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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a kiss with a fist is better than none; dahmer
    a kiss with a fist is better than none

    She knows he has been in Tephra for some time but she has not gone to him. What were 'they' even? Just two name, two faces. Not much had come from the days passed. The painted woman had not held onto a love letter now child in his memory but they had shared conversation. Words had been spoken like a soft blanket to shelter them from the cold outside.

    Nikoline thinks she may be ready to receive his shelter now.

    She coat is long with the winter's embrace but she is still recognizable with her distinct coat pattern. She does not doubt he would not mistaken her for another being. She moves from the chill of the outside lands, long white stocking legs are carrying her lighter frame easily as it had been some time since she had indulged in a good mean. Nonetheless, the woman knows the way to Tephra...his scent was captured in the essence of the typically acrid place. "Dahmer..." His name is a silver bell in her throat, rolling the two syllables off easily as she is clear and loud and not to be misunderstood. Nikoline waits for the dark cloaked man to emerge, curious of his reaction to a familiar face to his quiet past.

    His wings are spread wide, coasting on a thermal somewhere above Tephra's volcano. Dahmer has grown to love the bittersweet gift that Carnage had bestowed upon him. It's easier to hide when he is in raven form, tucked in the highest branches of his home's tropical trees. It's easier to guard the boundaries, to make sure that there are no lava-wolves coming for Smoak or for Ellyse when he can soar overhead, beady eyes surveying the entirety of their home.

    He hopes that soon Ellyse's wing will heal so that she can take to the skies with him, something that they had not had a chance to do before his own large wings had been ripped from his shoulders. He rides lower to the ground now, the wind rustling through his raven wings as he revels in the freedom of flight. Movement catches his attention at Tephra's treeline, where the cold winter air that the rest of Beqanna is subject to is lost to make way for the sulfur-tinged air of his home.

    The painted mare, though her coat is shaggy, is swiftly recognized by the turquoise-eyed stallion and he tilts his raven-frame to coast in her direction. Dahmer caws loudly as the distance between them dwindles, his own name drifting from Nikoline's maw and through the humid air of Tephra. He circles overhead, slowly moving slower and slower. "Nikoline," he calls softly to her before remembering that he had not been capable of shifting when she had first met him.

    He drifts lower to the long verdant grasses and wills his body to change ─ it grows, morphs, and then he is the black thoroughbred that she had known, but wingless, and with a diamond-shaped brand in the middle of his forehead. He tries to mask the permanent broodiness that he has succumbed to since his return from Carnage's cave, but his smile doesn't quite reach his bright blue eyes as he gazes upon the painted lady. "You've been gone far too long," he says with a hint of warmth, his forelock tossed to the side, "Have you returned with interesting stories for me?"
    image © celestiene

    @[Nikoline] ♥
    a kiss with a fist is better than none

    Her eyes remain roving, distant as she looks passed his dark shoulder. Nikoline should have been startled by his winged form, his abilities that are new from when he was but a pauper in the filed speaking to a lowly born painted girl but she is here now and once against under the teal gaze of his ocean eyes.

    The mare doesn't meet his eyes yet the warmth in his tone does not go unnoticed. She sighs softly as she wished she did have a reason, someone or something, to give him for Dahmer deserved that much but she can only offer a small shrug and a tight curl of her lips as she has seemed to of just appeared. "It was time to come home." She doesn't signify what 'home' is whether it is Tephra or it is him but to be near his dark form felt good right for at least now.

    '"I see you have changed." She lifts her slight head with a motion to the wings that lay like oil spills upon his spine. Nikoline was still the same girl, painted and pretty but that is all. No new attributes or gifts adorned the slender woman with the curling lips for the story of Nikoline rarely changed. She was the warm blanket on a cold rainy night, she was the night light in the room where closet monsters did not dare tread.

    "Home?" he inquires warmly, the hint of humor hidden somewhere in his tone. "You've missed quite a bit," the dark stallion muses quietly as his bright blue eyes regard the painted mare he'd found in the Field just after Magnus had invited him to become an important part of Tephra. Beqanna has been his home for years now ─ Tephra has been his heart for most of it. He tilts his head to the side as she comments on his changes and the black thoroughbred turns her own shrug back on her with one of his own. "Only a little bit," he chuckles quietly.

    The raven-shifter rotates his sleek frame towards the center of Tephra, towards the distant volcano, before motioning with his scarred head for her to walk with him. "Let's walk and talk. I'd say it's about time we catch up, don't you?" the Commander inquires of Nikoline, his eyes watching her with curiosity. His hooves fall against the familiar ground with ease and his turquoise gaze roves the expanse of their home as they walk, never off-duty when it comes to the Guard.

    "Lucrezia was Queen you left, yes?" he had not spoken the name of the peafowl mare in some time, though any emotion he'd had towards her is gone ─ diluted with time until it had disappeared, making room for Tephra's Head of War.
    image © celestiene

    @[Nikoline] ♥ No wings, just raven shifting Tongue He lost the wings in Carnage's lair and I still haven't requested a new pixel for him, lmao.
    Amidst the mists and coldest frosts
    he thrusts his fists against the posts
    and still insists he sees the ghosts
    Something is stronger about the soot stained man. He stnds taller and a few hair lines are around his mouth and eyes that Niko had not noticed before. Dahmer had aged with Tephra and lay marked under his term but it heightened him and elevated his features. Niko had remained the same mare as she had been not so long ago.

    At his suggestion, the painted woman nods with a growing smile. "I'd like that. Show me something new." Her comment is a challenge to have ehr own senses heightened. Perhaps there was a new volcano, hot spring, or rare flowering fruit. The mare was eager to see something different to contrast the endless gray of winter that she had traveled in. "I believe so..." Lucrezia's name conjures a misty image that Niko had heard of before. She had also gained word of Dahmer's affinity with the mare and was curious as to what he had to say as she turns a green eye to him..
    barret x syntyche

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