06-10-2015, 01:40 AM

Jason lays out his plan, and it takes her a moment to understand what he’s saying. “You can what?” But the stallion is already lowering his head to the thick mud. Before her eye, the mud dries, turning from mud into loose, dry earth. Her jaw threatens to drop, but she keeps it firmly cemented to the roof of her mouth. She had been so fascinated to see her ‘first’ mythical in the field the other day … apparently there’d been one under her nose the whole time! She wants to ask him about it, wants to know more, but Voudou’s safety is far more important at the moment. She turns to look at the mare, about to ask if she needs any assistance, but the mare is already inching her leg out of the dirt. Within moments it’s free, and the mare is testing it out. Unfortunately it appears they’re not quite out of the woods yet. The moment Voudou’s hoof brushes the ground, the mare lets out a loud gasp. “You’re hurt!” She takes a step forward, but dares not get to close lest she offend the mare. “Do you think it’s broken? Or is it a muscle?” She rather hopes it’s the latter. They would have no luck of getting her out of here with a broken bone, unless of course Jason’s abilities extend beyond drying out mud. She spares the stallion a sidelong glance, before returning her attentions to the injured mare.
Voudou asks after shelter and Fiasko agrees that it’s probably the best course of action right now. They need to find a place for the mare to rest and hopefully recover. Then, well … Fiasko hopes she stays, but she would never force someone to live in the Gates. “The Mother Tree would seem the most comfortable place, but it’s a long way off now …” Her head cocks to the side as she thinks. She knows the kingdom quite well, having spent all of her childhood disappearing into the Gates’ many hiding places. Ah! She remembers this part of the bank! “There’s a little cave close by here. Do you think you’d be able to walk?”
i'm still waiting for the world to end