Show them the joy and the pain and the ending
She doesn't remember leaving Beqanna, but the return trip is one she will never forget. Just as she would never (could never) forget the occurrences in that strange, human land.
At first she is disoriented, teetering on unsteady legs as she tries to regain her bearings. She has been deposited in the Desert, the shifting sands familiar beneath her feet. Her body feels heavy and strange for a moment, her sight distorted, her roan and white skin free and weightless. But then she recalls everything, her memories realigning as the pieces click into place, forming a story she's not sure she wants to remember.
The ache of love and loss sits like a stone inside he chest, reminding her far too clearly of the life she had been forced to leave behind.
For a moment, grief threatens, clogging her throat, her lungs, bringing tears to her brilliantly blue eyes. But that terrible sadness quickly gives way to anger. A burning rage that settles in her gut and refuses to subside.
How dare they?
Lurching forward, she heads almost instinctively for the small oasis she and Illum had called their own. It is a place of comfort, one she sorely needs in that moment.
Without a second thought, she finds her brother's sight, so familiar in a sea of limitless visions, momentarily replacing what he sees with a vision of their oasis. It is her calling card, her way of letting him know that she needs him. That he should meet her there.
With that slow anger burning in her gut, she sprints across the desert, feet pounding the earth in a steady, satisfying rhythm even as her blue and white coat grows slick with sweat. In her unfocused inattention, she does not notice the things that fall away into dust in her wake; the red rock, the small, scrubby bush, the prickly pear, all erupting into nothingness as she passes.
i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts