"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Her visit to this land is long overdue. She had meant to come a while back, but had gotten sorta sidetracked with friend-making, and well. Time has a way of flying by. Nevertheless, Smidgen comes with an ever-present smile on her tiny face, leaked blue eyes taking in the changing of the trees as she had walked from the Forest and into Taiga. There are many scents here. From the different breeds of trees to the wildlife and the sweet musk of other horses. This land seems to bustle with life and activity, and the tiny girl is excited to see who all she will meet during her visit.
Of course, she hopes to meet her dear friend Gyps whom she'd met in the meadow and had quickly taken a liking to. It's been a while since she has seen the ebony girl with shades of blue in her hair and on her wings. She has rather missed her, and can't help but wonder if she still lives here and how she is doing. When they'd met, the blue-tinged lady had mentioned her mate, Andras, whom she'd spoken highly of. She hopes to meet him too. But there are many scents floating on the breeze here, and she can't help but wonder who all lives here. And if they're friendly. She certainly hopes so, as she makes her way well into the borders.
Her eyes scan through the trees at first, searching for other equine, but true to herself, she becomes lost in her imagination as she walks. Each tree here was far taller than her, reaching sooo high their branches probably touch the sky. She wonders what that feels like. To touch the sky and feel the clouds brushing against her body. She truly envies those with wings, able to soar high above everything else and feel the warmth of the sun far better than she can from way down here. So close to the ground at her twenty-six inches. Once more, her mind toys with the idea that one day, the fairies would grant her one wish. One that she feels would complete her entire being. If only they would deem her worthy. Those wonderful creatures who gift this land so. She'd made all this, Beqanna, with a deep combination of her magic and the one from the Earth itself. Truly amazing, and they were all so lucky to live in what she'd made for them.
With a blissful sigh, the tiny cloudy-colored girl comes to a stop at the opening of a large clearing. She knows there are others here, but where? Perhaps they don't see her. Afterall, she has come to realize she is rather small in comparison to many others. In an eagerness for companionship, the girl lifts herself up in a rear, batting tiny limbs at the warm air. She releases her call out to the land as her fores return to the turf, and her smiling baby-ish face waits for someone to answer.
Great Things come in Small Packages
I'm lame and lazy and copied the other post, I'm sorry lol. But this one is for @[Reagan], @[Ruan] and anyone else that would like to join. All the friends for Smidge, pls
He'd been looking for his little sunny girl with her bright, golden coat and dark twilight points, and instead found someone much smaller. Bright blue eyes surveyed her impassively from a distance before casually making his way over. He hadn't sensed any one else, so she must be alone. Odd, for one so very little. Perhaps Jinju had made a friend on her treks out to the field and meadow.
Hello. Are you looking for someone? he asked kindly. She was naturally disarming, so small and harmless. Innocent and childlike. He could easily see Heda enjoying her company, spreading infectious joy to everyone they crossed paths with. Yes, perhaps it was Heda she was looking to play with.
I'm Ruan, he introduced with a curious tilt to his head. Frosted, glassy ice-wings were at his side, an exceptional replacement for the feathered ones he'd lost to a demon's malice. They were expertly sculpted by Reagan with delicate, fine details, and did everything as expected save for carry his weight within the air currents. If nothing else, they were at least the most beautiful bandages for the bloody wounds beneath.
12-14-2016, 09:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2016, 09:16 PM by Heda.)
It was like a game of hide and seek. Daddy was always looking for the little golden princess. She preferred her little games with her new use of flight as an advantage to hide in higher places, and to play about with passing by songbirds who were obviously not interested. So with a leap in the air, the wind cradling our sweet little Heda within the sky the girl chuckled to herself playfully as she soared overhead.
Seeking her fathers eyes, his attention, he was her daddy after all. Heda plays overhead amber eyes sifting through Tagia's forest in hope to catch a glimpse of the dappled stallion, hoping to catch his eye. To force a smile onto his velvet lips, as always.
But to her surprise she finds something, wait someone a bit more familiar to her eyes with her daddy. A small creature once apart of the lost children of Beqanna band, or the fairy worshipers, she couldn't quite remember it was ever so long ago.
So our little sunlight princess lands, it isn't quite as elegant as she hoped but its a landing, a rather clumsy one at that. She gallops up beside her daddy, brushing her navy blue tinged muzzle across his shoulder in a greeting. Her gaze meets his wounds covered in a thick layer of ice, and she becomes slightly alarmed by it, where were daddy's wings? Her safe place, her connection with him, her little "Hide out". Where did they go? They can't just vanish can they? How can he hold her? How can he keep her safe, all nice and snuggled up beside him? She trembles at the thought pressing herself tightly to him, as her cranium raises allowing her nostrils to flare at the layer of ice, as if to draw attention to the wounds briefly. With a worried glance at her father, Heda shares a glance at the little filly.
She can hardly recollect a name but she speaks it clearly, "Smidgen?" Her tone is questionable but definite. As she strides forward allowing her left navy tinged wing to expand fully in remembrance of their first meeting, when the little equine had appeared right under her wing in the meeting of the lost boys of Beqanna. A gentle smile forms on her lips, as she glances back at her father, feathered appendage still spread agape, as she flutters the other. "How have you been!?" She grows excited and with a little leap she bounds over to her father. "Can she stay?" She exclaims pulling out her puppy dog eyes, in a begging manner.
Go right ahead, laugh at the girl who loved too easily
The rustle of leaves was the tale-telling sign of a creature on their borders. And as always, the woman was watching, lurking, looking for friend or foe. Upon seeing her children show up, she smiles, watching Heda flutter about like a bird, and Ruan looking on, introducing himself to the small slip of a creature. She was little. The gray alpha was not sure that she had ever seen a horse so small—and she was a pony. And so, from her hiding place, the lichen pulls away from the trees and wraps around her, and she shrinks down, cherping and yapping away. Long prehensile tail, fingers and toes, and a fuzzy face—
--the marmoset skittered out of the bush, her bright beady eyes looking up as she jerkily shook her head from one creature to another. Grabbing and climbing up Ruan’s leg, the small grey monkey sat on his face, before she grabbed on, placed a distinct kiss between his eyes, and then stood up and walked on two hind legs, before jumping onto Smidgen’s back. She landed squarely on her poll, pulling on the girl’s ears and hair, before looking down and peering directly into her eyes.
“You are the smallest horse I have ever seen” it says, churping and yapping the way monkeys do. Heda flutters around, begging Ruan to let the small girl stay as if she were begging her father for a puppy. Ironically, she kind of was. Reagan the marmoset hops up onto Smidgey’s nose, and standing up and fluffing up her face, looks towards Ruan and Heda, her tongue flapping out of her tiny mouth. “If she wants to stay, I don’t see why not.
Her voice- small, feminine and musical- carries far in this place, seeming to bounce off the trees and echoes a bit. This amuses her and she contemplates doing it again. But then she remembers there are people here somewhere and she would not want them to think she rushes them and find her to be rude. A good first impression on this day is a huge must for our tiny girl. So, she waits- quietly but so, so very eager. Her heart dances with excitement on the eve of making new friends, and standing still and patient becomes one of the hardest challenges. She fidgets, unable to help herself, either by shifting her weight from hoof to hoof or swishing her long silvery tail.
After several moments, her fuzzy lil ears catch the rustling of hooves through the grass and her leaked blue eyes dart to the sound. A huge smile lights up her face as a stallion approaches her. He's tall and black with a blanket over his haunches with the coolest purple spots (purple like one of her great friends, Bowie!). Oh and those wings he wears are truly a sight to see. But they aren't anything like the wings she's used to seeing. These don't flutter with life, but are completely still and molded to his form. The patterns are amazing, intricate and sharply beautiful, reflecting the sunlight within the designs. Preeetty, but cold-looking. Hm, she wonders how he keeps himself warm of he wears those all the time.
Smidgen bounces a little as he greets her and asks if she's looking for someone and then introduces himself. "Ruan. That's a good name! Hi!! Yes, I suppose I am looking for someone. Or someoneS!" She giggles at her little joke, tossing her head to shift her forelock over to one side. Always looking up, she is quick to notice the beauty in the sky approaching them from above. Her eyes go wide- or wider, if that were possible- and her mouth falls open as the golden girl makes her descent from the air. Smidgen recognizes her instantly, with her dark blue hair and matching stockings and wiiings. (Man, she knows a lot of people with wings, those luckies). She snaps her mouth shut as the girl joins her and Ruan and runs her muzzle across his shoulder. Aww, sweet. This must be her daddy or something. But then Heda steps toward her and extends the same navy wing Smidgen had stood under alllll those months ago. "Heda!" She beams as the other remembers her and plucks her name from her memory. "Yep! It's me! Don't think I've changed much, but you got taller!!" She remarks with a soft laugh at her quip at herself. She probably has grown a little, not quite as tiny as the younger version of herself had been, but still always small. Forever and ever.
She is about to answer her other question as the girl gets all excited and then leaps and bounds back to Ruan, and if horses could blush then certainly a little rosiness would be coloring Smidge's cheeks when Heda asks him if she can stay. She ducks her head and giggles, but then her attention is jerked suddenly toward a fuzzy little creature who comes running from the brush and climbs aboard the stallion. Smidge tilts her head curiously, as Ruan doesn't seem the least bit concerned by it. Not even when it plants itself on his face! She can't keep her laughter when it smooches him on the forehead and then leaps onto her back.
Startled, she gasps and spins in a circle trying to see the creature, but then it's on her head and tugs on her tiny ears and a bit on her hair. Snickering, she goes cross-eyed trying to look at it when it looks her in the eyes. Her, she realizes, once she speaks. "R-Really?" She asks in response to the comment on her size, but is truly more surprised and perplexed by who and what this critter is. She's not bothered, of course! Smidge is happy to have a friend in any shape or form. And this, whatever she is, is no exception. She tries to remain still and hold her head straight as the she-critter moves to her nose and fluffy her flat lil face. "If she wants to stay, I don't see why not." At that, Smidge smiles again, liking the warm and fuzzies she is feeling. "Who are you?" She asks softly. A loaded question. Directed at the monkey thing, but also to them all. Seeing as how she has just arrived here for the first time and doesn't know that this stallion and the critter perched on her nose are the rulers of this land.
Heda fell in a clumsy landing and immediately came to his side, brushing her little nose against his shoulder. He reached for her too, blowing sweet breaths on her golden cheek with a smile. She kept at a short distance, noting his scars beneath the faux frosted wings. His blood chilled at her dismay, hating that she had to see the warm shelter of his wings were gone. But he kept the ice wings in place, holding to at least that much semblance of before.
He stiffened a moment as something crawled up his legs, but quickly relaxed at her familiar scent. The Reagan-creature clambered to his face and kissed him, and he chuckled, stretching his neck out toward Smidge and angling his face. She walked on two legs before leaping to Smidgen's head and playing with her hair. "You are the smallest horse I have ever seen."
Heda grew excited at his side, recognizing the small girl, it seemed, and looked back to him. "Can she stay?" she asked, pleaded, and there was so much joy and excitement in her bright eyes. He smiled warmly, burying his nose in her left wing and playfully ruffling her feathers. He pulled away with a light nip to her shoulder.
Of course. If she would like to stay, she is welcomed here. Sharp, blue gaze shifted to little Smidgen, wondering if she would find happiness in their family. Will you stay in the Taiga with us, Smidgen?