![](http://i.imgur.com/eEfAyrp.jpg) V A K A R I A N i'd rather be a riot than indifferent She is quiet as she picks her way through the delicate shrubbery as though they are poisoned thorns. The bay does not want to disrupt the forest as it has seemed to existed forever without the presence of the young mare. Her dark eyes are fleeting and observant as she watches the squirrels and deer carry on.
Without her armor, she is immortal. That should have been a consolidation...a comfort. Something switched in Vakarian when the reckoning swallowed them up and spat them out. She was left mangled emotionally, meek where she once was loud. What had broken? The steely features so not change as they hide behind the porcelain doll's mask. Vaka gives her head a hard shake as the thoughts began to overwhelm her and she needed to be rid of them.
(you need a distraction)
the words are whispered sweetly in her head. Vaka absentmindedly nods in agreement. It felt good to feel a cool mist of morning dew tangling in her mane. The sisters seemed to be enamored by their love for the Jungle that no longer existed. Vaka needed to be away from the sharp tongues and flashing teeth. The ugly looks and cutting words. She can feel herself breath in the forest with clean lungs and hopeful eyes. Beqanna had been abused enough. Vaka only wished there was a away for the jaded eyes of the unforgiving women to see the vastness of their new home, the potential that they had been blessed with. covet and azula's diamond armored daughter
She keeps finding them everywhere but the shoreline.
Djinni recognizes the bay mare from their exceedingly brief meeting beside the water.
"Vakarian?" she says as she comes closer, peering through the shadowy undergrowth until she is sure that it is the Nerinian mare. Djinni had found Nayl in the forest not terribly long ago; it seems they all are looking for some sort of respite from the coast.
Djinni is not, of course; she wanders only for her own pleasure.
"Tired of the salt air already?" She asks with a teasing smile, her expression open and friendly.
genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
![](http://i.imgur.com/eEfAyrp.jpg) V A K A R I A N i'd rather be a riot than indifferent Vakarian is not sure why her puzzle piece edges just do not seem to fit in with the rest. Perhaps it is because she is not one of the 'original' sisters. Perhaps it is because she does not have jungle blood coursing in her veins. Vaka can not simply put her thumb on it.
Dark eyes catch a familiar sight wafting through the tangles of the forest but it brings a smile to her face (perhaps the first of it's kind since the Reckoning). The mare of mist and storm clouds calls to her with the gentlest of tones, the softest of eyes. Vaka can not help but return with one of her own grins. "Djinni." The tones are soft after she moves to close the space between them as the darkness of her muzzle is extended to greet to the familiar face.
"It's not the salt air for I feel the sea beckons me but-" she hesitates as her gaze flickers away like a flash of heat lightening. "I just don't feel like one of them." The confession comes forward almost too quickly and it steals her breath long before she is able to trap the words between gritted teeth. Vaka had feared that she would be ashamed but instead she feels lifted from the burden keeping her silence. "And you Djinni? Still on your way around the mountain?" Vaka finds herself genuinely interested in the tinkling words. This woman was her own mistress and Vaka admired that in the other. Curiosity and hope brim in the depths of her amber eye as she awaits the others reply. covet and azula's diamond armored daughter
Djinni's bloodline is bluer than the ocean itself, but she has no ties to the Jungle. Far back in her lineage, one small grey pony had pledged herself to the Amazons. Since then, the Dale, the Chamber, and the Deserts have seeped far deeper into her heritage than that particular mare might have wanted. Djinni had never felt drawn to the Jungle, at least not the way she is drawn to the shoreline.
She does not miss it the way that so many members of the Sisterhood seems to; she cannot imagine longing fora place when it is to the women - and not the land - that they had pledged themselves.
The grey mare is glad when Vakarian reacts in a matching manner, and she presses her small black muzzle to the other's cheek in a friendly manner, She has always been overtly physically affectionate. It is the best way to gauge others; even if thier eyes and lips lie, they are rarely able to keep it entirely contained.
When the bay mare admits to not feeling like 'one of them', Djinni doesn't react with anything more than a nod. She understands. "Beqanna is new again, but hard feelings are not so easily washed away by the sea," She says. It is not hard to miss the way that some of the women with longer ties to the Sisterhood have friction between them. It is unfortunate that their queen seems to be one of them, but Djinni doesn't feel that immediately spells doom for the coastal Nerine,
She mentions the Mountain, and a wry smile appears on the grullo mare's dark face. "I think I'd rather jump into the sea than climb that mountain again," she says, gesturing toward the distant ocean. "What was taken from me was not Beqanna's to rescind." She had meant to sound lighthearted, but the theft of her very self is not something that is so easily concealed.
"What about you, Vakarian, Did you lose anything on the Mountain?"
genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
10-09-2016, 09:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2016, 03:48 PM by Vakarian.)
![](http://i.imgur.com/eEfAyrp.jpg) V A K A R I A N i'd rather be a riot than indifferent The physical contact from the gray mare is not startling but welcomed. How long had it been since Vakarian had been touched? Not in a perverted sense but to reach out and actually feel another. A smile responds without thought as she listens to the wise woman.
Lobes are forward and curious as she listens. Djinni mentions how the past is not so easily washed away and The dark eyes of Vaka widen noticeably. "That is what I have been saying." The words are
spoken in a harsh whisper as it feels like the granite mare is reading her mind. Vaka's largest fear for Nerine was they they would squabble and peck at one another and not remember or give thanks for their home. Vaka was scared they would repeat themselves if no one acknowledged the gifts given to them by the faeries.
A soft sigh exits her lift as her gaze flicks away but it returns with a smile when Djinni makes her exclamation of jumping in the sea than climbing the mountain again. Vaka had made the journey previously and laughs as she remembers her own tribulations. "I did, Djinni. My diamond armor was taken back." Vaka peaks matter-of-factually while unknowingly straightening herself in response to the vulnerability she felt from her lake of armor.
"Where do you come from, Djinni?" The question could be interpreted as rude but there is nothing but curiosity in the dark eyes of the bay woman. The delicate gray was so much different than any other horse Vaka had met and she hoped that the other would indulge her in a little conversation. One could benefit from a little chat outside their homeland. covet and azula's diamond armored daughter
They seems divided - the Old Sisterhood and the New.
Djinni had hoped for a fresh start ,something novel and wonderful and glorious..but they have fallen into old habits and patterns of behavior.
The familiar is comforting, but it lacks the thrill of novelty that must exist to keep the grullo mare entertained.
Perhaps they would do best to splinter after all; those who desire a governed realm, and those who wish only to live in harmony beside the sea. The Nerinians and the Xanthans. It's an appealing thought, one which the grullo mare has little time to consider, for Vakarian is asking a question and it would be far too rude to ignore her.
"I was born in the Desert," she replies truthfully, "though I didn't stay there long past childhood." The question would be easy enough to turn around, to parrot back and discover where Vakarian hailed from, but Djinni suspects she will offer that on her own, and she is far more intrigued by her own previous thoughts.
"What drew you to the Sisterhood?" She asks instead.
genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
10-14-2016, 03:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2016, 03:49 PM by Vakarian.)
![](http://i.imgur.com/eEfAyrp.jpg) V A K A R I A N i'd rather be a riot than indifferent The cinnamon woman watches the gray with bright and curious eyes. It had seemed so long since Vaka had met another interested in simple conversation. So many horses had expelled so much energy in the race to carve out a home. So many spent too much precious breath on talking and not enough listening. It was maddening at times for the bay woman. yes, she was gifted with a trait. Her armor made her unique and different but it would come in time...when Beqanna desired her to have it. In the mean time, Vaka learned to survive without it.
The woman that Djinni offer are few and fleeting but they answer the inquiry in a perfectly shaped package. Vaka finds herself enjoying the others company and the simplistic nature of their conversation. There are no hard looks or nasty tongues like in Nerine and this time and in this space with Djinni was simply refreshing.
The dark eyes soften as she smiles as she begins to relax visibly. "Well I believe it is because I had nowhere else to go." The words flutter from the tip of her tongue as a bit of shy embarrassment replaces the look of comfort. Vaka shifts slightly from one hoof to the other in response to her feelings with a small laugh. "Simple as that I suppose, Djinni." Her gaze rests on the other with a slightly sheepish grin. "And you, my friend?" The question is of course the most natural thing to say. It would be nice to get past formalities eventually. As the words are offered, Vaka looks to the gold bands on the mare's feet ankles with interest before perking up with- "and those? How did you get those?" A wide grin of curiosity brightens her features. They were the prettiest things she had ever seen. covet and azula's diamond armored daughter
Djinni doesn't dislike any of the sisters, but she is finding the sisterhood itself to be trying. The lot of them bicker worse than family, and Djinni cannot blame them., A few of the ideas tossed around struck her as foolish and impossible to execute, but she knows that they are a fledgling realm. They have time to grow, to learn, and to advance. She's not ready to give up on them yet.
"I liked the seashore," she says with an easy grin. They've both admitted that their reasons for joining the Sisterhood were not even remotely similar to those given in the spiel to potential recruits. There is something freeing in that, something wholesome in admitting that it is not blood or love or sisterhood that brought them to the land by the sea.
The dun mare looks down at her ankles when Vakarian asks about her jangling chains. "Payment for services rendered," she replies simply, knowing that its not quite the answer that Vakarian was looking for. She's revealed her color changing to Lagertha, but beyond that has kept her capabilities a mystery. She'llh never reveal herself entirely, but she supposes that there is no harm letting someone else in on that bit of her identity.
"I think they match better this way," She adds, changing in the blind of an eye from a smokey grullo to a brilliant palomino.
genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster