"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
02-02-2016, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2016, 12:13 AM by Raelynx.)
I love the way that your heart breaks with every injustice and deadly fate.
He comes and goes as he pleases, teaching those who would learn, learning from those who would teach. She is there waiting. Always waiting. This pleases him to no end, but he bores easily. She is eager and apt, and that is, perhaps, why he grows bored and leaves. But inevitably, he returns. They are his favorites for a reason, those he keeps here to serve him and the iron god. They are such willing pupils.
He had been venturing far and wide, but he will always return to his home by the sea. And when he does, he seeks her out. She had been one of the very first, one of the most loyal. He wonders, briefly, if the child will still be there. No longer a child though, he supposes. She had grown, as they all do.
He wears his flame like a second skin, enjoying the warm caress of fire against his scarred flesh. It is nothing like the heat that had melted his skin and seared his bones, but it is a heady a reminder. A reminder the He is still out there, the dark god that had taught him so much.
He finds her easily enough, bland gray gaze settling upon her. He slips easily alongside her, muzzle briefly caressing the skin of her neck, his fire licking against her. His very own brand of greeting.
khaos x eyrie
html c insane | picture c naelii.deviantart.com
So I figured that we should restart them since so much time has passed and Blazed has grown up.
02-03-2016, 03:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 09:26 AM by Blazed.
Edit Reason: Insane
Alright! I can't believe she is an adult already.. wow.
Usually, it was just my poor, scarred mother trying to bring it out in me. Sure, I nibbled here and there, but never as malicious as Khaos' blood in me wanted. I was caring, but only in how much pain I inflicted upon the other foals. My mother would bite my rump, ear, leg, anywhere usual in a fight, but I only cared if it was truly malicious. Otherwise, I would just nip half heartedly back at an ear, a tail, a leg maybe, sometimes a kick as well to do the job.
But here was my father, Raelnyx, who was the reason I knew the love of pain in my blood, the reason my mother taught me - or at least attempted to - so often. Khaos. The name resounded in my blood strong, pure, clearly ringing out louder than my own thoughts. "Raelnyx." I say in a rather male voice, an obvious hint that I was like my father, and a gravelly voice, not something your average, 'normal' mare could achieve easily. But I was unlike the 'normal' ones, and even though I didn't have magic, I had Khaos in my blood. The iron one.
Walking up to my father, I bite his neck harshly, and the horses around us shudder in response and tuck their foals away. My mother walks towards me, but I ignore her and focus on my fatherand let go slowly, embracing the slight burning in my mouth. "It has been a while since we met. My eye is still blind, but I am strong and taught of pain." I say briskly, my voice still deep and gravelly, and nip his back, and my mother tries to stop me. I spin around and get my face close to hers, snapping my teeth as I do so, and say gravelly and harshly "Why?" with a snap at her ear. She flinches, and I laugh. "Isn't this what you were trying to teach me?" I say, still laughing harshly, gravelly, and soon the nearby horses have walked away.
03-11-2016, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2016, 06:47 PM by Blazed.)
I lay there, alongside the foal next to me, finely formed and with no mistakes visible in view. She did not inherit my blind eye, I saw, and neighed quietly her name.
"Hello, Blazing Sunfall. Welcome into this world." I say, murmuring, hoping Sunfall wouldn't ask about her father, a fling I had with a greying stallion. Her coat, right now, was pure black, blacker than a shadow at midnight of a new moon's night, but would eventually be the silvery moon's color with black base.
"Momma? Where's da?" Sunfall asks, the question I dreaded answering, and simply said back, "He's not here, Sunfall. He never will be." It hurt her, I knew, but it was honest, and it was blunt truth.