"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Sabe was fully pregnant, her stomach large, her ankles swollen to the point it was painful to walk. This truly only made her temper short, easier for her to lash out, this caused her to go into hiding, so she wouldn't run into anyone. She found a nice smaller barrier, it was a circle large enough for three maybe four full grown horses to group together comfortably. It was enclosed by pine trees, a golden ground from the pine needles that dropped off during the fall and winter and had now died. The trees were a bright green and the pine smell was strong during the spring, it reminded her of the first time she came here with Chemdog. She was the mare he claimed the herd lands with, he recruited many more but she grew more confident that he truly enjoyed her company, just as she grew to enjoy his. He was fun to 'play' with after all.
She had been uncomfortable for a few days, on and off cramping. But today, today had been extremely painful, the cramping was more consistent and growing stronger after every few contractions. She paced around in the opening for a couple of hours before she forced herself to lay down, the contractions grew to strong for her to bare. Eventually it came natural for her to begin pushing. This was her first foal and she was not fully sure of what to expect, or if what she was doing was correct. The pain grew stronger and an anxious whinny escaped from her; she continued to push.
and than there she was....
A bay foal layed on the ground beside her, a gorgeous dark bay with a black stripe down her back, one like Sabe's. She smiled at the foal moving her face closer only to realize it was a filly. Her ears pricked back slowly oh great a filly she snorted out loud, this filly would grow to a mare, the gender she couldn't stand to be around. She wanted to be angry with the filly, but for whatever reason her heart throbbed and she couldn't. Her ears moved forward to lay in a normal position, she extended her neck to groom and nuzzle the filly Hello Ruri she whispered out loud as she groomed the filly.
06-05-2016, 07:08 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2016, 07:08 AM by Chemdog.)
Lately the speckled draft has not been in the highest of spirits – his forest had to go. He has to move now to a new place, a different place. He'll have to escort his women [unless of course they wanted no escort] to the east to nestle just below the Tundra. He's done a little recon and former home of Lupei, among the smoldering ash and crystalline waters, is actually abundantly fertile. It's coastal grasses delightfully salty, the swamps teeming with life, water everywhere – even a few patches of hot-springs to soak sore muscles or clean the soot from your coat. It's forest is not like this one. It's ancient but there are only four or five behemoth sequoia instead of a whole stand of them. His new forest will be ash, oak, elm, maple and all of the like.
His contemplation of his new home ceases for a moment when his ears alert to something stirring in the distance. He can hear Sabé's soft voice cooing. Her huge belly had produced a living child, he had no doubts. His first born.
“Little Ruri.” His granite voice rumbles from behind the dun's ears, his teal eyes peering from behind his hair to look down at the bay foal. His lips find the ridge of her neck and play thoughtfully with a few black strands of her mane while he watches them together. “When she's up on her feet, we should get going out of here. We're moving, lass.” He watches her expression as the words fall onto the damp spring air. “We'll align with the Chamber, for strength. But we must move to the Volcanoes.” He then looks idly down to his child again and extends a rough black nose to sniff her gently.
Sabe was grooming Ruri when the sent of Chemdog ran through her nares, he must of smelled the awful scent of birthing and decided to make an appearance. she was cleaning the rust of the crud off Ruri when the stallion approached, he must have caught her talking outloud as he whispers the fillys name behind her ears. They moved about gently before resting back in position, she gazes as he meet his daughter for the first time, gently playing with her mane.
The filly layed clueless to the world, her eyes were still adjusting to the outside world. She figured the dun cleaning her had to have been her mother, it was almost an instinct that the filly knew it was her mother, why else would she be caring for her? Another equine approached, this time much darker and much bigger than her mother. He did not introduce himself, all he did was say Ruri, the same word her mother used. The larger horse played with her mane, tickling her really. She gave a whinny (which surprised her) she didn't even know her body could produce such noises. She threw her neck up to pull the stags forelock gently before he turned away to talk to her mother.
Sabe listened as the stallion declared they needed to move, now. she gave a snort, she just gave birth and moving across lands did not sound like something pleasant. This was her home, why did he want to leave? They claimed these lands together, she enjoyed the smell the pine trees gave off, the chamber had nothing to offer but soot. She gave a snort lifting herself off the ground, her body still sore from pushing out a living equine. Her neck lowered to the ground as she nudged the bay filly, encouraging her to her feet. Let us be on our way her tone was not pleasing, but she just did not want to move after birthing her first foal. He was the lead stallion, he made the decisions and she had to listen, she obeyed like a good mare and eye the only exit from her small enclosed circle; waiting for Chemdog to lead the way.