with all the youngsters.

    She arrives just as the older filly introduces herself and her sibling. "I'm Kyp."  She tells them, adding proudly that: "Kyvi is my sister." Insprired by Kove's question about my sister's fins, she flares her own, their translucent surface shimmering in the bright sunlight. "I tried flying once. It didn't work."
    Still new to the world, there was so much Eifa still did not know. Curious by nature, she longed to learn more about the world around her. She wanted to know what everything was, how it all worked and what its uses were. She had already learned a little about the land they traveled on, though their reasons for traveling were still unknown to her. Her sister, Kove had also taught her what a sister was, and the two quickly became good friends. She stayed by Kove’s side, learning games to play and things to do. She had a lot of energy to burn, so she was very active, sometimes using her energy to go explore for curiosity sake. But despite how close she had grown to her sister, there was still so much she didn’t know about their mother and family. Naturally she could sense the swings in her mother’s mood, so she could often times tell when something wasn’t right. But she was too young to understand the things that troubled her mother’s mind, let alone help any. So she stayed quiet on the subject, and acted oblivious on the matter.

    She was usually a quiet filly anyway, one who had learned on her own the usefulness of observation. Eifa would often just stand around and watch a bird, or the waves at the beach, trying to figure them all out. Flight had already become something she was interested in once she noticed she too had wings like the birds she saw. However, neither her mother nor sister had wings like her, so the birds were the only teachers she had to learn the skill of flight. At first, all she did was stumble and fall whenever she tried using her wings. But as time passed, she started to get the hang of it. She still couldn’t fly very high or far, but at least she could get herself off the ground a little. It was progress, so she wasn’t complaining.

    Those wings of hers spread a little once again as she played another game with her sister. Her sister gathered sunlight into a sphere as Eifa had seen before, and she made an attempt to catch it. Leaping and prancing, the little filly giggled as she followed the light, all of her attempts to catch it proving futile. But instead of growing frustrated, she only grew more determined. Little Eifa was becoming a rather ambitious filly.
    Then, new faces appeared.

    Eifa’s attention was drawn to the other fillies, and she trotted up to stand at her sister’s side. The two introduced themselves as sisters, Kyp and Kyvi. But Eifa remained quiet and let her sister do the talking. This was the first time she had seen any horses other than her mother and sister, so her head was cocked and ears were raised high. With curious eyes, she took a quick sniff of the two. They smelled like the island, though a bit more salty like the sea.

    @[Mosrael] @[Kove] @[Kyveli] @[Kylin] @[Kyperia], I hope it was alright for me to go next? O~O
    At first the Western-Ischian island had become her sanctuary, her silent place away from the Brotherhood. Not to avoid them – Brennen had very much welcomed her – but to hide. If it hadn’t been for Ivar, and of course Kyveli and Kypria, she would’ve long turned into a solidary lone woman. But with just a little nudge to stir her feelings, to drive the sadness to the back of her mind, Kylin had learned to live again.

    And there was no way she could deny her youngest daughter once she started exploring. But Kylin is forever trailing after her, to keep a close eye, unless, of course, someone else was watching over the medicine hat sapphire blue tobiano filly. The thought alone is enough to fluster her, good thing Ivar is not around to see.

    Today Kylin watches Kypria play on the sea. It is only when her daughter moves towards the main island – and further out of the lavender woman’s sight – that Kylin too makes move to cross the sea that lies between their home and Ischia’s main island.

    She arrives just in time to catch the last of Kypria’s words, which have her chuckling softly. Amused, and endeared. “That is because fins aren’t meant to use for flying,” she tells her youngest daughter with a soft smile, running her pale muzzle along Kyp’s crest. Then her hazel eyes find her oldest daughter, who every day looks more and more like a father. And Kyveli is growing up way too fast for Kylin’s liking.

    Kyveli too is greeted with a ruffle of her crest, thought this time a playful smile tugs on the corners of Kylin’s lips. After all, Kyvi has reached the age to not need her mother on a daily basis anymore, and she might be rebelling against everything soon. It is only then that her eyes find the two other fillies, and their mother, to who she nods her head with a smile. Completely unaware that she Mosrael had seen her with Klaudius on the beach that day.

    “My name is Kylin.”

    @[Kyveli] @[Kypria] @[Eifa] @[Kove]
    We don't have to wait for Mosrael's reply, as Andromeda gave her back to Devin. I think the girls can still continue the thread, and just pretend Kylin is talking to Mosrael and watching them interact from the side? If you need me for a reply, you can tag me!

    The amethyst filly looks curiously at the two girls. One has a name starting with a K, one doesn't. She also doesn't look purple. Maybe she's not family after all?

    Yet again, Kove said it was her sister, so she shrugs it off. Instead, she is distracted by Kypria - she grins, of course her little sister would have followed - but then snorts as her mother comes in to make a smart remark. She ruffles her own fins, not entirely sure what they'd be useful for at all, and looks to Kove. "So, what's this game of yours? Ball?" she asks, deliberately changing the subject.
    I only wanted to one time see you laughing
    in the purple rain

    Ugh short post sorry
    @[Kypria] I think you're next in this though I don't know if it's going to be continued much Tongue

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