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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    well, bless your heart; amorette, any

    The chestnut mare stretched her long legs into a rolling gallop as she ate up the distance between the Field and the land with the large volcano. It was exactly as Amorette had described it. Tephra, she believed it was called. The other girl hadn’t mentioned any other names though so she wasn’t sure if she should be looking for someone specific to be allowed in or if she was allowed entrance regardless. So, she slowed at the border, her steps becoming tentative.

    Her delicate nostrils flared as she drank in all the unfamiliar scents. She wondered to herself if she was supposed to feel at home the moment she stepped within the borders. How did you know when one place was right for you? The reddish girl had been given to invites and she fully intended to explore both of them. Perhaps one would yield that fuzzy feeling she’d heard mentioned when others spoke about their loved ones. Their dying dedication to land or beast. Rae didn’t have a dying dedication to anyone or any land but she thought that might like to.

    It might be nice to have something that meant more to you then anything else in the world. Something that gave you purpose. That’s definitely what her life was missing at the moment, purpose.

    There's a wild, wild whisper - Blowin' in the wind


    A relationship can grow overtime, and there are the cases of falling in love on the very first sight. Finding a home could be just like that. Some need time to adjust, after at least some initial fondness of the land. In Amorette’s case it had been the latter; she’d felt at home in Tephra right away. In her defence, the land reminded her of her birth land in the ‘old’ Beqanna, the heath familiar, and yet the it is so different from the Mourning Mountains at the same time. On top of that, she had reconnected with her father here, one to offer her a warm welcome home. Amorette had never though other of Tephra than home.

    And she’d love to see Tephra’s habitants grow in number. In order to accomplish that, she’d visited the field, in order to look for those who are in search of an home. Not any home, but a safe place to belong, to be part of. During one of those trips she’d come across Raeanne.

    That the chestnut young woman had found her way to Tephra only delights Amorette. They had briefly talked in the field, where the ebony mare had invited Raeanne to come and visit Tephra. She very much understands that you don’t pick your home sorely based on a story. ”Raeanne!” she greets the other mare, a smile tugging at her lips as she perks her ears forward. ”Welcome to Tephra.”

    With those words she steps back a little, to not block the other mare’s view, bends her neck and sways her head to indicate to Tephra’s beauty. The volcano is – of course – her main asset, but from the base of the rocky mountain green grass grows on gentle glowing hills and the land offers plenty of fresh water from the river. ”Would you like me to show you around? Or do you prefer to explore yourself?” Not by herself of course, but free to roam in whatever direction she wants, with Amore following along to answer any and all questions Raeanne might have.


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.


    Relief was written across the chocolate mare’s face as the dark mare approached her. The decision on whether to enter alone or not was made for her. She returns the smile and bobs her head slightly in greeting. “Thank you, Amorette. Your home is beautiful.

    Her eyes swept over the land again. The tropical fauna was familiar, and despite her attempts to distance herself from her Jungle heritage she found the sights and scents comforting. Part of her didn’t want to. Part of her wanted to believe she was nothing like her mother. That she’d never find comfort in the familiarity of her birthplace and yet she did. But she wasn’t her mother and this wasn’t the Jungle.

    I’d love for you to show me around. And can you tell me about some of the inhabitants. Who leads?” She began to walk assuming the other mare would lead her into the territory. “And is there anyone new like me?” It might be nice to seek out someone like herself, that was new to everything here. Amorette was more than friendly and she had already taking a liking to the mother mare, but still it would be nice to reach out to someone on the footing.

    There's a wild, wild whisper - Blowin' in the wind


    ”Thank you, Raeanne. It truly is, isn’t it?” she replies, a smile on her lips as she looks back at her home. It enjoys her to see Raeanne coming to visit Tephra. It shows that the chestnut mare is at least interested to learn more about her beloved home, and perhaps she would even decide to stay. Amorette hoped she would, though she would not have hard feelings when Raeanne decided Tephra wasn’t for her. But first things first; a tour of Tephra.

    It’s not hard to decide where to take the young mare first. With a gentle sway of her head she invites the other mare to walk with her, as she turns herself towards the lake at the base of the volcano. ”Warrick is our leader, though his title is Overseer. His reign only started a while back, but I think he and Tephra are meant for one another. He’ll do her justice.” That Amorette truly believes. And not only because she wants to believe it, even though her heart is still heavy with his lack of trust in her. He hadn’t turned Kolera and Kryptic down, when they had needed a place to stay, and so Amore continues to hope.

    The mention of other new habitants make her look at Raeanne with a smile. ”Yes, Wound recently brought in a few new faces. Thus far I’ve only met Saedis, but I’m sure there is at least one more. You’re welcome to speak to any of them, if you like.” It shouldn’t be too hard to find Saedis, and it didn’t have to be now. Amorette wouldn’t make their visitor leave with the setting sun, she could stay the night, if she wants to of course.

    Under their hooves is Tephra’s wide meadow, lush green grass on glowing hills. As they stand on top of another low one, they are allowed a glimpse on the lake below. ”The volcano heats some of the rivers. This little pond is one of them, the warm water does wonders for aching muscles” she tells Raeanne with a smile, but she doesn’t hesitate to linger behind. She leads them down towards the water bank. ”Would you like to try?”


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.


    She rolled the name over in her mind, Warrick. Hopefully she’d remember it when she actually met Tephra’s Overseer.

    Easily she followed along beside the other mare listening as she spoke. Tephra did really seem like the ideal place to make a home. She wasn’t the only newcomer which was nice. It also meant that the territory was active and recruiting. Certainly she didn’t want to make her home somewhere that would inevitably disappear as her past home had.

    As they continued to move deeper into the kingdom she flicked her ears capturing the sound of lapping water. Quickly the lake became visible. Her eyes widened slightly to learn it was actually heated by the inactive volcano that marked the terrain. “That’s amazing. Yes, please.” She happily wandered further down to the banks of the lake and waded in until the water was up to her knees. “It sounds like Tephra stays busy. How it’s relationship with the other territories?” Occasionally when younger she had heard whispers of conflict between the kingdoms but she wasn’t sure with the new territories in place if that was still the case.

    Also are there any positions Tephra needs filled? If I do stay I’d like to be useful but I don’t have any experience with, well.. anything.” She laughed lightly and shrugged her shoulders. She was still young. Only just three, and she had no experience in battle or talking to treaties or anything that was a useful skill to a kingdom but she was eager to make herself useful in some way. After all it wouldn’t do for her to make a home somewhere and then just laze about.

    There's a wild, wild whisper - Blowin' in the wind


    It would honestly have surprised her if Raeanne would’ve turned her offer down, but that doesn’t make her less excited for the chestnut lady’s first warmed bath. Even if it would only be a quick dip. ”It really is” Amorette agrees with a smile, not wasting a moment of time to follow Raeanne into the water. This usually was the spot at which she was able to find Bragi too, but when she doesn’t see him around, the ebony woman guesses he is off wandering now he has his sight back.

    Raeanne’s question pulls her gaze back to Tephra’s visitor, only to find herself nodding once again. ”We try. A family stays together, does it not? And anyone who needs a family, is welcome to join. Tephra is for everybody in search of a safe home and a place to stay” she tells the chestnut woman, her gaze moving back to watch over the green glowing pasture. It doesn’t yet answer her question, but for that Amore wants Raeanne to understand the sanctuary that is Tephra.

    ”We have planned our first visits to other lands, which are planned soon. Ischia and Sylva are closets to our border and we will be looking for alliances with both. Hyaline is ruled by Warrick’s daughter and although she stands and holds her ground on her own, it makes Hyaline and Tephra natural allies.” But in all honesty, Tephra wasn’t hostile at all and would rather work based on kinship and alliances instead of the fear and terror of war.

    She doesn’t miss the slight insecurity in the younger mare’s words and posture when she speaks about positions and desire to contribute. It gladdens Amorette’s heart, it shows in the smile on her lips. ”Tephra will gladly welcome you in any caste, but it won’t force you in any of them. You are free to try all, let yourself find out where your virtue lies. What would you like to try?” Picking a caste now wouldn’t mean Raeanne was bound to that caste for the rest of her life.

    To not rush the young mare to decide, the ebony woman moves further into the water. The ground declines and a little later the warm water washes over her back. A content sigh escapes from her lips, eyes fluttering close for a moment. Oh yes, nothing is better than a hot bath, is it? All the time Amorette her ears stay turned into the direction of her companion, simply to let her know she’s not being forgotten.


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.

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