01-25-2016, 11:40 PM
A shiver ran down his spine as the chilly winter wind blew through the forest. Bony fingers reached toward the darkening sky, creaking as the gusts intensified. The colt's drab mousey coat matched the drab trees and cloudy sky. He clamped his tail and started forward purposefully in hopes of finding an open place to spend the night.
In his mind he could picture the herd, his family, huddled together with their tails to the wind. His mother gingerly grooming his mane and his father, tall and erect, watching over them. The thought made him miserable, both because he missed the warmth and also the feeling of comfort and security. Oh well, this was what he wanted, to be free.
An eerie chorus of wolves suddenly sounded from the mountains behind. He stood still and pricked his ears, astounded by the closeness of the howls. Spooked, he trotted on, flaring his nostrils. Ahead there was a bluff so he sped up in excitement, wondering what could be on the other side.
In his mind he could picture the herd, his family, huddled together with their tails to the wind. His mother gingerly grooming his mane and his father, tall and erect, watching over them. The thought made him miserable, both because he missed the warmth and also the feeling of comfort and security. Oh well, this was what he wanted, to be free.
An eerie chorus of wolves suddenly sounded from the mountains behind. He stood still and pricked his ears, astounded by the closeness of the howls. Spooked, he trotted on, flaring his nostrils. Ahead there was a bluff so he sped up in excitement, wondering what could be on the other side.