Usually on a night like this, she could be found frolicking across the waves, dancing and leaving a trail of sparkling fairy dust water in her wake. Tonight though, she just stood with her feet in the sand, watching the water wash up and around her and retreat back into the ocean, luminescent and beautiful.And when that wasn’t quite enough to soothe the restless ache in her chest, she walked into the water until it was halfway up to her knees, and then slowly lowered herself down onto the sand.
Waves washed around her and up onto her body, the bigger ones even washing all the way over her back. And everywhere the water touched her, that soft blue glow lit it like magic, glittering and shimmering and easing something inside her that she couldn’t name, didn’t have words to express even to herself. She closed her eyes and let the light surround her, while she just breathed in the salty sea air and listened to the rush of the waves and the whisper of the cool night breeze.
This right here, this was paradise.
little whisper girl