He remembers spring. The new growth springing from beneath barren soil. Song birds dancing across gentle breezes. Singing to their mates, rejoicing in the soft warmth of the sun. Crisp air filled with new scents, scents he has yet to know. But he will know these scents before long...
Upon strong wings he flies high above the richly colored canopies. Their rusty colors still rich as everything else turned green. He much enjoyed these morning flights. Careless strokes upon wind current moved him ever so slowly. Gliding more than anything he took his time watching the activities below. There was little to see as of lately. Like roaches to light the equines scattered for the shadows, hiding away. Or had they left, he was unsure. The only things he was sure of was his mother lingered more closely to the cave these days. Her sides heavy. Sleeping most of the day deep within the shelters damp confines. He kept watch over her. Taking to the skies only when she slept. Much had changed and he was sure much was to continue to change...
Shifting his weight slightly the air bended and he turned. The sun was breaking away from the horizon and becoming higher in the sky. It was time to return to the shadows...
Feathers tucked in as he descended once again to the earth. He had mastered breaking into the thick canopy and cut cleanly under it. Hooves struck ground and he settled. Wings tight against his barrel. Orbs scanned the area for signs of life. Even the Raven did not follow him. Instead perched itself outside the mouth of their home.... waiting. His coat of dark ink had faded to a purple which did not hide as well in the forest. He found that he much liked being different. Standing out amongst the crowd of browns, blacks and greys more common to his kind. Upon not finding much to see here he grew bored and made his way through the endless sea of trees back to his home... Their home...
With each carefully placed step an imprint was made in the softened ground. Weaving left than right, left... Right... Until before long the ridge was in view. Jagged rocks looked out of place against the pale blue skies. Hell against heaven... His thoughts trailed but lobes were vigilant. Slightest of sounds rattled him from fantasy to reality. A branch cracking here, leaves rustling there... CAW! Motion ceased as the warning startled him to attention. Was the Raven simply warning his mother of his approach or was something wrong...
His muscles flexed as his body lunged forward. Hooves struck the terrain in a three beat gait quickly approaching the cave entrance. His nares drew in a deep breath and a new scent... What was this smell? Muzzle lowered as he entered cautiously. Orbs adjusting to the lack of light available. Soon though he made out a familiar figure curled upon the dried grasses of bedding. She called to him gently, "Klaudius, meet your sister... Kolera"