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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm a One Night Too Long {Jason}

    {you remind me of the babe}
    So.  Here she was.  Pregnant, and enlisting the help of a tree to help support her extra weight.  Yes the bark was scratching her pelt, but Voudou felt like she needed to be leaning on something or her legs might just collapse underneath her.  It was just beginning to get dark, and she took in a deep breath.  Oh she loved the dark; it swam through her veins and gave her new life with every night.  Every shadow was her friend, every dark corner in the world was a place she longed to be.  And why shouldn't she love the night?  It was just like her, quiet and lurking, entirely misunderstood by most and feared by many.  The darkness was strong, forever lasting and forever powerful.

    Yes, she was the darkness.  Why didn't she feel powerful and strong then?  Voudou blamed it on the baby.  The pest was sucking the life right out of her, stealing every spare ounce of energy the charcoal mare possessed.  It was nothing more than an annoyance that she would unload on someone else the instant it was old enough to be weaned.  Or, even better, she would find a nursing mother and give her the extra kid before it even had a chance to get attached to her.  How perfect; dispose of the critter and go on as a flirtatious bitch.  

    Finally, after what seemed like ages (though the sky still held grey-blue hues indicating it had really only been a few minutes), Voudou lurched herself off of the helpful tree and began walking.  She wasn't headed anywhere in particular, perhaps she would go for a swim before the waters froze over with the coming of winter.  The mare pondered the idea for a moment before deciding against it; the lake was too far from here and she didn't really feel like waddling over to it.  Instead Voudou found herself a small clearing and started to snack, pulling the drying yellow grasses out of the ground and crunching them between her powerful jaws.  It was only now, in the slits of moonlight, that her newly formed scars were even visible.  A large, jagged line was drawn across her side, from her shoulder clear down to her hip bone.  Another, similar line was etched onto her cheek, and a final one across her neck.  All of them were maybe an inch wide and completely bald, the skin appearing slightly pinkish gray, covered in strange wrinkles and creases.  Voudou hated the new scars that she felt killed the beauty she had once held, they weren't the type of scars that were only noticeable upon close inspection.  No, of course not, they were the scars that were visible from miles away, interrupting her previously gorgeous black coat with bands of ugly baldness.  
    tags Jason, 465 words.
    notes, _______.

    The kingdom calmed his spirit in a way no horse could. Jason walked through a heavily branched path and as he did so several wooden stems brushed against him. The tips rubbed distinct lines into his blue-grey coat, which caused his fur to separate and reveal the pale, white tissue beneath. Jason lifted his head and let out a heavy snort. Pale smoke exhaled through his nostrils and hung in the air before him. The cloudy breath dissipated and from its depths merged a dark figure in the near distance. Jason would have known that form from miles away. It was Voudou. His thoughts had often drifted to her, and he was glad that she remained in the Gates.

    Jason picked up his pace and walked in the direction of his friend. She moved and walked herself. Jason walked faster. Soon Voudou stopped and her head disappeared into a collection of grass. Jason emerged from the trees quietly. He stood behind Voudou and while he gathered his vocals he noticed new markings. He didn’t say anything although he was sure that Voudou was now aware of his presence. Jason stepped closer to her and placed his nose along the scar that had formed along her side. He felt the coolness of her bald skin on his nose, and he pulled away. ”What happened…”, his voice was barely a whisper.

    His eyes lingered on the scar and as they did he noticed the bulge. Voudou hadn’t gained weight, she hadn’t been simply attacked, she had been raped. Jason felt his jaws lock. ”Who did this?” He said roughly.

    magical son of eol and ashling


    {you remind me of the babe}
    A few snapping of twigs caught Voudou's attention, but she wasn't really worried. Her auds pricked backwards, listening for words, and a deep breath brought with it the scent of the blue-hued stallion that had recruited her to live in the Gates at all. She held a strange admiration for him, and as much as he annoyed her she still longed for his company. Except now. At this moment (or any moment for the rest of her pregnancy) she didn't want anything to do with anyone. Voudou could feel his gentle touch on her side, his hot breath pushing against her pelt, and she shifted away a tiny bit, still keeping her head lowered and eating. Frankly, she wasn't planning on actually talking about what happened, it wasn't any of his business, he could go back and hang out with his little queen Fiasko.

    Voudou was almost impressed with how quickly he figured things out, and she could nearly feel the anger in his voice. Now she finally stood up straight, lifting her head and staring into the distance in front of her, still not turning to look at him. "Nothing and nobody, Jason," she said, her voice nonchalant with a hint of empty cheeriness about it. Her large frame turned, hoofs leaving scuff marks in the dirt. She bumped her nose on her shoulder before tossing her head over his back to rest her chin as she usually did. "So, how are you and Scarface doing lately? I hear you two are quite cute together, though you better watch out with that hot bod of yours, it might distract her from her duties as a queen."

    The new nickname for Fiasko probably wasn't necessary, but since when did Voudou care? The black mare wasn't exactly one to be compassionate or polite, Jason knew that already. Besides, deep down in her gut, Voudou always felt a little pain whenever she saw those two together. She had never pondered it too deeply, Jason was free to his life just as Voudou was free to hers. Hell she was thinking about uprooting herself and venturing towards a new home soon anyway, in the mare's mind she had spent far too long in the Gates, it was time to see something new.
    tags Jason, 378 words.
    notes, my writing is weird today, sorry!.

    Jason knew that she was a strong mare- a stubborn mare. At times she could be too difficult to deal with. Jason believed that hidden beneath the black mares armored exterior was a much softer side. It was that belief that kept him steady even when she neglected to return his warmth. He looked in the same empty direction of her stare, and when she replied with lacking emotion he simply shifted his weight. He was angry. He was protective yet he knew that there was nothing he could do. Voudou was unlikely to open up about any trauma- that Jason knew with confidence.

    The blue hued stallion took the ease of Voudou’s weight when she rested her head. He closed his eyes to momentarily savor the moment between them. Sadly the moment didn’t last much longer in silence. Voudou abruptly questioned Jason on Fiasko and their relationship. It was an unexpected question to Jason especially in the current state of his friend. He was far more concerned for her well being than whatever type of attraction was occurring between him and his queen.

    ”Do you mean Fiasko?” He said with a heavy clearing of his throat. ”I would assume she is doing fine, just like myself. I’m not sure you could classify us together just yet.” Jason enjoyed the sabiano’s mare company. He even shared in attraction and intimacy with her but their relationship had yet to be defined. ”What makes you ask?” He spoke with his voice rising from its deep tone.

    magical son of eol and ashling


    {Voudou || Mare || Pregnant || Gates}
    Voudou was glad that her question had seemed to catch Jason off guard. His voice lost most of its angry, deep tone, returning once more to its normal smoothness. Now perhaps he would stop focusing on her, and join in on a normal conversation as if Voudou was her normal self. She really just wanted everything to be normal again and not be treated like some delicate glass sculpture that could shatter at any moment. Her normal life back, that's all she asked for.

    "What makes me ask?" she said with a small chuckle. "Jason I'm not stupid, she's pregnant. And happy. The only stallion I know of that she might even possibly consent to is you." Voudou raised her black maw, turning to stand next to him but still avoiding any sort of eye contact. "If you ask me, that sounds like you two would be classified as 'together'." Her voice held anger, but not towards him, not really, she was just working hard on converting sadness into hatred. Not hatred towards anything in particular, just a bitter, cold anger towards the world in general.

    Now, Voudou certainly wasn't stupid. She knew she had issues -things she should talk about with Jason while he was standing here- but she also hated having issues at all. In her mind admitting to weakness was not an option. Could not be an option. No, it was far, far easier to pretend as if nothing was wrong, even if Jason knew differently. And he would know differently, he wasn't stupid either. Voudou leaned cocked a back hoof and leaned some of her weight against the blue tinted helion, sighing as she did. It felt nice to be near him, to share the same space. It drained her energy in the sense that it felt like time had stopped, and they could stand here forever and she would never have to face the world again, like she wouldn't need her energy anymore.

    "You'll be doing a lot of babysitting for me, by the way... I hate kids." Her voice seemed calmer now, content perhaps being the right word.
    tags Jason, 352 words.
    notes, _______.

    If Jason were to be completely honest he would have admitted to himself that discussing Fiasko with Voudou made him utterly uncomfortable. But with his current state of denial the only clue to his discomfort was in the subconscious shift of his weight. Surely Voudou would have felt the change before she lifted her head and stood beside him. Jason attempted to glance over and catch eye contact, but he soon realized his failure.

    Jason nodded his head along with her words. He couldn’t deny the accurate observation that Voudou made. A part of him wished that Voudou had not been so observant, but in reality he knew that the knowledge of his intercourse was bound to spread through the kingdom. With the soon to be birth of his two foals, his precious, beloved twins, anyone who had not been leant the knowledge would soon learn. Jason cared for Fiasko deeply. He wasn’t ashamed, but something about Voudou knowing bugged him.

    What Jason lacked in words he made up for in support. He shifted a small amount of his weight into Fiasko’s lean and closed his eyes only to open them when she mentioned babysitting. ”You know I’ll always be here for you.” He paused. ”And any of your foals” His voice held a steady strength to it. ”I’m happy to offer you anything, you know…help and babysitting and such.”
    magical son of eol and ashling


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