"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
04-06-2016, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2016, 10:38 AM by Kimber.)
If it weren't for the idea of work and betterment of the kingdom, the dip dye mare would have gone insane at this point. Between losing her unrequited lovers, both of them - one in death, her children leaving and the other changes in Beqanna her mind had been busy. It's concerning to her that all other members of the Chamber's army have yet to call a meeting, to strategize or at the very least go over the war at hand. This would have been a time that she would have expected to see the black General on the horizon, calling out but it wouldn't happen today. It wouldn't happen any more days for as long as she lived but she doesn't allow it to become fact.
The Chamber brought new recruits each day and yet, the army didn't grow.
She is not very diplomatic but in recent weeks she has become a little less terrible at it so she decides to take it upon herself to call the meeting. Kimber is constantly on the line of thinking she's great and nothing at all - radiating confidence, to age-13-growing-boobs-confidence. She makes a straight line for the back corner of the Chamber, her hips sway to and fro as she nods to a few members in passing and keeps her eyes peeled for certain individuals. She would be looking for the bear, Lupei, Zayn and newcomers. There weren't many of them but you have to start somewhere. Once the blue mare reaches her destination, she faces the Chamber as a whole and can see the bigger picture. She can see grass beginning to push up, the air becomes less thick with ash each day, and the members less distraught. "All members of the Army or those interested in joining, the time is now," she says in proud voice, though she is certainly faking it until she makes it. Kimber had training, she had the heart of men twice her size but formalities and how to bring people together was not her strong suit. She felt like she drove people apart but it was a character flaw she wasn't willing to admit.
Pride is an asshole.
"I think it's time we discuss the war from a tactical standpoint, learn from mistakes and acknowledge good strategy but first we need to assess how many of us there are and become familiar with what strengths we possess as well as weaknesses," she says bluntly, her amber eyes stern - it felt natural now. "I'm Kimber, one of the Captain's," her tone is cocky but she knows that it's really anyone's opportunity but she didn't think fondly of answering to many people. Time would only tell how the cards unfold.
you can't love a cold-blooded woman
OOC: If you were a part of the war or even if you just want to play like a bystander, please mention anything you found helpful.
As soon as I get a count of who's here and interested, she'll explain what the next steps are in her smurf brain <3
As far as he’s concerned, they’re all on the same playing field. Lupei has never answered to a mare before, and he certainly won’t do it now. The only reason he remotely responds to that high-pitched annoyance is that he’s genuinely curious to see the creature that’s put his sister into such a dizzy spiral of anger. He’d never seen Dacia bitch so vehemently about another animate object the way he’s seen her bitch about Kimber. And that was putting it lightly. The siblings had tangled in the field, Dacia on her way out while Lupei had been making his way in. She’s been a maroon color, flashing every now and then with dazzling displays of black and orange on her hide while she’d relayed the entire five minutes of their interaction.
So Kimber thought he was an idiot? Well she could get in line with the rest of those Jungle witches. It hadn’t bothered him at the time and it bothered him less now. The opinions of women were less than a passing breeze to him, in one ear and out the other. He’d done his best to brush off his sister’s negative energy, softening her anger with the news of his sons. She’d been shocked, and it had derailed her from her rage train, so the two had talked about their dam for a few moments before splitting once more. He’d barely made it past the outer reaches of his home Kingdom before she’d sent up the invitation, so he’d sprang forward into a rhythmic canter in order to see his chamber equals.
Competition? There was none. Kimber could fall below or above him, neither mattered to the two-toned brute. His service was to the Chamber and to Killdare alone. If his King commanded him to listen to her, then so be it. But that command hasn’t come. He’s not Dacia though - he won’t let some puffed-up peacock ruffle his own feathers. If Kimber wanted to pretend she was in charge, fine, less worry on his shoulders. Lupei had plenty on his plate right now as it was. Turns out, the need for rushing was unnecessary. He’s first to show face, and so the bald oddity chuckles as he slides past the trees to slow to a halt directly in front of her. “Lupei, present and accounted for.” He adds, cheekily.
She mentions the war, and this is where his bright mood fades. Ah … of course. It’s not that the battle was a touchy subject, per se, it was more that he felt he’d have a hard time explaining it to those who weren’t with him the moment he’d acted so outrageously insane. Unfortunately, there hadn’t been another soul present, save for the raven that had been lit with his type of flame. It had been a clear and direct command, one he’d been all too eager to fulfill at the time. “Well, to be honest, I’ve not seen hide nor hair of anyone else in the army since my own Dam passed away. Killdare and Warship are the only others I’ve been familiar with.” He contemplates, the notion of both his dam and Warship striking a note somewhere deep within him that does not cross over his face.
“As far as strengths, I’m a shifter. Wolf. My other talent is white fire manipulation, if you haven’t heard.” He ends, chuckling gently before casting a soft glance in Kimber’s direction.
Arthas was not familiar with many of the horses in the kingdom and kept to himself for the most part. He was off by himself as he heard the mention of the army, which had he declared to be apart of. He was quick to make his way over to the sound, as he learned Kimber was talking. The blue mare he has run into quite often, along side her was a mint horse that he has never seen before. He gave a small dip of his head to the stallion before turning his attention to listen to the rest of the blue mares announcement. The stallion who introduced himself as Lupei began talking about his shape shifting that he could offer. Arthas had no powers like these horses, he heard about others with powers, other who were non traditional colors, but he has never seen them. Until now, now he lives with them. He was not here for the previous wars they held, but he hoped to be here for all the future wars, whatever position they desired him to hold.
The silver stallion felt useless to there army without powers but as he promised the king, would play his role. "I am Arthas, I don't have powers to offer, but I know how to fight" he said with a strong voice, not willing to back down. "I hope I can be of use to you in your future war plans" he gave his offering awaiting a response. Quickly glancing at the mint horse, before turning his gaze to the blue mare.
He arrives to the meeting on equine hooves, wanting to appear before the rest of the Chamber's small army in his natural state. Siberian is surprised that Kimber had called them together; wasn't it Killdare who was the general, the highest ranking of their military? But, perhaps their newly minted king was busy, and he had tasked her to do it in his stead. The Budyonny stallion nods to himself, thinking that this was a very likely idea and deciding to just go with that explanation. The land was beginning to recover from the effects of the war; the grass and other flora was beginning to regrow. This cheers the ebony stallion, since with the return of the vegetation he would be able to graze again instead of having to transform into his grizzly form and hunt every time he needed to quiet a fiercely growling stomach. He joins the small crowd, recognizing Lupei by sight though he doesn't know the green male very well, Kimber he already knew, more so than the wolf shifter, and he doesn't recognize the silver stallion, Arthas, at all.
He must be a new recruit. That is good. Their kingdom needed new members to help replace those who had fallen in battle so recently. Siberian dips his head in a greeting to the newcomer, wanting him to feel welcome. He listens to what Kimber says, but he's not sure how much he has to contribute. He was a part of the Chamber's military, yes, but still an inexperienced one. He has no real tactical knowledge to speak of. "Well, my name is Siberian, for those here who don't yet know me. Like Lupei, I am a shapeshifter, though grizzly bear instead of wolf. No magic fire though. " He scours his thoughts, trying to think of a contribution. "We may have been fewer in number than those who came against us in the recent war. But we were able to work together, first against Rapscallion when he came to the Tree's clearing and then again against the Dale stallion who made the Chamber into a second version of the Tundra, and I believe that teamwork is our strong point. "