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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    MANDATORY kingdom meeting
    We danced with monsters through the night

    He calls to them, not as another return from another distant venture, but instead as a purposeful introduction of what is to come.

    There is a greater command in his voice that has lacked for a number of years since the kingdom’s lull. When he materializes on the familiar knoll Tiphon truly looks like a king; he is proud and demands their attention without trying. The molten pools of gold – his eyes – shoot a glance to each of them as the group expands. They are small, they always have been; however, there is a tighter familial tie here than most kingdoms. A grin threatens to flash across his pursed lips when they have all arrived – mothers, children, stallions – and he begins.

    ”In the next couple of months we will have two guests, both children of the Jungle. One is the princess – a daughter of the Khaleesi – and the son of the former Lady; a son of mine.” In this moment he spares heavier glances to Talulah and Elysteria. The child borne between himself and Lagertha had been solely for political reasons and nothing more, but he doesn’t admit this aloud. Not now, at least. ”They will be raised to be Daleans, as the kingdom’s future, and as a means of forging bonds between our home and the Jungle.” There is more – so much more – but he doesn’t indulge them with his ideas. He instead moves forward. ”Additionally, during my visit to the Jungle to retrieve the children, I will be proposing a sort of mini Alliance Game with the Amazons. There will be battles among our numbers as practice, but we will determine prizes in the end.” Tiphon can only hope that Scorch, and his fellow Daleans, will be agreeable to this. ”Lastly, I don’t believe rewards were given to Talulah and Tiberios for their positions as Lord and Lady. Feel free to choose.” His attention swivels to Elysteria. ”And you will be the head of the Diplomatic branch so you, too, can receive a trait.”

    Tiphon takes a step back now as though to open the floor to them. With the sunlight fanning across the entire kingdom they all seem to have a glorious air about them - angels, metallics, light and electricity controllers - and they are stronger than they appear. "If there's anything you would like to add, please do so now. Ideas, suggestions, disagreements... anything."

    infection and starlace

    picture by random-acts-stock on deviant art
    love is a temporary madness...
    When the call rings out to bring the kingdom together, it startles the red mare. She had been lost in her thoughts, mired in sadness and pain on behalf of her daughter. She had been searching for the red and white girl for several hours now, to no avail. She had returned from her adventures a changed horse. A filly so very different from the one she had been before she left that it is a startling contrast to see. Joscelin had been withdrawn, intractable, unwilling to speak of what had hurt her. Unwilling to tell her what had caused the cracks to form over every inch of her body.

    She is glad of the distraction. Her daughter is growing up so fast. Such a hard thing for her to accept. But she knows she must. She knows smothering her will only drive her farther away. After all, she hadn’t been much older than Joscelin when she had first come to trouble. As difficult as it is for her to do, she realizes she must give her space. She would come to her when she was ready.

    Her step is heavy, her features distressed as she approaches Tiphon. Her russet gaze finds his, wishing she could speak with him, knowing it must wait. So she does, though her normally bright smile is noticeably absent.

    She listens to his words, grateful for the reason to engage in something else, to keep her mind from her worries. The mention of the two Jungle children brings forth a spark of curiosity, as well as a hint of something else. Somethings she has a difficult time naming, for it is not something she has ever felt before. She knows only that she does not like it, though she is careful to keep it to herself.

    She remains silent until the end, when Tiphon mentions her, granting her a new rank and a new trait. It surprises her, this sudden recognition. She had certainly not expected it, content as she was with her standing within the Dale. But she smiles, the first smile that had touched her lips today, accepting graciously.

    “I am honored. Though, if you don’t mind, I would like some time to think on what trait I will choose.”

    She pauses a moment, further collecting her thoughts. Her russet eyes travel the small group briefly, before turning back to Tiphon.

    “The only addition I have is a question actually. I am wondering about our standing with some of the other kingdoms, aside from the Jungle? Our affiliation with many of them seems rather… ambiguous, at best. Especially those that have recently changed hands. I feel that approaching them, the Tundra and Gates especially, would be beneficial in finding exactly where we stand.”
    image c nadyabird.deviantart.com; html c Insane

    The sun falls across the sharp planes of the mare, refracting its light and setting her aglow. In the bright light of a clear day, she knows she is dazzling - blinding even. She knows the others have to crinkle their eyes when they near her, unable to withstand the glare as they are. Normally, she’d retreat just as the sun appeared from behind a cloud; she’d position herself away from the others to spare their eyes. It was unfortunate, because it was the only time she felt remotely beautiful, afire - burning steel guided by the sun’s light. Talulah would do anything for her kingdom-mates, however, and she would never put her vanity above any of them.

    But today is different.

    Today, as the sun arcs over the Dalean sky, (a sea-blue with no hint of clouds to come) she walks freely in its light. Tiphon’s call still rings in her ears, a trumpet that she will always be able to pick out in a symphony of other voices. Her eyes are drawn to him atop his usual hill, and she smiles when she draws close enough for him to see it. Elysteria is the only other horse present when the metal girl arrives, and she smiles at the bay warmly, despite the cold worrying her gut. Where is everyone else? It’s been so long since she’s smelled Tiberios on the wind, so long since she’s seen the newcomers that once swelled the herd. This trio is a loyal unit, surely, but is it enough to sustain them forever?

    Talulah shakes her head inwardly, not knowing the answer to the question they have long asked. Just before their angel king commences, she feels a soft tap on her shoulder. It startles her enough to jump, but when she looks, she sees that it is only Ramiel. It is as if he had appeared out of nowhere (little does she know that he has, in fact, done exactly that). She’s immensely glad to see him, though, glad that he fills out this thin meeting in some small way. The pair listens with equal interest when Tiphon speaks, four ears swiveled forward to catch every word. He talks of the Jungle and reveals a bitter truth that Talulah has long suspected. His trip to the Amazons had obviously been fruitful in more ways than one, and the silver lady finds she cannot meet his gaze after he says it. It is one thing to have a split heart – she’d experienced it herself, this phenomenon that duplicitously grows ones heart while sectioning it off at the same time - but halving it again is inconceivable.

    Of course, she won’t let it affect how she treats this brother to her son. It’s in her nature to protect her territory, to defend, to even be jealous (as she’s learning she’s capable of it) but never cruel. Ramiel senses unease in his mother but says nothing of it. His youth leaves him unable to fully grasp the situation; he only knows that something Tiphon said has upset her. He’s glad to have more young adults his age around (besides Josc, foals were a rarity in the Dale). Talk of alliance games is intriguing, and when he can, he asks “will us younger horses be able to participate?” Ramiel thinks of the brother he doesn’t even know, then. Though they are both likely untrained, he wonders which kingdom has raised the more capable horse. He decides he wants to find out.

    Talulah listens passively until he mentions her and Tiberios’ promotions, nodding when the gold and white stallion offers her recognition for it. She, too, will need some time to think on her choice. What will help the Dale the most? Elysteria wonders about their other alliances, and the grey finds herself agreeing. The last few years have been a blur in both speed and clarity – solidifying ties now will set them up for clear-cut relationships with the other kingdoms. “I am still more than happy to go to the Tundra, if that is an alliance you want to pursue.” She has experience there, certainly. Her amber eyes find Elysteria’s as the new head of the peace caste, “send me where you will.”

    t a l u l a h
    lady of the Dale

    reference //info

    Weir is enjoying a roll, turning about on the meadows looking rather amused, perhaps with himself. It is a call that stills him. Turning to his side he lifts his dial, ears flickering as they tune in to the sound. He hadn’t yet met the ruler of these lands, he had been told it was an Angel. Some divine being that oversaw this Kingdom, but Weir wasn’t apt to trust rumor. No. On the contrary, he liked to see things with his own eyes. Perhaps this being was just a Pegasus, he had seen them before, equine that traveled about on wing. He did enjoy wings, he did. Fascinating specimen, they came in all different kinds. Feathers, leather, like a bat or a dragon. Colorful patterns of butterfly wings, and the transparent dragonfly he had seen 3 times. Today is the day, he thought, as he gathered himself upright again. He really did love a good roll.

    Making his way across the grasslands, he thought about the possibilities of why a meeting had been called. Perhaps it was a means to meet new residents, or maybe someone was in trouble. He really hoped not, it was quite uncomfortable to be present when someone else was being disciplined. Even if that just meant a good talking to. He made his way as was usual, a calm leisurely stride his amber orbs taking in the sights. Perhaps he had stopped to inspect something a few too many times, but he arrived rather late to the party.

    The stallion that greeted them was a most wonderful sight to behold. All whites and golds, the most peculiar golden eyes to be sure. He speaks in a commanding voice, tellings of children to come, and announcements of those who have progressed. He was surely pleased to hear word of children. Weir loved children, they were just so, interesting. So bold some, others shy, some needing a good kick, but all honest. So brutally honest. He loved it. He had previously met Elysteria, because she was indeed the one who had led him here. The other though, the one the sunlight bounced off of so harshly. That had to be the mother of Ramiel, the young boy he had met recently. He did say she would be the one made of metal. He wanted to touch her. What did a metal mare feel like? How very curious, very, very. Curious.

    The talk turns to thoughts on other Kingdoms, all the while Weir had been silent, having forgotten to properly introduce himself. He had of course been hopelessly distracted. He finds his voice a lends it to the discussion. “Greetings, my name is Weir.” A dip of his head in respect.“I know little, or nothing rather of the other Kingdoms of the land, but I do hope that I may help where I am needed.” His eyes are bright and smiling, though his mouth does not follow suit.

    Eclectic Vagabond of the Dale

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